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Unit 1 Challenges



·          set achievable goals   (to establish realistic aims )

·          face challenges ( not to avoid)

·          rise to the challenges ( cope with the problem , fight with…)

·          make my dream come true ( fulfill)

·          couldn’t have done it without help

·          burning ambition

·          have the right attitude

·          daunting challenge ( hard , difficult challenge)



phrasal verbs


·          pick up -  learn without consciously studying – załapać język

,,The best way to pick up new vocabulary is by reading a lot.

·          let something slide – neglect something or allow it to get worse – zaniedbywać coś  np. Język

·          sheer delight of ( f.e. mastering)  - pure pleasure

·          master  - become an expert

,, It is impossible to master a foreign language completely”

·          garble- say sth badly / In a confused way/ nonsensically– przekręcać wyrazy , pomieszać języki

·          information overload – too much to remember

,,For most students more than 10 new words per lesson equals information overload.”

·          cram-  put too much into a small space - wpychać, wkuwać

,, I am afraid to cram any more words into my head”

·          on the  ball- very attentive, aware- uważny , świadomy

,, You have to be really on the ball to understand foreign idioms.”

·          babble - speak too quickly and not clearly- bełkotać

·          unintelligibly – speak in a way that is impossible to understand-  niezrozumiale



verbs +  preposition


·          SHORT OF + noun– mało czegoś   ,  f.e. short of opportunities

·          RELY ON + noun/gerund , f.e. rely on translation

·          SUCCEED IN + gerund , f.e. succeed in passing an exam

·          OPT FOR

·          STEM FROM ( caused by – wynikać) , f.e. problems in English stem from poor  grammar

·          LACKiNG IN ( brak w ) – f.e. lack in vocabulary

·          RIDDLED WITH  ( podziurawiony  , przeżarty błędami) – f.e. riddled with errors

·          DISTINGUISH FROM ( rozróżniać) – f.e. distinguish your first language from English

·          APPEAL TO ( odwoływać się do, przemawiać) - f.e. What sort of classes appeal to you?

·          BOTHER ABOUT ( niepokoić , przejmować się czymś )

·          NERVOUS ABOUT + gerund ( zdenerwowany czymś ) – f.e. nervous about giving presentation

·          BENEFIT FROM ( mieć korzyści z .. ) – f.e. benefit from using the media

·          LOOK FORWARD TO – f.e looking forward to meeting you

·          APOLOGISED FOR TAKING the cake




·          I haven’t a clue – nie mieć pojęcia

·          I don’t know off the top of my head – I DON’T KNOW

·          I’m pretty sure  - I know

·          I’ve never heard of him – I DON’T KNOW

·          I know it like the back of my hand - znam na wyciągnięcie ręki – ABOUT PLACE

·          I don’t know offhand – I don’t know offhand , but I can look it up

·          I know it by heart – znam na pamięć

·          I know it inside out – What do you know about company law ? I know it inside out.- ABOUT SUBJECT

·          I know next to nothing about it – I DON”T KNOW

·          I haven’t the faintest idea- nie mam żadnego pomysłu – I DON’T KNOW

·          I’m fairly certain- PRAWIE PEWNY

·          I am positive it is



GRAMMATIC / passive voice


1.        Używamy  strony biernej by pokazać ,że dane zdania :

a)       nie są naszą osobistą opinią

b)       a personal opinion


It is said that, ….   / It is said that he was able to speak .

It is believed that

It is claimed that… / It was claimed  that the President had not seen the documents BEFORE the scandal broke out.


- Jeśli nie jesteśmy pewni ,że dana informacja jest na 100% pewna możemy użyć passive  To put distance between  ourselves and the statement.


He is said to be the richest Man In England ( but I don’t know if this is accurate- dokładne)


He was thought to have left the country ( But I’m not sure if this is true)  . / He was thought to have come from Germany, but there was little evidence.


He was reported to have been living in Brazil , but there was only one sighting of him.


- Inne czasowniki na wyrażenie dystansu


It appears/ seems that

It seems as if / though


2. He appears/ seems to have + PAST SIMPLE lub PAST PARTICIPLE

f.e   He appears to have invented

        He seems  to have done it


Passive – użycie


·          żeby zrobić zdanie mniej osobiste I trochę bardziej grzeczne


We don’t allow that. à That isn’t allowed .      ( It isn’t the speaker decision, it is an impersonal RULE)


·          formlnym pisaniu kiedy skupiamy się na wydarzeniach bardziej niż na ludziach, którzy są odpowiedzialni


You must hand In the essay by Friday. à The essay must be handed in by Friday.







-          Head – straight for the top  / point to a particular direction

-          Pursue – a dream / follow / realizować

-          Deal with – a chauvinism / cope with / poradzić sobie z

-          Face – barriers / not to avoid

-          Believe in – what you can achieve / have the right attitude

-          Have the potencial – to do something / establish aims

-          Persevere – with something / encourage continuing / wytrwać

-          Keep pushing someone – to do something

-          Quite a challenge

-          Learning experience


VOCABULARY  z teksu ,,Fast Female heads for Formula 1 “

-          warm up – rozgrzewka                                                                            - pursue – rywalizować

-          swarm – rój                                                                                                -  championship- mistrzowstwo

        -       begg – błagać                                                                                             -  well-off- zamożny

-          helmet – hełm                                                                                            -  burden with - obciążone

-          freely – swobodnie                                                                                    - forcefull - stanowcza

-          wave- fala                                                                                                  - expense- koszt

-          dense – gęsty                                                                                             - conced  - przyznać

-          rival – rywal                                                                                              - caustic- żrący / caustic sense of humour

-          obvious taunt – oczywista kpina

-          spill out – rozlewające się / spilling out of her helmet – Hair

-          lease of life- leasing życia

-          increasingly predictable sport- coraz bardziej przewidywalny sport

-          mentally tough – mocne psychicznie

-          favourably – korzystnie





A)      I will have been here for three months. / FUTURE PERFECT / will + have + III forma / a point in the future


B)      Now my girlfriend has come out to join me. / PRESENT PERFECT/ have/ has + III forma / past + present


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