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 HD Writer 2.0E for SX/SD                               July 2007
                         Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

  1. Notes about operating environment
  2. Notes about operation

<><><> 1. Notes about operating environment <><><>

  1. [Important] Adobe Acrobat(R) Reader 5.0 or later or
     Adobe(R) Reader(R) 7.0 or later is required to read the
     operation manual or the help information on your PC.
     Obtain the license for using the operation manual before reading it.

  2. [Important] (For Windows 2000)
     To operate HD Writer, Microsoft DirectX(R) 9.0c must be installed
     on your PC. If your PC does not have the required version of DirectX
     when installing HD Writer, double-click [dxsetup.exe] in the [DirectX]
     folder on the CD-ROM to install the application and follow
     the provided instructions.

  3. This software is compatible with the following operating systems.
      - Windows Vista(TM) Ultimate
      - Windows Vista(TM) Home Premium
      - Windows Vista(TM) Home Basic
      - Windows(R) XP Professional/Home Edition (Service Pack 2)
      - Windows(R) 2000 Professional (Service Pack 4)
     This software cannot be used with any other operating systems.

  4. AC adapters are recommended when using a notebook PC or
     a digital hi-vision video camera with HD Writer.
     If a battery pack is used to power the camera or notebook
     while recording or copying images, data may not record or copy properly.

  5. Standard configurations must be applied for the fonts and screen settings.
     Depending on the settings, characters may not display properly.

  6. It is impossible to use HD Writer simultaneously with
     other motion picture editing software and video capture products.
     Note that software operating in the background, such as applications
     for programmed recording in particular, may cause the software
     to malfunction.

<><><> 2. Notes about operation <><><>

  1. To install or uninstall HD Writer, log on with an administrator account.

  2. To use HD Writer, log on with an administrator account. For Windows Vista,
     use HD Writer even when logging on with a standard account.

  3. When more than one user logs on, it is impossible to start HD Writer

  4. When producing a DVD-Video from a file stored in MPEG2 format
     with HD Writer, you must use authoring software
     that supports 5.1ch audio and wide screen images.


  # Microsoft(R) and Windows(R) are registered trademarks of
    Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other counties.

  # All names, company names, and product names used in this document
    are the trademarks or the registered trademarks of their
    respective companies.

                         Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
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