
(5 KB) Pobierz
"Language" "tchinese"
"Chess_Name"		"西洋棋"
"[english]Chess_Name"		"Chess"
"Chess_PickWhite"		"白子 (先下)"
"[english]Chess_PickWhite"		"White (Play First)"
"Chess_PickBlack"		"黑子 (後下)"
"[english]Chess_PickBlack"		"Black (Play Second)"
"Chess_ChooseWhite"		"你已選擇了白子。請移動第一步。
"[english]Chess_ChooseWhite"		"You have chosen White. You make the first move.
"Chess_ChooseBlack"		"你已選擇了黑子。由對手先移動第一步。
"[english]Chess_ChooseBlack"		"You have chosen Black. Your opponent makes the first move.
"Chess_OppChooseWhite"		"你的對手選擇了白子。現在由對方移動。
"[english]Chess_OppChooseWhite"		"Your opponent has chosen White. It is their move.
"Chess_OppChooseBlack"		"你的對手選擇了黑子。現在請你移動。
"[english]Chess_OppChooseBlack"		"Your opponent has chosen Black. It is your move.
"Chess_WaitPawnPromotion"		"等待其他玩家升級兵卒。
"[english]Chess_WaitPawnPromotion"		"Waiting on other player's pawn promotion choice.
"Chess_TurnCheck"		"輪到%s1: %s2將軍
"[english]Chess_TurnCheck"		"Turn %s1: %s2 Check
"Chess_TurnCheckmate"		"輪到%s1: %s2將軍死棋
"[english]Chess_TurnCheckmate"		"Turn %s1: %s2 CHECKMATE
"Chess_MyCheckmate"		"將軍死棋,你已經於棋盤上擊敗了%s1。"
"[english]Chess_MyCheckmate"		"Checkmate. You have beaten %s1 in Chess."
"Chess_OppCheckmate"		"將軍死棋,%s1已經於棋盤上擊敗你了。"
"[english]Chess_OppCheckmate"		"Checkmate. %s1 has beaten you in Chess."
"Chess_Stalemate"		"這場比賽已經無子可動。
"[english]Chess_Stalemate"		"The game has reached a stalemate.
"Chess_StalemateClose_Text"		"你與%s1已經無子可動。"
"[english]Chess_StalemateClose_Text"		"You and %s1 have reached a stalemate."
"Chess_TurnCastle"		"將%s1: %s2王車易位
"[english]Chess_TurnCastle"		"Turn %s1: %s2 Castle
"Chess_TurnPawnEnPassant"		"輪到%s1: %s2吃過路兵
"[english]Chess_TurnPawnEnPassant"		"Turn %s1: %s2 pawn en passant
"Chess_TurnPawnPromotion"		"將 %s1: %s2兵升級成%s3
"[english]Chess_TurnPawnPromotion"		"Turn %s1: %s2 pawn promotion to %s3
"Chess_Queen"		"后"
"[english]Chess_Queen"		"Queen"
"Chess_Rook"		"車"
"[english]Chess_Rook"		"Rook"
"Chess_Bishop"		"相"
"[english]Chess_Bishop"		"Bishop"
"Chess_Knight"		"馬"
"[english]Chess_Knight"		"Knight"
"Chess_PawnPromotion_Text"		"你的兵卒走到了最後一排。
"[english]Chess_PawnPromotion_Text"		"Your pawn has reached the last row.
You must promote it."
"Chess_PromoteQueen"		"升級成后"
"[english]Chess_PromoteQueen"		"Promote To Queen"
"Chess_PromoteRook"		"升級成車"
"[english]Chess_PromoteRook"		"Promote To Rook"
"Chess_PromoteBishop"		"升級成相"
"[english]Chess_PromoteBishop"		"Promote To Bishop"
"Chess_PromoteKnight"		"升級成馬"
"[english]Chess_PromoteKnight"		"Promote To Knight"
"Chess_PawnPromotion_Title"		"西洋棋 - 兵卒升級"
"[english]Chess_PawnPromotion_Title"		"Chess - Pawn Promotion"
"Chess_MoveHistory_Title"		"西洋棋 - 行動歷程"
"[english]Chess_MoveHistory_Title"		"Chess - Move History"
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