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"Rajmonda" - Aleksander Głazunow
Balet w trzech aktach
Choreografia: Marius Petipa, Aleksander Gorski, Jurij Grigorowicz
Libretto: Lidia Paszkowa i Marius Petipa według średniowiecznych legend
Miejsce i czas nagrania: Teatr Bolszoj, Moskwa, 1989 r.
Rajmona - Natalia Biessmiertnowa
Jean de Brienne - Jurijn Wasiuczenko
Abderachman - Gedminas Taranda
Hrabina Sybilla - Elena Bobrowa
Król Węgier - Andriej Sitnikow
Biała Dama - Irina Dmitriewa
Clemence - Maria Bilowa
Henriette - Olga Suworowa
Balet Teatru Bolszoj w Moskwie
Orkiestra Teatru Bolszoj
Kierownik baletu: Jurij Grigorowicz
Dyrygent: Algis Żurajtis
Prapremiera: Petersburg 7 stycznia 1898, Teatr Maryjski.
Ballet Raymonda, a masterpiece by the world-famous choreographer Marius Petipa and the Russian composer Alexander Glazunov is a kind of graceful medieval romance. It’s interesting to notice that the ballet is a rare example of the productions set to the libretto written by a woman. The scenario was created by Princess Lidia Pashkova, an extraordinary lady who managed to be a member of the French Geographic Society and a correspondent of Le Figaro in Paris, the author of several novels and an ardent traveler who visited Egypt, Palestine and Syria. Thus her Eastern impressions were realized in the ballet.
Raymonda was Marius Petipa’s last grand ballet: each act is full of variations displaying the essence of ballet techniques, and the second act is characterized by powerful dance scenes filled with exotic charm. The highlight of the ballet is the final act’s grand pas which skillfully combines classical and character dance. It is really an ideal ballet showing off the dancers in their glory.
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