(35 KB) Pobierz
{59}{118}I'm getting married, and|I don't wanna screw it up,
{124}{210}'cause enough of those screwups,|and you just end up alone.
{214}{256}Gaby discovered that old flames...
{260}{292}Yeah, that can happen.
{298}{328}Can leave embers.
{361}{413}Do you at least know why he steals?
{416}{487}I steal to hurt you. Bree's tortured marriage...
{493}{533}I'm not your wife anymore,|Orson. I'm your captive.
{536}{593}Don't you feel any remorse at all over that?
{595}{657}Guilt is a small price to pay for happiness.
{664}{713}Led her into an affair with Karl.
{741}{769}What happened to the good girl?
{770}{823}She decided guilt's a small|price to pay for happiness.
{839}{895}Lynette revealed a closely guarded secret.
{899}{931}No one else can know about this.
{950}{992}I'm pregnant.
{996}{1021}You are?
{1039}{1071}Something's happened to Julie.
{1075}{1111}And when a crime was committed...
{1133}{1177}How does a fish get caught? He opens his mouth.
{1194}{1235}A suspect emerged.
{1478}{1517}There's a certain kind of woman
{1519}{1552}you see in the suburbs.
{1592}{1663}She waits for the school bus in her bathrobe.
{1701}{1787}She stops by the post office|with curlers in her hair.
{1844}{1929}She goes to the market in|sweatpants and a t-shirt.
{1963}{2020}This woman is a housewife,
{2023}{2089}and she doesn't bother trying to be beautiful
{2154}{2189}it's a waste of time.
{2211}{2253}I was trying to hit Celia.
{2255}{2297}Well, get better aim!
{2316}{2353}Ana, help me clean this mess.
{2406}{2445}Don't up your volume on me.
{2448}{2502}Juanita, finish those vegetables.
{2504}{2538}Don't make me count to three.
{2580}{2649}Oh, don't give me that look,|you sawed off little...
{2761}{2784}Oh, my God.
{2788}{2818}John. Hi.
{2820}{2881}Wow. What a surprise.
{2900}{2929}I was so busy back in the kitchen
{2931}{2966}I didn't even know you guys were here.
{2969}{3032}How are you? Well, I'm usually better
{3035}{3082}when I don't have creamed spinach all over me.
{3109}{3171}Uh, so... are you working here?
{3174}{3226}Hey, nothing wrong with waitin' tables.
{3249}{3279}Could you get us some more bread?
{3282}{3347}You know, maybe I could bring|you some dessert on the house.
{3350}{3427}I'll just go ask the owner. Oh, wait. That's me.
{3479}{3509}Honestly? You own this place?
{3512}{3581}I bought it with the money I|got in my divorce settlement.
{3607}{3646}Really? You're divorced?
{3649}{3703}Yep. Almost a year now.
{3721}{3778}Oh, my God. Are... are these your kids?
{3780}{3854}Yeah. This is Celia and Juanita,|and this is our niece Ana.
{3935}{3987}I can see the family resemblance.
{3992}{4023}She's my niece.
{4075}{4133}It must've been a windy day when|the apple fell from that tree.
{4217}{4275}Well, it was... it was great seeing you again.
{4294}{4324}You, too.
{4357}{4394}Still don't see any bread here.
{4453}{4489}I'll be right back.
{4560}{4577}there's a certain kind
{4579}{4644}of woman you only meet in the suburbs.
{4669}{4719}She will try to look beautiful
{4723}{4813}if she has someone to look beautiful for.
{5168}{5201}On this street,
{5204}{5260}the day begins with a cup of coffee.
{5282}{5331}Most need it to wake up.
{5384}{5445}Some can't read their morning paper without it.
{5485}{5554}A few like to drink it on their way to work.
{5591}{5622}Then there are those
{5624}{5682}who just want something to hold in their hands
{5685}{5738}while they discuss the neighbors.
{5741}{5782}Well, Danny had me fooled.
{5784}{5819}He seemed like a pretty nice kid.
{5821}{5861}Yeah, except for the strangling.
{5905}{5994}Sorry. Oh, it's okay. I'm|just happy that Julie's safe
{5997}{6034}and they caught the guy.
{6102}{6147}Uh, Susan.
{6480}{6494}Go inside.
{6511}{6535}Go inside.
{6580}{6654}Hey, Susan. I'm confused. The... the last I heard,
{6656}{6730}the police had Danny Bolen in custody.|Danny was never under arrest.
{6732}{6761}The police were questioning him,
{6762}{6832}but they had no grounds to hold him.|Okay, that sounds like his lawyer talking.
{6833}{6889}Are you his lawyer? Susan, you|know how much I love Julie,
{6890}{6936}but they have no evidence against this kid,
{6938}{7033}and I couldn't just let him sit there. If he|didn't do it, why would need to fake his alibi?
{7035}{7107}Because he's a kid and he was scared.|Angie, this is not a good idea.
{7109}{7161}I... I just gotta say this. Susan, please.
{7162}{7201}I can't even imagine what|you've been going through.
{7252}{7323}I am begging you, as my friend and neighbor,
{7325}{7367}don't defend him.
{7390}{7438}Susan, it's my job.
{7490}{7538}Then I don't know how you sleep at night.
{7561}{7586}Susan, wait.
{7589}{7632}Come on. Can... can we|please just talk about this?
{7634}{7672}We can go inside, just the two of us.
{7730}{7757}You wanna talk about this?
{7758}{7818}Let's do it out here in the open. Hey, everybody!
{7856}{7912}Her son tried to kill my daughter.
{7914}{7994}And while he's here, nobody|on this street is safe.
{8251}{8280}What is this?
{8283}{8324}Bacon and cheese burrito.
{8360}{8420}You couldn't find any|croissants or pain au chocolat?
{8423}{8476}Sweetie, we're at a motor lodge on the interstate.
{8478}{8515}I was lucky to find a burrito.
{8518}{8580}People always talk about the|moral hazards of cheating.
{8581}{8618}No one warns you about the food.
{8736}{8789}Mmm. Mmm.
{8791}{8861}So you want me to book this place for|tomorrow? Mm, sorry, I have an event.
{8896}{8936}Oh, wait. You know, I think I do, too.
{8962}{9034}How's this then? We'll go|to Vegas for the weekend?
{9037}{9074}Las Vegas?
{9077}{9104}Why not?
{9107}{9139}I'll lose my shirt in the casino,
{9142}{9188}and then we'll head upstairs,|and you can lose yours.
{9236}{9299}I can't disappear for a whole weekend.
{9301}{9356}My husband would notice.|Say you're visiting family.
{9442}{9526}I'm sorry, but I don't see|us having romantic getaways.
{9607}{9626}That's the sort of thing
{9629}{9680}a woman does with a man she's in love with.
{9773}{9827}And we don't have those|kinds of feelings. I get it.
{9830}{9868}But you are a delightful diversion.
{9870}{9918}And in order to keep things delightful,
{9919}{9940}I think it's best
{9941}{9993}we not put unreasonable demands on each other.
{10014}{10048}Okay. Fine.
{10144}{10191}You could've said, "pass the sugar."
{10230}{10266}I didn't want to make a demand.
{10342}{10393}So... I know you guys have been concerned
{10397}{10435}'cause I've been so sick in the mornings.
{10437}{10488}Well, I wanted to let you know why.
{10525}{10561}I'm pregnant with twins.
{10695}{10773}Well, now that the celebration's|over, any questions?
{10777}{10857}Yeah. Aren't you gonna be,|like, the world's oldest mom?
{10869}{10936}No. There's a woman in Mongolia who's got me beat.
{10946}{10983}Any other questions?
{10985}{11017}I have more of a statement.
{11077}{11140}You two are so irresponsible.
{11142}{11188}You should've been using birth control.
{11242}{11270}You're in college.
{11271}{11322}Do you know what the odds|are now that you'll graduate?
{11323}{11358}Like, zero.
{11382}{11444}You... you have a new job,|one that you'll have to quit
{11446}{11499}Once the baby comes. So I hope you're both happy.
{11501}{11529}You've just destroyed your futures
{11531}{11577}for a few minutes of pleasure.
{11672}{11751}Not to mention, it's so|gross you're still doing it.
{11875}{11946}Penny, you're excited about this, right?
{11948}{12006}Yeah, getting two little babies to play with.
{12008}{12090}If they're boys, I'm outta here.
{12259}{12282}You have to understand,
{12283}{12316}even though they've released Danny,
{12323}{12358}it doesn't mean he's not still a suspect.
{12367}{12395}So what do we do?
{12401}{12455}Well, the police are gonna start|digging into your background,
{12472}{12514}so I need to know what they're gonna find.
{12529}{12569}You're from New York, right?
{12636}{12687}But instead of wasting your|time poking around in the past,
{12706}{12742}you just need to back up Danny's story.
{12744}{12812}Right, just check out the liquor|stores, see if anyone saw him. I will,
{12814}{12861}but the police are gonna talk to|people in your old neighborhood,
{12863}{12920}see if he's got any run-ins|with the law, with girls.
{12953}{13014}Is there anything I need to know, Danny? Nope.
{13033}{13064}Not a thing.
{13152}{13218}Okay... but I still need to establish character.
{13220}{13298}So I'll need to get in touch|with some old teachers, friends.
{13301}{13344}Nah, you don't need to do all that.
{13409}{13445}Look, what are we doing here?
{13465}{13517}I can't defend a client I know nothing about.
{13520}{13569}Why can't you answer just a few simple questions?
{13571}{13652}You wanna know why? Because|this family has secrets! Danny.
{13657}{13703}Big dark secrets that we can't talk about,
{13705}{13737}not even to our lawyer.
{13739}{13826}You know, who cares if it makes me look|guilty, even if I'm not? Knock it off!
{13970}{14019}This conversation was privileged, right?
{14235}{14260}So I don't know if you heard,
{14262}{14331}but this morning the police released Danny Bolen.
{14334}{14389}I heard. You must be worried sick. I am.
{14391}{14470}Clearly, he's unstable. Who|knows what he might do next?
{14473}{14520}So what are we gonna do about it?
{14534}{14590}You ever hear about that old man on Maple Drive?
{14616}{14674}People found out he used to be|an accountant for the Nazis,
{14676}{14733}and they threw garbage all over his yard.
{14737}{14782}That's right. And he moved.
{14790}{14815}But then it was bought
{14816}{14870}by some ex-hippie who painted the house pink,...
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