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By Irene Ace
I came up with this idea for using Gold Label
stickers layered over découpage prints as I do
not have the patience to do them as proper 3D
Anyone using peel off stickers will soon find
they have a collection of part used sheets with an
interesting assortment of items left on them. It’s
just a matter of finding items which compliment
the découpage picture and cover the printed
image. The possibilities are endless, enjoy!
You will also need a card mount to fit the
découpage paper, a little tracing (TR003) or
parchment paper, colouring pencils, watercolour
pencils or parchment paints. An embossing mat
and tool. Some glue is needed and sticky fixers
are useful if you want to add a little more depth.
Apply the selected item onto tracing paper,
use paint or pencils to colour within the sticker
area and cut round the item. Emboss lightly to
make the item stand out and stick into place
using a dab of glue round the edges.
Dog: This is DC067 in an AP48 card. The flowers
and leaves were from different bits of an XL029U
sheet, there are similar bows on XL010U.
Bunny: This is DC062 in an AP48 card. There is a
similar butterfly on XL080 and similar flowers on
XL465. The leaves are
from XL146 and bow is
from an XL315 sheet.
Clown: This is DC118 in
an AP04 card. The roses
are from XL088. Similar
butterfly, bow and flow-
ers can be found on the
sheets mentioned above.
There are tiny filled but-
terflies on XL471 which
could be used as an
alternative to the bees.
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