Angielski - idiomy.pdf

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adhere to
a bad patch
zła passa
Last season we hit a bad patch of form and suddenly we were out
of the Champions League.
a blue movie/film
film pornograficzny
Blue movies are rated X, which means that only people of 18 and
over can watch them.
a bone of contention
przedmiot sporu, kość
The choice of place for holiday turned out to be a real bone of
contention in their family this year.
a cold fish
ktoś niewrażliwy
He's such a cold fish - you can never see any emotions on his face.
a day off (to
mieć wolne
I think I am overworked - I certainly need a day off!
a drop in the ocean
kropla w morzu
We're grateful for your help although it's just a a drop in the ocean
of our needs.
a gap year
rok przerwy pomiędzy
szkołą średnią a studiami
podczas którego podróżuje
się i zdobywa
I'm considering taking a gap year, to develop myself and increase
my self-confidence
a ray of hope
promyk nadziei
1. There is a ray of hope for humanity after all.
2. Thank you so much for the ray of hope that shines in your
a walk of life
sfera społeczna
He has friends from many different walks of life.
after your own heart bratnia dusza
She loves books too - she's a woman after my own heart!
all of a sudden
All of a sudden the lights went out.
all year round
przez cały rok
Most of the hotels are open all year round.
prawdę mówiąc, w
as a matter of fact
As a matter of fact, I love him very much.
ask for trouble
prosić się o kłopoty
Not wearing a seat belt is just asking for trouble.
a t all costs
z a wszelką cenę We must win at all costs.
at first sight
na pierwszy rzut oka
At first sight he seems to be a very competent person.
at heart
w głębi duszy
She said she trusted him but at heart she knew he was lying.
at large
na wolności, na swobodzie There are fewer and fewer exotic species living at large.
at random
The burglar didn't have any plan - he just entered the shop and
grabbed things at random.
at sb's expense
1. na czyjś rachunek; 2.
czyimś kosztem
The trip is at company's expense. We are always making jokes at
Mark's expense.
at short notice
w ostatniej chwili,
I'm so sorry I ask you for help at such short notice but I didn't
realize this project would be so demanding.
at the eleventh hour
w ostatniej chwili
We were so nervous that he would miss the train but he, as usual,
arrived to the railway station at the eleventh hour.
at the top of your voice na całe gardło
They are always discussing things at the top of their voices. It's so
be a wet blanket
psuć nastrój
Please somebody make Jane change the subject! With her stories
from her childhood, she can be a real wet blanket.
be at one's best
być w najlepszej formie
There is no doubt he is to win this race - he is at his best now!
be in force
Don't worry about that - that rule is no longer in force in our
b e in the air
n ierealne, niepewne
T he initial plans to publish this book in May are quite in the air.
It has been announced that the company will still be in the red for
the rest of this year.
be in the red
mieć debet (w banku)
be in two minds about
być w rozterce, wahać się Well, I don't know. I am still in two minds about buying this car.
It's second-hand you know...
be left stranded
być zostawionym samemu
sobie (z kłopotami), utknąć
That party was a disaster! Everybody was having fun and I was
left stranded with that boring guy who sat next to me.
be on the air
być na antenie
Quiet everybody! Three, two, one ... You are on the air!
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be out of order
nie działać
I am sorry but this telephone is out of order. You have to go round
the corner.
be quits (with
być kwita
You give me 10 zloty and we're quits.
be rolling in money
mieć mnóstwo pieniędzy,
spać na pieniądzach
They dream of the day when they'll be rolling in money.
be under no illusions n ie mieć żadnych złudzeń
be under the illusion łudzić się
I think Mark's under the illusion that he will be the new director.
be worlds apart
bardzo się różnić
I really like this book but I guess it is worlds apart from what the
real situation is.
beat about/around the
owijać w bawełnę, unikać
przejścia do sedna sprawy
Stop beating about the bush and tell me what the problem is!
beat somebody black
a nd blue
zbić kogoś na kwaśne
j abłko
Tommy always threatens his little sister that he will beat her black
a nd blue if she tells their parents about his marks at school.
Sheila is so desperate in her search for a husband - she's decided to
have a blind date!
blind date
randka w ciemno
burst out laughing
wybuchać śmiechem
The movie was so funny that finally even Susan burst out
by all means
wszelkimi sposobami, za
wszelka cenę
By all means this guy should work for us - he is the best specialist
I have ever seen!
by all means
By all means we will try to answer any questions, so feel free to
by courtesy of
dzięki uprzejmości, za
These pictures are being shown by courtesy of CNN.
call it a day
zakończyć coś, przerwać,
Why don't we call it a day and go home?
catch sb red-handed
złapać kogoś na gorącym
The trial won't take long as the defendant was caught red-handed.
Gee! She doesn't have an evening dress?! It's just friends' party -
why does she have to change a fly into an elephant!
change hands przechodzić z rąk do rąk The heavyweight title is about to change hands once again.
chew something over przemyśleć coś I can't give you the answer today. I simply need to chew it over.
chicken out
robić z igły widły
I wanted to ask Mary out but I chickened out at the last moment.
He gets on my nerves! Whenever there is something challenging,
he always chooses a soft option.
choose a soft option
pójść na łatwiznę
come in handy
przydawać się Never throw away your notes - they may come in handy one day.
come to terms with sth pogodzić się z czymś
She can't come to terms with the fact that she was fired for being
late all the time.
come true
spełniać się
I wish my dreams would come true one day.
I don't care that he is going to be there with his new girlfriend! I
will be at the party tonight come what may.
come what may
niech się dzieje co chce
commit a blunder
strzelić gafę
He committed a blunder asking Sue about her husband, while
everybody knows that she is divorced.
cry for the moon
chcieć gwiazdki z nieba
Oh, come on! Be realistic! It's like crying for the moon! We cannot
a fford it.
dead-end relationship beznadziejny związek
Mary is not happy with her marriage - actually, it is a dead-end
ease sb's mind
uspokajać kogoś The doctor tried to ease his mind about his daughter's illness.
easier said than done
łatwiej powiedzieć, niż
I know it's easier said than done but in my opinion you should
challenge it.
first and foremost
nade wszystko
We need peace and stability first and foremost - these are the most
important things.
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change a fly into an
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for all the tea in China za nic na świecie
Oh, come on! I am not going to ask him such question! Not for all
the tea in China!
for short
w zdrobnieniu
Her name's Diana or Di for short.
I know that this treatment is unpleasant but you should try it for
the sake of your health.
for the sake of
dla czegoś/kogoś
for the time being
na razie
That is all what we can offer for the time being but the service is
still developing.
get on sb's nerves
działać (komuś) na nerwy Turn that music down! It's getting on my nerves.
get the message
załapać, zrozumieć coś He finally got the message and left Mary and John alone together.
wstać lewą nogą You'd better avoid Mark today - he got up on the wrong side of the
bed this morning.
give somebody a ring zadzwonić do kogoś I'll give you a ring in the evening.
gnash your teeth
zgrzytać zębami
1. Hell is so terrible that those who go there will weep and gnash
their teeth. 2. Mary gnashes her teeth in frustration.
go for a song
sprzedać bardzo tanio
This car went for a song - the owner was leaving the country and
wanted a quick sale.
go off the air
zejść z anteny
This program was very popular so the information that it went off
the air caused a wave of protest.
go to somebody's head uderzyć do głowy
Power and success went to his head - he no longer comes to our
go to waste
marnować się I can't bear to see good food going to waste!
have a finger in every
wtrącać się we wszystko
I can't stand her any longer! She has to have a finger in every pie!
Can't she just mind her own business?
cudem uniknąć czegoś, o
mały włos
have a narrow escape
He had a narrow escape when he slipped on the stairs.
have something on the
chodzić komuś po głowie Do you know this song? I've had it on my brain all day.
have sth at one's
mieć coś w małym palcu
You can always go and ask Tom of anything concerned with
maths, he just has it at his fingertips.
heave a sigh
wzdychać (głęboko)
She heaved a sigh of relief when she heard the good news.
high and low
We've searched high and low for this book.
hit the nail on the head trafić w sedno
Right! Nothing to add! You've just hit the nail on the head!
if you like
jeśli masz na to ochotę - Shall we stop for a rest? - Yes, if you like.
in a month of Sundays
na "święty nigdy", nigdy w
He will never bring you these CDs, not even in a month of
Sundays - just forget it.
in bad taste
w złym guście
Their house is decorated in such bad taste - where did they get the
idea of buying these mock rococo chairs to the living room?
in black and white
na piśmie
This agreement is invalid, unless you bring it in black and white.
in bulk
If you buy in bulk, it's 20% cheaper.
in haste
w pośpiechu
I'm writing in haste to let you know that I won't come on Friday.
1. The doctors tried to save the dying man but in vain.
2. How can you say that our soldiers died in vain?!
in vain
na próżno
in writing
na piśmie
Please confirm the offer in writing next week.
1. na lewą stronę, 2. (znać)
na wylot
inside out
He's a real computer freak - he knows them inside out.
it goes without saying
to oczywiste, nie ma dwóch
Oh, Amy you should marry him! It goes without saying.
just in case
na wszelki wypadek
We still have plenty of time but let's take a taxi just in case.
keep sth under one's
trzymać coś w tajemnicy
They tried to keep it under their hat but it soon became obvious
that she is pregnant.
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get up on the wrong
side of the bed
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keep sth/sb at bay
trzymać na dystans, nie
dopuszczać do siebie
He always tries to keep his troubles at bay when he is on holiday.
learn sth by heart
nauczyć się na pamięć
There is no rule why these words collocate, you just need to learn
them by heart.
leave no stone
poruszyć niebo i ziemię,
zastosować wszystkie
I may need to leave no stone unturned but I will find this book!
let something slip
wygadać się
He let slip that he had been in prison.
little by little
After the accident her strength returned little by little.
make a fool of
robić z kogoś/siebie głupka Stop that before you make a fool of yourself!
robić zamieszanie z
jakiegoś powodu
make a fuss about sth
Gosh! It is just a broken glass. Don't make a fuss about it.
make amends
He went to him and begged his forgiveness, saying he would do
anything he could to make amends.
make up one's mind
postanowić, zdecydować
He finally made up his mind!
nagging headache
uporczywy ból głowy
Jonathan is overworked. That's why he suffers from these nagging
headaches so often.
nagging husband/wife zrzędliwy mąż/żona
I have no idea how she can stand living with such a nagging
husband as hers.
not be sb's cup of tea nie być w czyimś guście
In fact, horror films aren't my cup of tea.
not have a clue
nie mieć pojęcia
I haven't a clue where she left her book.
noughts and crosses
kółko i krzyżyk
Noughts and Crosses is a very popular game among students
sitting on lectures.
on cloud nine
bardzo szczęśliwy, w
siódmym niebie
She has been on cloud nine since she was promoted.
on impulse
When the weather is nice it's fun to go away on impulse.
on location
(o programie, filmie) w
The series was filmed on location in Sweden.
on one's own account na własne ryzyko
Well, you can try to run your own business, but remember that it
will be on your own account.
on the market
w sprzedaży, na rynku
At the moment this is the best camera on the market.
on thin ice
na niepewnym gruncie
His rude answer put him on thin ice in the company.
She realized that she had never done anything on her own
i nitiative without the motivation of someone else.
on your own initiative z własnej inicjatywy
once and for all
raz na zawsze
I tell you once and for all - I am tired of your complaining about
your job! There is nothing else you can do.
out of date
przestarzały, staroświecki I don't like this design - it is absolutely out of date to me.
out of print
wyczerpany nakład książki I'm sorry but the book you've ordered is out of print.
out of stock
nie być dostępnym w
I'm so sorry but this camera is out of stock now. Can I propose a
different model within the same price?
pay tribute to sb/sth
wyrażać (komuś) swoje
uznanie, oddawać hołd
In 1992, a concert was held at Wembley Stadium to pay tribute to
Freddie Mercury from Queen.
plead guilty
przyznać się do winy
Having seen his face on security video-tape he couldn't use his
alibi any longer and finally pleaded guilty.
pop the question
oświadczyć się
After seven years of dating, I finally popped the question to my
promise wonders
obiecywać złote góry
She was very disappointed with the job. They promised wonders
when they hired her but nothing came true...
pull somebody's leg
nabierać, drażnić się
Mary had me fooled for a while, but finally I realized she was just
pulling my leg.
put in jeopardy
narazić na
As the Ambassador didn't want to put the staff in jeopardy, they
were all dismissed and sent home.
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put one's foot down
sprzeciwić się
My boss wanted me to work on weekends but I was brave enough
to put my foot down.
put pressure
wywierać presję The press are putting pressure on the minister to resign.
The fact that the company's office was moved to the different part
of the town has put me at a disadvantage. Now I have to commute
almost one hour to get there.
put sb/be at a
stawiać kogoś/być w
niekorzystnej sytuacji
rat race
wyścig szczurów
After years in the rat race she's finally decided to quit and spend
more time with her family.
read sb's hand
wróżyć z ręki
She wanted the Gypsy woman to read her hand and find out about
her future.
red tape
Because of all the red tape she didn't get her visa on time and had
to cancel her holidays in Mexico.
red-letter day
szczególny dzień Tomorrow is my red-letter day - I am getting promoted.
ring the bell
brzmieć znajomo, kojarzyć
się z czymś
I don't know where I might have met him, but the name rings the
safe and sound
cały i zdrowy
To everybody's relief, he returned safe and sound from the storm.
see pink elephants
widzieć białe myszki
Tim has a drinking problem. He drinks till he sees pink elephants.
self-made man
człowiek, który sam się
dorobił, zrobił karierę
The idea of self-made man is one of the most important concepts
in America.
sell like hot cakes
sprzedawac sie bardzo
The album of this new Irish rock group sells like hot cakes -
people ask for it everyday.
shed blood
przelewać krew
Much blood was shed durning the war.
She can sit with her friend for hours doing nothing but shooting
the breeze!
shoot the breeze
snap one's fingers
pstrykać palcami
Music often inspires people to clap or snap their fingers.
I wouldn't rely on him - he always thinks how to take shortcuts in
everything he does.
take a shortcut
pojść na skróty
take sth for granted
przyjmować coś za rzecz
oczywistą, naturalną
Never take love for granted. It has to be cherished to last.
the lesser of two evils mniejsze zło
Sometimes we have to choose between the lesser of two evils.
the naked eye
gołym okiem
Bacteria are too small to be seen with the naked eye.
the other side of the
druga strona medalu
Fame has the other side of the coin as well.
The problems we've already experienced are just the tip of the
iceberg, I'm afraid.
the tip of the iceberg wierzchołek góry lodowej
throw somebody in at
the deep end
rzucić kogoś na głęboką
You want to learn Spanish? There's no better way than to throw
yourself in at the deep end - go to Spain.
I found the answer by trial and error, which obviously took little
more time.
trial and error
metoda prób i błędów
ups and downs
radości i smutki, zmienne
koleje losu
Their relationship was full of ups and downs.
whistle in the dark
dodawać sobie odwagi
Totally alone in this big house we joked about nightmares,
whistling in the dark perhaps.
with a vengeance
z podwójną siłą
After a week of good weather winter has returned with a
vengeance today.
without fail
The postman always comes at 10 o'clock without fail.
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