Herbie - Goes To Monte Carlo - CD1.txt

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{469}{558}- Destination, Monsieur?|- Monte Carlo.
{4688}{4726}Give it to me in English!
{4729}{4807}- Sure. We�re lost.|- Thanks.
{4842}{4901}- Herbie!|- What�s he doing?
{4968}{5025}He�s getting us un-lost!
{5110}{5237}Hi there! Say, we�re looking for|the Trans-France Race Exposition.
{5240}{5365}Straight ahead on your|right. That�ll be some race, huh?
{5368}{5421}You�re looking at the winner, here!
{5424}{5476}This car? The winner?
{5618}{5665}- He didn�t?|- He did.
{6175}{6233}All this for the museum payroll?
{6236}{6359}For the most magnificent diamond|in the world! "L�Etoile de Joie!"
{6362}{6442}Could we have just a little peek?
{6445}{6556}On this very afternoon|at one o�clock precisely!
{6559}{6660}You and all of Paris|will be able to take the peek!
{6948}{7027}Fresh from his triumphs|on the European racing circuit,
{7030}{7083}Bruno von Stickle!
{7086}{7197}Who will be driving|his Lazer 91 7 GT Coupe.
{7200}{7317}Here we have a magnificent...|The American entry is just arriving!
{7320}{7356}Mr Jim Douglas...
{7428}{7566}Mr Douglas will be driving a... a...
{7664}{7758}Mr Douglas will be driving|a most unusual entry.
{7838}{7889}Something funny|must have happened.
{7892}{7925}Uh-huh. Us.
{7928}{8063}How about giving Jim Douglas and|Wheely Applegate a nice welcome?
{8187}{8339}This little car is the toast|of America. When was your last win?
{8342}{8387}12 years ago.
{8410}{8494}Only because that was our last race.
{8581}{8659}Yes. This race... we�re kind of|staging a comeback here.
{8662}{8708}So it�s very important to us.
{8711}{8823}Of course, we won�t be coming back|very far unless we qualify, will we?
{8837}{8902}Qualify, are you kidding?
{8905}{9022}Don�t let his modesty or this car|coming out of retirement fool you!
{9025}{9103}There isn�t a finer tuned,|cleaner engine anywhere!
{9106}{9186}I�m sure it should be easy|to keep clean.
{9189}{9286}All you have to do is drop it in|the washing machine with your socks.
{9393}{9501}Appreciate your humour, but don�t|worry about this washing m... car!
{9538}{9581}It�s a real jewel!
{9735}{9833}But M Ribeaux, isn�t it too much|responsibility for one man?
{9858}{9991}One man? One man and the finest|security system that can be devised!
{9994}{10047}All in the computer.
{10085}{10182}This alone would keep the diamonds|safe from the grasp of a thief!
{10185}{10244}But, one would only|have to reach in and...
{10559}{10655}The pillow is sensitive to the heat|of the hand when it gets close.
{10658}{10712}I�m sorry, monsieur.
{11322}{11359}What does that do?
{11362}{11470}I�m engaging a system of|electric-eye beams that surround it.
{11494}{11641}One last precaution. Would you|please step out of the room?
{11978}{12059}Now the entire floor is a trap!
{12062}{12121}Mere cigar ash|would activate the alarm.
{12759}{12795}Right on schedule!
{12798}{12870}Only ten steps|to six million dollars!
{12873}{12964}And one step to Devil�s Island|if anything touches that floor.
{13232}{13338}Pardon, you forgot to give me|the computer and the numbers?
{13341}{13463}I did not forget. They were put|in my trust and will remain with me!
{13466}{13581}One does not part|with the only copy in existence!
{13646}{13726}Patience, Quincy.|Electronics is the answer.
{13729}{13814}This notebook|is our passport to the future.
{13817}{13884}I�d sooner put my trust|in this bit of rope!
{14182}{14293}When the man has it all worked out|for us, it�s silly not to use it.
{14546}{14621}You had to bring the whole kit,|didn�t you?
{14624}{14679}Just checking for the radar beam.
{14682}{14730}It�s there.
{14761}{14784}Now it isn�t.
{15046}{15078}Some chunk of rock, eh?
{15081}{15173}One could spend a lifetime without|setting eyes on a rock like that.
{15176}{15282}Let alone getting your hands on it.|Patience, Quincy.
{15285}{15395}The pillow is the trap.|One more set of numbers.
{15450}{15535}Why can�t a man write an 0|that looks like an 0?
{15554}{15651}Or is it a 9?|We can�t take a chance!
{15697}{15781}I don�t trust nobody!|I�m glad I come prepared!
{15784}{15828}The old ways are still the best!
{15864}{15937}We�ve got six minutes|before the guard checks.
{15940}{15973}Get on with it.
{16539}{16606}Aren�t you ever going to|get that thing fixed?
{16646}{16680}Oh! I�m sorry!
{16683}{16719}I�m sorry!
{16760}{16841}Excuse me! I just...
{17188}{17250}A word to the wise.
{17253}{17390}Paris may be the land of love, but It|can also be the land of heartbreak.
{17393}{17501}I tell you what I�ll do.|I�ll make a deal with you.
{17504}{17574}I�m willing|to resist the girls if you are.
{17577}{17629}Well, that�s some sacrifice!
{17632}{17699}I know. But I�m willing to make it.
{17702}{17752}You�re made of strong stuff, Wheely.
{18044}{18085}Patience, Quincy!
{18111}{18201}You tell that to the guard!|He�ll be here in two minutes.
{18233}{18257}Gimme that!
{18383}{18458}We�re coming to this big|right-hand sweeper, see.
{18461}{18549}Dropped into third gear|and jumped on it! Took three cars!
{18552}{18649}Just hit the straight. Then back into|fourth and we were flying!
{18652}{18703}Tacking seven or eight thousand.
{18706}{18790}We blew off the lead car|about 100 yards from the finish line...
{18793}{18885}and won it going away!|How about that?
{19158}{19204}I didn�t understand what he said.
{19207}{19272}That�s OK.|He didn�t understand you either.
{19275}{19329}Come to think of it,|I don�t think I did!
{19376}{19451}There�s no time!|That guard�s practically in the door!
{19454}{19503}You want that stone, don�t you?
{19531}{19603}Yeah.|And there�s only one way to get it!
{20082}{20135}It�s not possible!
{20830}{20958}{y:i}Attention, attention! Nobody|{y:i}is to leave the area. I repeat...
{20984}{21040}We still have to qualify! Come on!
{21072}{21126}- What�s the trouble?|- I don�t know!
{21129}{21168}{y:i}Ladies and gentlemen...
{21171}{21229}{y:i}there has been a theft in the museum!
{21232}{21343}{y:i}Everyone will be searched|{y:i}before leaving the area.
{21418}{21541}{y:i}I repeat, nobody is to leave the area|{y:i}until you have been searched.
{21544}{21625}Here, mate... there�s no point|us both getting caught!
{21766}{21821}No point either of us|getting caught.
{22045}{22133}{y:i}I repeat,|{y:i}nobody is to leave the area.
{22209}{22334}{y:i}I repeat, nobody is to leave the area|{y:i}until he has been searched.
{22732}{22768}We�ll never see it again!
{22771}{22816}That little car? You can.
{22819}{22914}It�ll be in a showroom on|the Champs Elysees this afternoon.
{23064}{23096}Yes, yes, yes.
{23099}{23244}But are you sure all the security|precautions had been taken?
{23247}{23337}I have searched my memory.|Could I have forgotten something?
{23340}{23395}Inspector, residue from a footprint.
{23398}{23478}I might have overlooked it but|I heard your voice calling...
{23481}{23560}�Fontenoy, remember,|no clue is too small!�
{23563}{23687}Did you also hear me say, �Take it|to the lab and get it analysed!�?
{23690}{23764}Yes, sir! And I am doing just that!
{24017}{24122}No! No, I couldn�t|have forgotten anything!
{24125}{24233}I�m as sure the security was on|yesterday as I�m sure it�s off today!
{24419}{24562}{y:i}Attention, please! The qualifying|{y:i}rounds will begin in eight minutes!
{24835}{24870}Douglas and Applegate.
{24873}{24971}Douglas... Oh, yes!|You�re in the heat after this one.
{24974}{25014}Good luck!
{25017}{25045}Thank you!
{25048}{25101}That�s the same heat I�m in, Douglas.
{25104}{25202}You�re going to need more than luck.|You�re going to need wings!
{25205}{25308}Oh, yeah? You may|just be in for a little surprise.
{25334}{25443}I can see your surprise.|It is very little.
{25840}{25902}Look for a bigger surprise|in the race!
{25976}{26039}There will be qualifying today|and tomorrow...
{26042}{26154}with the top sixteen times|running in the Trans-France race.
{26994}{27077}Douglas, you are not|in this heat! Come back!
{27144}{27208}Say, Herbie, where you going?
{28121}{28215}- You could get us disqualified!|- He could get us killed!
{28525}{28593}- What was that?|- I don�t know!
{28769}{28813}Forget the music!
{29001}{29068}He�s out of his mind!
{29071}{29197}He�s out of his mind, alright!|Over that luscious little Lancia!
{29399}{29455}What is...?
{29561}{29638}I�m telling you, Paris and women|have got him!
{29641}{29704}I�ll have to warn him,|the same way I did you!
{29707}{29800}Like father, like car.|What are you doing?
{31102}{31188}- Now wait a minute, buddy...|- Whaddaya mean, buddy?
{31191}{31267}- Miss Buddy!|- You... you...
{31270}{31313}Jim Douglas. I�m very sorry...
{31316}{31467}You think because I�m a woman driver,|you can get away with anything?
{31470}{31530}I�m not a pigeon|for your fun and games!
{31533}{31596}I�ve had it with you clowns!
{31599}{31654}No, I�m not the clown!|Believe me, it was Herbie!
{31657}{31730}Oh, yes.|You�re blaming your dizzy mechanic!
{31733}{31770}No, no, it�s...
{31812}{31910}Herbie�s the car.|And he�s kind of like a person.
{31913}{31969}He�s... I know that sounds funny.
{31972}{32054}Crazy is more like it!
{32057}{32115}What were you doing out there,|Douglas?
{32118}{32164}It�s hard to explain!
{32167}{32230}Not for me.|He doesn�t want a woman in the race!
{32233}{32339}Miss Darcy, you�ll get another|chance to qualify. We�re very sorry.
{32342}{32433}You�re sorry. He�s sorry.|Everyone�s sorry!
{32436}{32485}But I didn�t qualify!
{32521}{32655}If you wish to qualify, M Douglas,|you have exactly ten minutes!
{32658}{32708}You hear that, Herbie?
{32711}{32782}Forget that powderpuff|and get your mind on racing!
{32785}{32824}You better believe it.
{32947}{33039}We�re going to cook that chicken,|European-style.
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