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Schizophrenia Research 99 (2008) 263 269
Is facial emotion recognition impairment in schizophrenia identical
for different emotions? A signal detection analysis
Daniel T. Tsoi , Kwang-Hyuk Lee, Waqqas A. Khokhar, Nusrat U. Mir,
Jaspal S. Swalli, Kate A. Gee, Graham Pluck, Peter W.R. Woodruff
Sheffield Cognition And Neuroimaging Laboratory (SCANLab), Academic Clinical Psychiatry, Section of Neuroscience, School of Medicine and
Biomedical Sciences, University of Sheffield, Longley Centre, Norwood Grange Drive, Sheffield S5 7JT, United Kingdom
Received 23 May 2007; received in revised form 30 October 2007; accepted 2 November 2007
Available online 3 January 2008
Patients with schizophrenia have difficulty recognising the emotion that corresponds to a given facial expression. According to
signal detection theory, two separate processes are involved in facial emotion perception: a sensory process (measured by
sensitivity which is the ability to distinguish one facial emotion from another facial emotion) and a cognitive decision process
(measured by response criterion which is the tendency to judge a facial emotion as a particular emotion). It is uncertain whether
facial emotion recognition deficits in schizophrenia are primarily due to impaired sensitivity or response bias. In this study, we
hypothesised that individuals with schizophrenia would have both diminished sensitivity and different response criteria in facial
emotion recognition across different emotions compared with healthy controls. Twenty-five individuals with a DSM-IV diagnosis
of schizophrenia were compared with age and IQ matched healthy controls. Participants performed a yes-no task by indicating
whether the 88 Ekman faces shown briefly expressed one of the target emotions in three randomly ordered runs (happy, sad and
fear). Sensitivity and response criteria for facial emotion recognition was calculated as d-prime and In( β ) respectively using signal
detection theory. Patients with schizophrenia showed diminished sensitivity (d-prime) in recognising happy faces, but not faces that
expressed fear or sadness. By contrast, patients exhibited a significantly less strict response criteria (In(
Keywords: Facial emotion recognition; Schizophrenia; Social cognition; Signal detection analysis
1. Introduction
( Feinberg et al., 1986; Archer et al., 1992; Salem et al.,
1996; Addington and Addington, 1998; Kohler et al.,
2003 ). This facial emotion recognition impairment has
been shown to adversely affect the interpersonal and
social functioning of people with schizophrenia ( Mueser
et al., 1996; Hooker and Park, 2002; Kee et al., 2003;
Brekke et al., 2005; Addington et al., 2006 ).
Furthermore, patients with schizophrenia are worse
at recognising negative, as opposed to positive, facial
emotions ( Kohler et al., 2003; Bediou et al., 2005; van't
Substantial evidence supports the suggestion that
individuals with schizophrenia have difficulties recog-
nising the correct emotion of a given facial expression
Corresponding author. Academic Clinical Psychiatry, Longley
Centre, Norwood Grange Drive, Sheffield S5 7JT, United Kingdom.
Tel.: +44 114 2261512; fax: +44 114 2261522.
E-mail address: (D.T. Tsoi).
0920-9964/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
)) in recognising fearful
and sad faces. Our results suggest that patients with schizophrenia have a specific deficit in recognising happy faces, whereas they
were more inclined to attribute any facial emotion as fearful or sad.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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D.T. Tsoi et al. / Schizophrenia Research 99 (2008) 263 269
Wout et al., 2007 ). This finding raises a question whether
positive and negative facial emotion recognition engage
different processes. Several hypotheses have been put
forward to explain the difference in performance between
positive and negative facial emotion recognition in
schizophrenia. According to the social-cognitive hypoth-
esis, patients avoid stimuli that induce negative emotion
( Walker et al., 1980 ). Phillips et al. (1999) and Gur et al.
(2002) have additionally proposed that amygdala activa-
tion specific to negative facial emotion is reduced in
In addition to those described, there may be other
explanations for the differences in positive and negative
facial emotion recognition in schizophrenia. Johnston
et al. (2003, 2006) argued that patients with schizo-
phrenia perform poorly at recognising negative facial
emotions because positive facial emotions are generally
easier to recognise than negative emotions (and so less
likely to be adversely affected by the illness). Such
differences in discriminability are not so obvious in
healthy subjects because they usually score at or near the
maximum possible performance level in the standard
facial emotion recognition tests for all emotions (
)) corresponds to the cognitive decision process and
reflects the tendency of individuals to make a certain
decision with the evidence they have received from the
sensory process.
In this study, we applied signal detection theory to
investigate the underlying psychological processes of
facial affect recognition for different emotions in
schizophrenia. As a preliminary exploratory study, we
focused on positive emotion (happy), negative non-
threatening emotion (sad) and negative threatening
emotion (fear). These emotions have been shown to be
significantly disturbed in schizophrenia in the literature
( Kohler et al., 2003; Bediou et al., 2005; van't Wout
et al., 2007 ). We examined whether patients with
schizophrenia differed from controls in both the sensory
and the cognitive decision processes for facial emotion
recognition across positive and negative emotions. The
relationship between symptoms and facial emotion
recognition was also evaluated. Similar analyses have
been used to study facial emotion recognition in healthy
volunteers ( Goos and Silverman, 2002; Grimshaw et al.,
2004 ). Schneider et al. (2006) has also recently examined
the specific psychometric characteristics of facial emo-
tion recognition in schizophrenia, with a stimulus
exposure time of three seconds. In this study, we
deliberately used a very short stimulus exposure time to
reduce the overall accuracy in the controls in order to
minimise the possible
). This argument is strengthened by the fact that
previous studies of facial emotion recognition in
schizophrenia used relatively long stimulus exposure
times that ranged from 500 ms ( Edwards et al., 2001 )to
15 s ( Addington et al., 2006 ). One potentially useful
method to avoid the ceiling effect in healthy control
subjects is to manipulate stimulus presentation duration
( Kirouac and Dore, 1984; Ogawa and Suzuki, 1999 ). For
example, Grimshow et al. (2004) presented face stimuli
for 30 ms and they were able to observe sex differences in
emotion recognition. The use of such rapid visual
presentation would increase task difficulty, during
which subjects might be in a high degree of uncertainty
and thus more liable to make errors.
The process of facial emotion recognition can be
conceptualised using psychophysical methods such as
signal detection theory. This theory has been widely
applied to the study of perception. Signal detection
theory attempts to explain how individuals make
decisions based on the evidence they have received.
Most decisions a person makes contains a degree of
uncertainty ( McNicol, 1972 ). There are two broad
psychological processes involved in decision making:
the sensory process and the cognitive decision process
( Krantz, 1969 ). The sensory process refers to the
transformation of physical stimuli into internal percep-
tion. The cognitive decision process involves deciding
how to respond based on the output of the sensory
process. Signal detection theory provides separate
and to introduce a
relatively high degree of uncertainty. To our knowledge,
the current study is the first that employs signal detection
theory to investigate facial emotion recognition in
patients with schizophrenia. We hypothesised that
individuals with schizophrenia, compared with healthy
controls, would have diminished sensitivity and different
response criteria in facial emotion recognition across
different emotions.
ceiling effect
2. Method
2.1. Subjects
Twenty-five patients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of
schizophrenia ( American Psychiatric Association, 1994 )
were recruited from in-patient wards (17 patients) and from
the community (8 patients). Twenty-five healthy volun-
teers were recruited from the community as controls. The
demographics of the subjects are summarised in Tabl e 1 .
measures of performance in decision making to reflect
these two processes. The sensory process is measured by
sensitivity (d-prime), which determines how well the
observer is able to select the correct stimuli while
avoiding the incorrect ones. The response criterion (In
D.T. Tsoi et al. / Schizophrenia Research 99 (2008) 263 269
Table 1
Demographics and clinical characteristics of patients and controls (SD in parentheses)
Schizophrenia patients (n=25)
Healthy controls (n=25)
p value
Mean age (years)
37.8 (9.5, range 20 to 54)
40.5 (9.0, range 21 to 55)
Sex (male/female)
Mean years of education
12.5 (2.4)
11.9 (2.3)
Mean IQ by NART
105 (13)
106 (8)
Mean SAPS total score
25 (15)
Mean SANS total score
11 (9)
Mean CDSS total score
4 (4)
The two groups did not differ significantly in age, male/
female ratio, number of years of education received and IQ
estimated with the National Adult Reading Test [NART]
( Nelson and Willison, 1991 ). Exclusion criteria for both
groups included the presence of a history of neurological
disorders or learning disability, or a current diagnosis of
alcohol or drug dependence. Both patients and controls
gave written informed consent before their participation.
This study was approved by the local Research Ethics
All patients were judged as clinically stable by their
psychiatrists at the time of assessment. All patients
except one were on antipsychotic medication. The mean
daily dose in chlorpromazine equivalence was 408.6 mg
(SD=253.0 mg). Twenty-one patients were on atypical
antipsychotic medications and the other three patients
were on typical antipsychotics. The mean duration of
illness was 13.5 years (SD=9.3 years, range from
6 months to 35 years).
press a button on a mouse connected to the computer as
quickly as possible to indicate whether the face shown
was displaying the target emotion. The participants were
asked to press a different button to indicate that the face
shown was not expressing the target emotion. There
were 88 faces shown for each block and participants
were asked to identify a specific target emotion in each
block. Therefore, there were three different blocks for
three target emotions and the sequence of these blocks
was randomised. Each stimulus was shown for 50 ms,
and then followed by a 1300 ms central-fixation cross,
during which a response was to be made. There were 28
faces in each block with the target emotion (7 faces from
2 males and 2 females). The other 60 faces with non-
target emotions included the other five emotions from
the 2 males and 2 females (3 faces for each person
expressing one non-target emotion). Participants were
given a five-minute break between each block.
Before the experimental procedure, subjects viewed
sample photographs from the POFA (including both male
and female but these photographs were different from
those used in the actual experiment) exhibiting the six
different emotions. All participants had 12 practice trials
for each target emotion, using the sample photographs.
After the facial emotion recognition task, the patient
group were assessed with: (1) the Scale for the
Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS) ( Andreasen,
1984 ) and Negative Symptoms (SANS) ( Andreasen,
1983 ) for symptom severity; (2) the Calgary Depression
Scale for Schizophrenia (CDSS) ( Addington et al.,
1990 ) for depressive symptoms.
2.2. Experimental procedure and task
task in a quiet well-
lit room. The stimuli of the task consisted of twenty-four
black and white photographs from the Pictures of Facial
Affect (POFA) ( Ekman and Friesen, 1976 ). These
photographs feature two males and two females exhibit-
ing each of the following six facial expressions:
happiness, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise and anger.
Hair features and clothing were occluded from all these
faces ( Phillips et al., 1999 ). These stimuli were presented
with the Presentation software package (Neurobehavioral
Systems Inc., San Francisco) on a laptop computer (screen
size: 28.8 cm×21.3 cm, stimuli size: 14.4 cm×21.3 cm at
the centre of screen). Participants sat approximately 60 cm
from the computer screen.
Participants were instructed to decide whether the
faces shown on the screen expressed one of three target
emotions: happiness, sadness or fear. They were told to
2.3. Statistical analysis
respectively, according to signal detection theory. The
calculation of d-prime and In(
) was based on the
formulareportedinthepaperby Macmillan and
Creelman (1990) . Adjusted Hit Rate (HR) and False
Alarm Rate (FAR) according to Corwin (1994) were
On the day of testing, all participants were interviewed
to obtain demographic information. They then performed
a facial emotion recognition
Sensitivity and response criterion for facial emotion
recognition were calculated as d-prime and In(
D.T. Tsoi et al. / Schizophrenia Research 99 (2008) 263 269
). The sensitivity measure d-prime refers to the
sensory dimension of facial emotion recognition, i.e. the
ability to distinguish target facial emotion from non-
target emotions. A larger d-prime means a better ability
to differentiate the target emotion from other emotions.
The response criterion In(
further analysed using signal detection theory in order to
take account of the possibility that subjects may be more
inclined to indicate that every face was displaying the
target emotion and hence could lead to higher hit rate for
at the expense of false alarms. Furthermore, as indicated
by the significant interaction effect (group by emotion)
[F(2,96) =4.15, p=0.02, power=0.72] in false alarm
rate, any such bias produced could induce differential
effects on different facial emotions in the patient and
control groups.
) reflects the cognitive
dimension of facial emotion recognition and it measures
the tendency for a subject to judge a facial emotion as a
specific emotion. If the In(
) is positive, the subject has
adopted a strict criterion and is biased towards judging that
any facial emotion is a non-target emotion. The more
positive the In(
3.1. Sensitivity for different emotions (d-prime)
), the stricter criterion the subject has
adopted. On the other hand, a negative In(
There was a significant interaction effect (group by
emotion) [F(2, 96)=4.08, p=0.02, power=0.71].
( Table 2 ). The interaction was explained by the fact that
d-prime differences between the patient and control group
were statistically significant for happy faces [F(1, 48) =
7.52, p
) indicates that
a subject has adopted a lax criterion and is biased towards
judging that any facial emotion is the target emotion. A
zero In(
) would suggest an unbiased judgement.
D-prime, In(
) and reaction time (RT) were exam-
ined as dependent variables and these variables were
entered into a 2×3 multivariate analysis of variance
(MANOVA), with a between-subject variable of group
(schizophrenia or controls) and within-subject variables
of emotion (fear, happiness or sadness). Pearson's
correlation analysis was used to examine associations
between dependent variables and clinical characteristics.
Statistical significance was set at 0.05 and all statistical
tests were two-tailed.
0.01, power=0.77] but not for faces
showing sadness [F(1, 48) =3.11, p=0.08, power=0.41]
and fear [F(1, 48) =0.76, p=0.39,power=0.14].Themain
effect of emotion on d-prime [F(2, 96) =112.64, p
power=1.00] was significant, suggesting that d-prime was
highest for happy faces and lowest for faces showing fear in
both groups. There was also a significant main effect of
group [F(1, 48) =5.22, p=0.03, power=0.61] and this
indicates patients exhibited a lower d-prime compared with
controls across different emotions.
3. Results
3.2. Response criteria for different emotions (In(
Patients with schizophrenia showed a significant
lower Hit Rate (HR) in recognising happy faces [F
(1,48) =6.55, p=0.01, power=0.71], but not in recog-
nising faces with fear or sadness ( Table 2 ). False Alarm
Rate (FAR) was higher in the patient group for all three
emotions [fear: F(1,48) =5.03, p=0.03, power=0.59;
happy: F(1,48) =5.42, p=0.02, power=0.63; sad: F
(1,48) =10.07, p
0.01, power=0.85]
( Table 2 ). The interaction analysis showed that there were
significant between-group differences in recognising faces
with fear [F(1, 48) =4.67, p=0.04, power=0.56] and
sadness [F(1, 48) =12.37, p
)[F(2,96) =5.58, p
0.01, power=0.93] but not
for happy faces [F(1, 48) =2.23, p=0.14, power=0.31].
Within each group, there was significant difference
0.01, power=0.88]. These data were
Table 2
Performance indicators (mean values with SD in parentheses) of facial emotion recognition tasks for three target emotions
Hit rate (unadjusted) False alarm rate (unadjusted) D-prime
Reaction time (milliseconds)
Schizophrenia (n=25) 0.61 (0.19)
0.28 (0.18)
0.94 (0.51) 0.18 (0.50) 653.31 (145.13)
Controls (n=25)
0.54 (0.16)
0.18 (0.12)
1.08 (0.55) 0.47 (0.44) 574.49 (85.74)
Schizophrenia (n=25) 0.75 (0.17)
0.12 (0.12)
2.07 (0.95) 0.52 (0.99) 608.37 (137.48)
Controls (n=25)
0.85 (0.12)
0.06 (0.08)
2.76 (0.81) 0.87 (0.64) 532.60 (81.19)
Schizophrenia (n=25) 0.65 (0.28)
0.31 (0.31)
1.18 (0.74) 0.26 (0.99) 621.05 (134.92)
Controls (n=25)
0.52 (0.18)
0.10 (0.14)
1.54 (0.70) 1.20 (0.90) 546.67 (85.89)
used in the calculation to avoid problems of division by
zero or result in infinite values of the calculated d-prime
and In(
There was a significant interaction effect (group by
emotion) on In(
D.T. Tsoi et al. / Schizophrenia Research 99 (2008) 263 269
) values for faces with fear and happiness
(p=0.02 for patients; p
4. Discussion
0.01 for controls). The difference
) values for faces with fear and sadness
was significant in the control group (p
Using signal detection theory, we found that
individuals with schizophrenia, when compared with
controls, demonstrated a diminished sensitivity (d-
prime) in recognising happy faces, although the main
effect of emotion (highest d-prime for happy faces
recognition) suggested that happy faces were more
easily recognised than other facial emotions. On the
other hand, individuals with schizophrenia adopted a
significantly less strict response criteria (In(
0.001) but not in
the patient group (p=0.58). The difference between the In
) values for faces with happiness and sadness was also
only significant in the control group (p=0.05) but not in
the patient group (p=0.12). The main effect of group [F
(1,48)=8.42, p
0.01, power=0.81] indicated that value
) was lower in the patient group than the controls
across all three target emotions. The main effect of
emotion [F(2,96)=8.83, p
)) than the
controls in recognising fear and sad facial emotions.
This suggests that individuals with schizophrenia, when
compared to the controls, were more inclined to attribute
any facial emotion as fearful or sad.
We used a short stimulus exposure time (50 ms) in
our experimental paradigm to avoid the potential
0.001, power=0.97] was
also statistically significant. This suggests that the In(
value was lowest (i.e. less positive) for recognising faces
displaying fear in both groups.
3.3. Reaction time for different emotions
in other facial emotion recognition
tasks. The highest mean hit rate was 0.85 (controls in
recognising happy faces) and it was well below the
possible maximum hit rate of 1.0. There is substantial
evidence suggesting that perception of facial expres-
sions can occur automatically ( Hansen and Hansen,
1994; Stenberg et al., 1998 ) and without conscious
awareness ( Morris et al., 1998 ) in healthy volunteers.
When a negative facial emotion was presented for 20 ms
as prime before a neutral face, individuals with
schizophrenia judged that neural facial emotion as
more unpleasant than controls ( Hoschel and Irle, 2001 ).
Taken together, the results of these studies suggest that
patients with schizophrenia can perceive facial expres-
sions even at very short stimulus exposure times.
A facial affect recognition deficit in schizophrenia may
reflect a specific facial affect processing deficit ( Borod
et al., 1993 ). Alternatively, it mayalsobesecondarytoa
generalised perceptual impairment ( Archer et al., 1992 ).
Previous studies reported that normal individuals had
greatest accuracy in recognising happy faces from a range
of facial emotion expressions ( Ekman et al., 1972; Johnston
et al., 2003 ). Hence, the differences in performance of the
task between patient and control group in recognising facial
emotion should be smallest for happy faces ( Chapman and
Chapman, 1978 ). Contrary to what Chapman and Chap-
man (1978) suggested, we found that recognition of happy
faces was more impaired than recognition of sad or fearful
faces in our patient sample. Our results suggest that the
facial emotion recognition deficit in schizophrenia is more
complex than previously thought. We have shown that
there are at least two potentially different recognition
processes involved in the observed deficit, namely
impaired sensitivity and response bias. The underlying
process of this recognition deficit is different for each
The reaction time was significantly delayed in the
patient group compared to the control group across all
three emotions as shown by the significant main effect
of group [F(1, 48)=7.19, p=0.01, power=0.75]
( Table 2 ). However, there was no significant interaction
effect [F(2, 96)=0.01, p=0.98, power=0.05]. The
main effect of emotion on the reaction time was
significant [F(2,96) =5.28, p
0.01) and
for faces displaying sadness (p=0.01). There was no
statistically significant difference in the reaction time of
recognising happy and sad faces (p=0.34).
3.4. Relationship between facial emotion recognition
parameters and clinical characteristics in the patient group
There was a significant positive correlation between
the SAPS delusion total score and d-prime in task of
recognising both fear (r=0.40, p=0.05) as well as sad
faces (r=0.48, p=0.02). D-prime (fear) had also a
significant positive correlation with the CDSS total
score (r=0.42, p=0.04). In(
0.01). NART IQ,
duration of illness and dosage of antipsychotic medica-
tion (in chlorpromazine equivalence) did not have
significant correlations with either d-prime or In(
each emotion. There were no significant correlations
between scores of the clinical measures and In(
) for
the emotions of fear and sadness. There were also no
significant correlations between d-prime (happy) and
clinical ratings.
between the In(
between the In(
of In(
ceiling effect
0.01, power=0.83]. The
reaction time for recognising faces with fear was
significantly delayed in both groups, compared to the
reaction time for recognising happy faces (p
) in task recognising
happy faces had a significant positive correlation with
the SANS total score (r=0.56, p
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