Microscopic Fuel Tests Using Magnetic Fuel Conditioning.pdf

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Microscopic Fuel Tests Using Magnetic Fuel Conditioning
by Dr. Klaus J. Kronenberg (1991)
After 45 years of experience as a physicist, studying magnetics,
acoustics and crystallography, Dr. Klaus Kronenberg, in
conjunction with other Research efforts, has developed an
exciting new theory of magnetic fluid treatment.
Investigations and results
Empty glass slides were held for several seconds in the exhaust
stream of a V-8 gasoline engine using leaded gasoline running at
2000 rpm.
Fig.1 No Treatment. The droplets at highest magnification
show a spherical structureless shape.
All slides exposed to the exhaust without Magnetic Treatment
showed a multitude of small droplets clinging to the glass. They
were distributed over the entire glass slide at even distances.
They did not evaporate over days. Their shape became visible in
the microscope using polarized light.
Fig.2 No Treatment. Remains of a solid particle from the exhaust
which bounced off the glass slide.
Figure 2 is an example of a shapeless bit of matter clinging to
the glass. About 10 such places were found with similar
shapeless matter on the glass
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Fig.3 Exhaust of Magnetically Treated Fuel.One of the
round spots found on the glass slide exposed to exhaust
from Magnetically Treated gasoline.
The slides which had been exposed to the exhaust when the
magnetic device was in place on the fuel supply line were also
full of the small droplets, but additional material was discovered
clinging to the glass. This material formed roundish spots, about
10 to 30 per slide. The details of the round spots were most
visible when side-illuminated. Many contained a black particle
in them, which was often broken up. All the rims of the round
spots were heavily scalloped, exhibiting just enough surface
tension to form the roundish appearance of the spot on the glass
Fig.4 Exhaust of Magnetically Treated Fuel. Stronger
magnification and side illumination reveals scalloped shape of
the rim of this substance (low surface tension indicated).
The side-illumination reveals the scalloped rim of the spot. The
traces of the gradual evaporation within the spot are visible and
show that the evaporation ended at the particle.
In order to obtain more information about the nature of the
material which formed the rounded spots they were observed
with polarized light. Within the roundish spots crystalline shapes
appeared with a variety of configurations. Most of the shapes
were crystals of a dendritic type.
Large numbers of smaller, nearly cubic crystals were also found.
All of these crystals are of an optically active material,
recognizable on the dark-light contrast within each crystal in the
polarized light. The shape of the crystals point toward the
crystals having a cubic crystal structure, being most likely a lead
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The consistent results of both test series permit a cautious
attempt at explanation. The fact is that the slides covered with
exhaust without the magnetic fuel treatment showed only the
tiny droplets, but not one single round spot. But, the round spots
were found in abundance on the slides from exhaust with
magnetic treatment. This makes it almost certain that the
magnetic device on the fuel supply line had an effect on the
combustion of the fuel in the engine.
The roundish shapes of these spots are evidence of the fact that
they must have been splashed onto the glass as a liquid. They
must have been in the form of spherical drops in the exhaust.
Their sizes imply drops at least 1000 times heavier than the
droplets found in the exhaust of the untreated fuel.
The dark particles found inside these roundish spots indicate
that a solid particle was transformed in the combustion process
partly to a liquid. This could have happened in the form of a
partial combustion.
Not one roundish spot of a similar size has been found in the
exhaust of untreated fuel. This suggests, that such partial
combustion of certain larger particles has not been occurring
without the magnetic treatment. In the exhaust of untreated fuel
we find instead, evidence of some larger solid particles which
have left some formless traces after hitting the glass and flying
off. They showed no trace of a liquid by a partial combustion.
The investigated fuel is a mixture of many components
containing benzene-like ring-molecules. The refining process -
heating in the absence of oxygen - had used the internal
vibration of the large molecular sheets to have them break up.
The molecular fragments were driven off, collected and
separated. Their size determined their ability to resist
The results of our tests with the application of a number of
magnetic poles which the fuel had to pass on the way to the
engine can be best understood as an additional effect of fuel
refining. We suggest that some larger molecular structures
remained in the fuel after the normal refinement process,
because they withstood the breakup effect by heat. They were
then broken up when they passed through the series of
alternating magnetic fields. The magnetic effect on molecules is
very weak. But it is known that it can be amplified a million fold
in the case of resonance. If the time sequence of the alternate
magnetic fields encountered by the streaming fuel hits a
frequency of the internal vibration of a molecular structure, then
a resonance occurs and may break up the structure which had
escaped the breakup by the original refining process. This
renders the original refining process more complete.
Therefore, we think we can predict that the effect of magnetic
fuel treatment will be best for the least completely refined fuel.
Further research is required in order to confirm the findings.
Possible differences for different fuels (Diesel), varied rpm's, and
varied arrangements of magnetic fields are being explored.
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