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Version history of HxD

Below you find a list with the added features, changes and fixes for
each version.


- Fix: Saving files when HxD is closing effectivly works only for the file in
       the active window.
- Fix: If BytesPerRow is larger than a certain amount, characters in the hex
       editor overlap.
- Fix: Opening "My Network Places" in any open or save file dialog could crash
       HxD, depending on the Windows version. This was due to neutral language
       identifiers in the VersionInfo which the OS does not generally support.


- Enhancement: Backup files are now created such that all meta-data associated
               to a file, like alternate data streams, file attributes or time
               stamps, is preserved.
               Also instead of replacing the file extension with .bak, now .bak
               is appended thus preserving the file extension.
- Enhancement: RAM-Editor detects when a process was terminated and refreshes
               the display to show only one folded region that encompasses
               the whole range from 0x0 to 0xFFFFFFFF.
               This fixes also issues that appeared when a process was still
               opened in the RAM-Editor after being terminated.
- Enhancement: The change log displayed in the Update-Checker window is now
               formatted with indentations, bullet lists and makes links
- Change: The file-dialog of the file-shredder no longer dereferences links to
          prevent you from accidentally shredding the link-target when you
          really meant to shredder the link itself.
          (Confusing it the other way round is less of a problem, since a link
          can be easily recreated). Additionally this change now enables you to
          delete links, which wasn't possible before.
- Fix: When copying to the clipboard two times an error message appeared.
- Fix: An access violation error could occur when pasting text and the Windows
       clipboard contained special formats.
- Fix: The offset edit-box of the Goto-window wasn't always selected when the
       Goto-window popped up.
- tweaking of minor details and internal functions


- Fix: Function for concatenating files produced bogus results.
- Fix: Setting byte group size did not always correctly update the bytes per row
       setting and thus caused drawing errors.
- Fix: File change monitoring for drives that don't support file change
       notifications: after the first external file change the monitoring
       stopped working.
- Fix: Statistics did not paint correctly when Themes were disabled
- Fix: Insert bytes/Fill selection: under certain conditions the fill-pattern
       wasn't used for the entire section that should have been filled.
- Fix: Some functions not supported by Windows 95 prevented HxD from running
       under Windows 95.
- Fix: In uncommon cases the hard disk editor computed the wrong disk size.
- Minor tweaks.


- New feature: VB.NET and C# exporter
- Enhancement: Files stored on a drive that doesn't support file change
               notifications (e.g. Novell NetDrive) are now monitored for file
               changes using a timer.
- Minor enhancement: Compare dialog is now resizable.
- Minor enhancement: New shortcuts: Shift+Insert to Paste, Ctrl+Insert to Copy
                                    and Shift+Delete to Cut
- Minor enhancement: HTML-exporter now creates a central CSS in the head-section
                     instead of adding inline styles on each tag. This change
                     allows to easily adapt the formatting.
- Minor enhancement: Statistics use user code page to display characters and
                     doesn't try to display unprintable characters.
- Fix: Several issues with the open and save dialogs, were files were not found
       or the wrong files were opened under certain circumstances.
- Fix: Opening a file using the command line didn't work with relative
       filenames (relative to the working directory) and multiple instances.
- Fix: File-shredder asked to confirm the deletion of only one file, even if
       several files were selected.
- Fix: When a file was changed externally and HxD was closed and thereby
       reactivated, MessageBoxes kept coming up infinitely causing focus
- Fix: Under certain conditions two MessageBoxes were displayed when a file was
       changed, renamed or deleted.
- Several small fixes/enhancements.


- Minor enhancement: Java-exporter generates a byte-array instead of char-array.
- Minor enhancement: WindowState (Maximized/Normal/Minimized) can be set in
                     configuration separately from the window position.


- Enhancement: Opening files is now handled by a thread to allow newly opened
               instances to pass the command line parameters and close instantly
               without waiting for the main instance to react.

- Fix: Saving a newly created file displayed a superfluous error message (the
       file was saved correctly nevertheless).
- Fix: Portable edition: Opening files per command line before HxD.ini was
       created was rejected.
- Fix: For version the language files were not updated correctly which
       lead to some confusing messages/text to be displayed (sometimes the wrong
       message/text was used).


- Fix: An error message was shown when INI-file was not accessible on closing.
       Now the user can retry/cancel.


- New feature: File sharing has been greatly relaxed but is still safe.
               Great care was taken to lock and open files only as long as
               absolutely necessary, such that files can be opened
               simultaneously in HxD and in other applications. Only after the
               first edit in HxD (after saving the file is unlocked again) or
               while performing a read operation the file is held open and
               locked. A caching system is used to handle the case when another
               application locks the file and prohibits HxD to access it even in
               So HxD is safe and will not crash even if the file is deleted and
               guarantee that any changes can be written to the file correctly.
- New feature: Install program for HxD.
- New feature: The portable edition of HxD can be used on USB-sticks and similar
               removable devices and stores its configuration as an INI-file in
               the application directory instead of using the Registry.

- Enhancement: Entry of numerical values is more flexible.
               The strict validation is only done when exiting the edit field,
               but while entering the value only invalid characters are
               filtered. This allows e.g. to temporarily delete all the text as
               happens when doing a cut/copy & paste.
- Enhancement: The selection of the inactive column is now filled and looks like
               a translucent veil is put upon the data (it is less emphasized
               and thus there is still a clear distinction between the active
               and the inactive column). 
- Enhancement: The sector position is also visible in the hex edit window,
               similar to the offset-column.
- Enhancement: If a file cannot be opened, a retry/abort-dialog is presented.
               This is especially useful if a file cannot be accessed (locked by
               another program) or it is on a removable media that is not
- Enhancement: If the user hasn't administrator privileges, he/she is informed
               that these are required for the disk-editor.
- Enhancement: Mouse-selection works better with folded rows and doesn't produce
               flicker anymore.
- Enhancement: Next to the open-icon there is now an arrow to select the
               recently opened files.
- Enhancement: The handling of inaccessible section (as appear for example in
               the RAM-editor) was improved. Especially regarding the search and
               in general all operations that have to take special care of such

- Fix: Matches of a search pattern that overlap the internal search buffer end
       where not found.
- Fix: Accesses to the Registry did not work with restricted user accounts.
- Fix: Jumping to a bookmark (ctrl+0..9) correctly set the caret but didn't
       scroll it in the visible range.
- Fix: Issues with folded rows and bytes per row = 1: The mouse cursor only
       changed into an I-beam (Text mouse cursor) when over a hex or
       text-column, folded rows however where not correctly recognized.
- Fix: Opening non-existent file caused an access violation and drawing errors
       of the MDI child windows.
- Fix: Caret position was not updated immediately after a cut or delete
- Fix: If HxD was added to the Explorer context-menu the operating system wasn't
       informed about the change and therefore not immediately updated.
- Fix: Double click in an inaccessible section selected a word even if there was
       no actual data to select.
- Fix: When trying to insert or delete data into/from a fixed size streams, the
       user was asked to confirm the resize, though such an operation is and was
       invalid and was aborted anyway.
- Fix: When inse...
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