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Neuroscience 193 (2011) 241–248
a Polo Universitário de Rio das Ostras, Universidade Federal Flumi-
nense, Rio das Ostras, Brazil
b Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil
c Instituto Biomédico, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil
d Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, Universidade Federal do
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
e Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Trento, Italy
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France
g Brain Institute, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal,
Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
process ( Gross and Thompson, 2007 ). This regulatory
process can influence which emotions individuals have,
leading to changes to one or more aspects of emotion (e.g.
Bargh and Williams, 2007; Gross and Thompson, 2007 ). In
fact, emotion regulation can be achieved through a number
of processes, but in general, strategies can be classified as
either response or antecedent-focused ( Gross, 1998;
Ochsner and Gross, 2005 ). Response-focused strategies
occur relatively late in the emotion-generation process and
would include suppressing the behavioral expression of
emotion. This strategy, however, seems to be ineffective in
decreasing the experience of negative emotions ( Gross
and Levenson, 1993 ). On the other hand, antecedent-
focused regulation strategies occur relatively early within
the emotion-generation process and appear to be effective
in decreasing the experience of negative emotions
( Ochsner et al., 2002; Moser et al., 2006 ). One approach to
achieve the antecedent-focused regulation is reinterpret-
ing an unpleasant stimulus to be less negative, which is
called “reappraisal.” Thus, to be considered as “anteced-
ent” this strategy should be employed before the emotion
had been triggered ( Gross, 1998 ).
One unresolved issue in this area is whether emotion
regulation refers to intrinsic processes, to extrinsic pro-
cesses, or to both ( Gross and Thompson, 2007 ). The first
process assumes that emotion regulation derives from a
person’s self-regulatory effort and the second process as-
sumes that it results from the regulatory influences of other
people ( Thompson, 2011 ). In general, researches involv-
ing adult subjects typically focus on intrinsic processes
( Thompson, 2011 ). However, even for adults, extrinsic
emotion regulation occurs in many ways. This is generally
how people intervene to manage the feelings of a spouse,
friend, or acquaintance, by dissuading them from going to
events that may be stressful or by giving them other inter-
pretation about a negative ongoing situation (for review
see Gross and Thompson, 2007 ). As pointed out by
Thompson (2011) “. . . regulatory influences arise not just
through the strategic efforts of the person to function com-
petently but also through a variety of extrinsic, noncon-
scious, implicit processes by which emotion is managed in
response to complex contextual demands.” This type of
regulatory influence can also be referred to as incidental
emotion regulation , which occurs when contextual factors
alter an affective response without one’s intentional effort
( Berkman and Lieberman, 2009 ).
Abstract—In the present study we investigated whether indi-
viduals would take advantage of an extrinsic and incidental
reappraisal strategy by giving them precedent descriptions
to attenuate the emotional impact of unpleasant pictures. In
fact, precedent descriptions have successfully promoted
down-regulation of electrocortical activity and physiological
responses to unpleasant pictures. However, the neuronal
substrate underlying this effect remains unclear. Particularly,
we investigated whether amygdala and insula responses,
brain regions consistently implicated in emotional process-
ing, would be modulated by this strategy. To achieve this,
highly unpleasant pictures were shown in two contexts in
which a prior description presented them as taken from
movie scenes (fictitious) or real scenes. Results showed that
the fictitious condition was characterized by down-regulation
of amygdala and insula responses. Thus, the present study
provides new evidence on reappraisal strategies to down-
regulate emotional reactions and suggest that amygdala and
insula responses to emotional stimuli are adaptive and highly
flexible. © 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights
Key words: amygdala, insula, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
(VLPFC), extrinsic reappraisal, incidental reappraisal, mutila-
tion pictures.
Emotion regulatory processes may be automatic or con-
trolled, conscious or unconscious and may have their ef-
fects at one or more points in the emotion generative
*Corresponding author. Tel: 55-21-9182-0177.
E-mail address: (L. de Oliveira).
Abbreviations: fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; IAPS,
International Affective Picture System; LPP, late positive potential;
ROI, regions of interest; VLPFC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex.
0306-4522/11 $ - see front matter © 2011 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I. Mocaiber et al. / Neuroscience 193 (2011) 241–248
Regarding intrinsic process, most previous studies
have investigated reappraisal strategies during which indi-
viduals are encouraged to voluntarily change how they
think about a situation, in order to decrease its emotional
impact ( Ochsner et al., 2004; Phan et al., 2005; Moser et
al., 2006 ). Several studies have shown that this strategy
can change emotional experience and its associated phys-
iological and functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI) responses ( Gross and Muñoz, 1995; Gross, 1998,
2002; Ochsner et al., 2002; Ray et al., 2005; Goldin et al.,
2008 ). Specially, amygdala activity modulation has been
described as crucial to the emotion regulation process. A
number of studies have demonstrated that the use of
reappraisal, that is, cognitively changing the meaning of
emotional stimuli, affects evoked responses in the
amygdala and other brain areas ( Ochsner et al., 2002,
2004 ). For instance, fMRI studies have shown that
amygdala is sensitive to emotion regulation in that its
activity is decreased during the reevaluation of negative
affect while is increased during enhancement of negative
emotion ( Phan et al., 2005; Eippert et al., 2007 ). It is
important to note, however, that the majority of research to
date has focused on deliberate emotion regulation, which
is voluntary, volitional and driven by explicit goals ( Berk-
man and Lieberman, 2009 ). In these studies, participants
have typically been asked to generate their own alternative
interpretations after viewing an emotional stimulus. Fur-
thermore, this strategy may introduce inter- and intra-par-
ticipant variability regarding the specific way that reap-
praisals are performed by the participants.
In the present study we extend research on emotion
regulation data by employing a subtle and less deliberate
strategy. Specifically, we investigated whether individuals
would take advantage of an extrinsic and incidental emo-
tion regulation strategy by giving them precedent descrip-
tions to attenuate the emotional impact of unpleasant im-
ages. In this case, regulation starts before the emotion is
completely triggered. First of all, participants were told that
they would see very unpleasant images such as mutilated
bodies. After that, they received descriptions, which gave
them the opportunity to adjust their responses according to
each emotional context. In one context, unpleasant images
were described as taken from real situations (real) and in
the other, from movie scenes (fictitious).
In fact, this kind of subtle reappraisal strategy has
successfully promoted down-regulation of electrocortical
activity and physiological responses during the viewing of
emotional pictures ( Foti and Hajcak, 2008; Oliveira et al.,
2009; Mocaiber et al., 2009, 2010 ). However, the neuronal
substrate underlying this effect remains an open question.
In the present study, we employed fMRI to investigate
whether amygdala and insula responses, brain regions
consistently implicated in emotional processing (e.g. Mor-
rison et al., 2007; Pereira et al., 2010; Pessoa and Adol-
phs, 2010 ), would be modulated by this strategy.
Thus, we hypothesized that the differential brain re-
sponses between unpleasant and neutral pictures would
be attenuated (or even eliminated) in the fictitious condition
compared to the real condition. Particularly, we predicted
that the activity of amygdala and insula to highly arousing
unpleasant images would be flexible and adaptive in the
context of an extrinsic and incidental reappraisal strategy.
Twenty-two healthy volunteers (12 male, mean age of 26.61
years, SD 4.72) participated in this study. Volunteers were se-
lected among students, and had normal or corrected-to-normal
vision. They reported no psychiatric or neurologic problems and
were not under medication with nervous system action. Partici-
pants were naive as to the purpose of the experiment. Before data
collection, all procedures were approved by the local ethics com-
mittee and participants gave informed consent.
Two classes of images (72 neutral and 72 unpleasant) were
employed. Neutral pictures consisted of photographs of people “in
normal life” and unpleasant images consisted of photographs of
mutilated bodies. Pictures were taken from the International Af-
fective Picture System (IAPS)—( Center for the Study of Emotion
and Attention and (CSEA-NIMH), 1999 ), from the World Wide
Web, or photographed by the authors. Additional pictures were
selected apart from the IAPS, since the IAPS database was not
large enough for the conduction of this study. We attempted to
match unpleasant and neutral stimuli in terms of both color content
and complexity (e.g. number of faces, number of body parts, etc.).
Following the protocol developed by the CSEA ( Bradley and Lang,
1994 ), all images were assessed on a 1–9 scale in terms of
valence (from negative to positive) and arousal (from low to high)
by a separate group of participants ( n
and arousal ( M 6.6 and 3.4, respectively, t 34.43, P 0.001)
ratings. Each picture was repeated just once within the fictitious
and the real contexts. Thus, the repetition of one specific picture
always occurred within the same context.
2.08 and 5.21, respectively, t
58.02, P
Participants performed an emotional judgment task , in which they
had to decide whether the presented picture was neutral or un-
pleasant, pressing one of two buttons with the right hand. The
judgment task was performed in two contexts: fictitious and real.
Initially, participants were told that they would see very unpleasant
images such as mutilated bodies. After that, they received de-
scriptions, which gave them the opportunity to adjust their re-
sponses according to each emotional context. In one context, they
were instructed that the unpleasant pictures had been taken from
movie productions (fictitious condition) whereas in the other con-
text, they were instructed that the pictures corresponded to real
scenes (real condition). In the fictitious condition, the precedent
descriptions represented a safety signal, which encouraged par-
ticipants to down-regulate their responses to an upcoming highly
provocative set of pictures. Neutral pictures were also presented
so that we could assess the differential responses to mutilation
stimuli in both contexts.
Therefore, the experiment consisted of a 2 (context: fictitious
and real) 2 (valence: neutral and unpleasant) factorial design.
Experimental session comprised four runs (two real contexts and
two fictitious contexts runs) counterbalanced across participants.
20) with ages similar to the
participants of the current study (22.3, SD 1.8). Thus, all images
employed in the present experiment (pictures from the IAPS cat-
alogue and from the web) had their valence and arousal assessed
according to the IAPS rating procedure. Unpleasant and neutral
images differed significantly from each other in IAPS normative
valence ( M
I. Mocaiber et al. / Neuroscience 193 (2011) 241–248
Each run comprised four interleaved blocks of task and rest peri-
ods. Rest periods consisted of a fixation cross presented for 15 s.
Task blocks were composed of nine trials (four unpleasant and
five neutral pictures in two blocks, and five unpleasant and four
neutral in the two others). Every run contained the same number
of neutral and emotional trials that were randomly presented
within each task block. Task blocks were preceded by a 3-s black
screen to warn subjects of its beginning. Every single trial was
initiated by a 500-ms fixation cross, followed by a central picture
presented for 200 ms and masked by a gray-scale checkerboard
until the volunteer emitted a response. The trial duration was fixed
to 3 s, corresponding exactly to one repetition time (TR). Partici-
pants were instructed to respond as quickly and as accurately as
possible, indicating whether the pictures were neutral or unpleas-
ant. Pictures were presented with Presentation software (Neu-
robehavioral Systems, ) running in a Win-
dows notebook and projected inside the scanner through a pro-
jection screen and mirror system fixated on the head coil.
Responses were collected with an MRI-compatible button system.
Participants performed a practice session before the experiment
to ensure that they completely understood the instructions.
Participants were first told that they would see a variety of
pictures including a very unpleasant category, mutilated bodies.
After that, and before the beginning of each run, participants had
to read a text informing the source of the forthcoming pictures. In
fictitious context runs, the pictures were announced to be fictitious
scenes, whereas, in real context runs, pictures were described as
real-life scenes. This experimental manipulation was done in a
very subtle way, so that participants could not suspect of the key
For the fictitious context, participants read the following text:
... The pictures that will be shown to you in the next trials were
obtained from movies with the aim of convincing the audi-
ence ... Therefore, the pictures were produced by means of di-
verse techniques such as make-up, and do not correspond to real
situations” . For the real context, participants read the following
text: ... The IAPS is a set of standardized colored photographs of
a wide range of situations ... All the pictures are real and were
obtained from the web, media, or taken by the group that devel-
oped the IAPS.” The aim of this manipulation was to attenuate the
emotional impact of the pictures during the fictitious context com-
pared to the real context. This experimental procedure was pre-
viously validated by recent studies ( Oliveira et al., 2009; Mocaiber
et al., 2010 ).
In summary, each subject participated in one experimental
session that comprised four counterbalanced runs (two fictitious
and two real runs). Each run contained four blocks comprising
nine unpleasant and neutral trials each. Unpleasant and neutral
pictures were equal in number and randomly presented within
each run. The pictures that were presented to some participants in
the real context were presented in the fictitious context to others,
guaranteeing that any attenuation effect would not be associated
to a specific pool of pictures.
In order to confirm the credibility of our key manipulation, we
ran a behavioral experiment with an additional sample outside the
scanner ( n 27; mean age of 19 years, SD 2.09) and asked the
participants to rate a set of pictures presented in the fictitious and
real contexts. This behavioral experiment was very similar to the
fMRI experiment described before. First, participants performed
an emotional judgment task , where they had to decide whether the
picture presented was neutral or unpleasant, pressing one of two
buttons with the right hand. At the end of each block, participants
additionally rated the set of pictures just shown by means of the
Self Assessment Manikin (SAM) valence and arousal scales
( Bradley and Lang, 1994 ). This rating test was not applied in the
scanner sample to prevent participants from suspecting the key
experimental manipulation.
fMRI recording. MRI data were collected using a 1.5 T MRI
scanner (Magnetom Vision Plus, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany).
Functional images were acquired using a gradient-echo planar
imaging sequence (TR 3s;TE 60 ms; FOV 240; flip an-
gle 90°; 64 64 matrix). Whole brain coverage was obtained with
25 axial slices (thickness 4 mm; in-plane resolution 3.75 3.75
mm). Echo-planar images were co-registered to a high-resolution
structural T1-weighted image obtained during the same session
(TR/TE 9.7/4.0 ms; flip angle 12°; 160 slices; thickness 1 mm;
256 256 matrix; FOV 256 mm). Head movements were re-
strained with foam padding. Stimulus presentation was synchro-
nized with functional images acquisition.
fMRI data analysis
The statistical parametric mapping software package (SPM5,
Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, London) was used
for preprocessing and statistical analyses. The first three func-
tional volumes of each run were removed to eliminate non-equi-
librium magnetization effects. The remaining images were cor-
rected for head movement by realigning all the images to the first
image via rigid body transformations. The images were then cor-
rected for differences in slice acquisition time. For each partici-
pant, functional and structural images were co-registered. Struc-
tural data were normalized by matching them to the standardized
MNI template, and the transformation parameters estimated in this
step were applied to all functional images. Functional images were
spatially smoothed with an 8-mm full width at half maximum
Gaussian kernel prior to statistical analysis.
Data analysis was performed according to the general linear
model framework, as implemented in SPM5 ( Friston et al., 1995 ).
Data obtained from the 22 participants were analyzed. Functional
data quality was checked by means of Artifact Repair (version 4)
toolbox ( Mazaica et al., 2005 ), a package of tools developed for
SPM to check and correct motion and other artifacts. This allowed
signal quality checking before reaching General Linear Model
The main goal of the present study was to determine the
effects of a less deliberate reappraisal of emotional stimuli on
amygdala and insula activation. However, we also performed a
whole-brain voxel-wise analysis to investigate general task-re-
lated activations, as well as to further investigate emotional brain
responses. A standard two-stage mixed-effects analysis was per-
The first (fixed) level involved determining the regression
coefficients of the variables of interest, which modeled the effects
of each experimental condition: judging neutral pictures (real con-
text), judging unpleasant pictures (real context), judging neutral
pictures (fictitious context) and judging unpleasant pictures (ficti-
tious context). Before estimation via multiple regressions, regres-
sors of interest were convolved with a canonical hemodynamic
response function.
Second-level group analyses were conducted by means of
Student t -tests. Since random effects analyses may be fairly con-
servative in the context of fMRI data ( Worsley et al., 2002 ), we
employed a threshold of P 0.001 (uncorrected), as is commonly
employed in the literature. A clusters size threshold was estab-
lished at 10 contiguous voxels.
Critical analyses were performed within the amygdala and
insula, which have been pointed out by the literature as a crucial
part of the emotional network. Functional regions of interest (ROI)
of these structures were selected based on the contrast unpleas-
ant pictures vs. neutral pictures during the real context (a thresh-
old of P
0.001, uncorrected, was employed). These same ROIs
were used for a paired t -tests comparison between the critical
conditions (unpleasant pictures vs. neutral pictures) during the
fictitious context. Functional ROIs construction and signal extrac-
tion were performed using the MarsBar toolbox (version 0.41)
I. Mocaiber et al. / Neuroscience 193 (2011) 241–248
Table 1. Brain regions activated for the unpleasant neutral contrast
Brain region
Coordinates MNI (x y z)
Cluster size
t (score z)
Real context (unpleasant neutral)
32 76 34
4.89 (3.95)
34 52 34
4.26 (3.57)
Mid cingulate
14 40 50
5.09 (4.06)
34 22 18
4.06 (3.45)
34 2 24
4.54 (3.74)
Mid frontal gyrus
22 14 42
4.35 (3.63)
Suplementar motor area
6 22 58
3.84 (3.31)
Superior frontal gyrus
4 38 46
4.13 (3.49)
Fictitious context (unpleasant neutral)
Lingual gyrus
8 46 2
4.41 (3.67)
Caudate nucleus
20 12 16
6.44 (4.73)
Caudate nucleus
22 26 4
5.49 (4.28)
Inferior frontal gyrus (ventrolateral prefrontal cortex)
40 32 0
4.70 (3.84)
Mid frontal gyrus (ventrolateral prefrontal cortex)
30 40 4
3.88 (3.33)
Superior frontal gyrus (ventromedial prefrontal cortex)
24 50 6
4.26 (3.58)
All regions at P threshold of .001, uncorrected. L left, R right;xyz MNI coordinates of the maximally active voxel; t maximum t value.
( Brett et al., 2002 ) for SPM5. Mean values for each condition
were extracted.
( Table 1 ). Brain regions showing greater activation during
the judgment of unpleasant pictures in comparison to neu-
tral pictures in the real context are shown in Table 1 . They
include bilateral cerebellum, mid-cingulate cortex, right
amygdala, left insula, left mid-frontal gyrus, right supple-
mentary motor area (SMA) and right superior frontal gyrus.
As expected, the real context contrast revealed an “emo-
tional network” previously described by other studies.
Brain regions showing greater activation during the
judgment of unpleasant pictures in comparison to neutral
pictures in the fictitious context included a group of pre-
frontal regions (inferior frontal gyrus, mid-frontal gyrus and
superior frontal gyrus), lingual gyrus and caudate nucleus
( Fig. 1 ). It is important to note that the “emotional network”
revealed in the real context contrast was not found in the
fictitious context contrast, suggesting that the activation of
the emotional network was attenuated.
Our main focus of interest was to investigate the ef-
fects of emotion regulation on critical brain regions previ-
ously described in the literature as part of an emotional
network (amygdala and insula). Therefore, we conducted a
ROI analysis of these structures, defined via the contrast
unpleasant pictures neutral pictures during the real con-
text. The mean parameters for unpleasant and neutral
pictures in the fictitious context were extracted and com-
pared by paired t -test. This analysis showed no statistical
difference of the amygdala (x y z 34 2 24) and insula
(xyz 34 22 18) activity as a function of stimulus
valence ( P 0.5), suggesting an attenuation of emotional
effects during the fictitious context ( Fig. 2 ).
Data on mean ratings showed that images presented in the
real context were more arousing than the images pre-
sented in the fictitious context ( M 5.55, SD 2.01 and
4.68, SD 2.48, respectively, P 0.01). Also, pictures in
the real context were marginally more unpleasant than in
the fictitious context ( M 3.60, SD 1.47 and 3.93,
SD 1.24, P 0.07).
Behavioral results
Median reaction times and accuracy (number of correct
responses emitted by the participant in each experimental
condition) were determined for 19 of the 22 participants;
because of equipment malfunction, behavioral data from
three participants were not analyzed. Paired t -tests re-
vealed that the mean reaction time did not differ between
the unpleasant and neutral pictures for both the real
( M 934.5 ms, SE 28.59 vs. 935.4 ms, SE 25.35) and
the fictitious context ( M 928.6 ms, SE 25.45 vs. 924.6
ms, SE 26.25). However, the overall performance to
judge unpleasant pictures ( M 73.3%, SD 1.59) was sig-
nificantly higher in comparison to neutral ones ( M
68.71%, SD 1.68) in the real context ( P 0.04). This dif-
ference was not observed for the fictitious context
( M 71.78%, SD 2.16 and M 71.2%, SD 1.59, for un-
pleasant and neutral pictures, respectively) ( P 0.8).
Brain imaging results
Functional MRI data were first analyzed on a voxel-by-
voxel basis across the whole brain for each experimental
context. We will first present the whole brain data for the
following contrasts: unpleasant neutral pictures (real con-
text) and unpleasant neutral pictures (fictitious context)
In the present study we examined the effects of an extrin-
sic, incidental and less deliberate reappraisal strategy on
unpleasant image processing. Specifically, we observed
that precedent descriptions, aimed to attenuate the impact
of emotional pictures, produced changes on behavioral
I. Mocaiber et al. / Neuroscience 193 (2011) 241–248
Fig. 1. Prefrontal clusters activation peaks in the Fictitious context
contrast (unpleasant neutral). (A) Top panel shows right ventrolat-
eral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC) activation (xyz 40 32 0); (B) Middle
panel shows left VLPFC activation (xyz 30 40 4) and (C) Bottom
panel shows ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC) activation
(xyz 24 50 6). Activations are overlaid on subject’s average ana-
tomical image at a level of P .001, uncorrected. For interpretation of
the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to
the Web version of this article.
tional stimuli involving fear and negative emotions
( Ochsner et al., 2002; Phan et al., 2002; Hariri et al., 2003;
Phelps and LeDoux, 2005; Eippert et al., 2007; Del-Ben et
al., in press ). Moreover, the visualization of the mutilation
pictures evoked increased responses in insula and cingu-
late cortex, which are regions associated with the monitor-
ing of the ongoing internal emotional state of the organism
( Craig, 2009 ) and the implementation of defensive re-
sponses ( Azevedo et al., 2005; Morrison et al., 2007; Milad
et al., 2007; Pereira et al., 2010 ), respectively.
Interestingly, during the fictitious context, we did not
find greater activation for brain regions associated with
emotional processing, such as amygdala, cingulate cortex,
insula and SMA. This finding is remarkable since we used
a very subtle strategy to down-regulate highly aversive and
provocative pictures. Actually, we chose mutilation pic-
tures because we intended to test this strategy using stim-
uli that evoke strong aversive reaction ( Pereira et al., 2004,
2006, 2010; Azevedo et al., 2005; Erthal et al., 2005;
Facchinetti et al., 2006; Oliveira et al., 2009 ). Thus, subtle
changes in the situational context (precedent descriptions)
resulted in activation of structures involved in affect
(amygdala and insula) in one condition (real) coupled with
increases in PFC activity in the other condition (fictitious).
Previous studies have shown that instructions to pur-
posefully modulate emotional responding to unpleasant stim-
uli affect physiology and brain activity ( Ochsner et al., 2004;
Phan et al., 2005; Goldin et al., 2008 ). However, these stud-
ies used voluntary strategies, which are intrinsic, volitional
and driven by overt goals. In the majority of these studies,
participants have typically been asked to generate their own
alternative interpretations after viewing an emotional stimu-
lus. Here, participants were persuaded to down-regulate the
impact of aversive pictures via antecedent written instructions
that indicated that the stimuli were fictitious. This key exper-
imental manipulation changed the nature of the pictures pre-
sented, in the sense that their relevance appeared to be
attenuated, resulting in diminished brain activation in struc-
tures critical to emotional processing. A potential strength of
the present study is that all participants were provided texts
that equally influenced the meaning of the upcoming pictures,
rather than being left to generate their own interpretation. In
addition, we believe that with this procedure, task difficulty
was more similar between participants. This procedure can
also be referred to as an incidental emotion regulation in
which changes in contextual factors alter an affective re-
sponse ( Berkman and Lieberman, 2009 ).
Another possible interpretation of the present results is
that the precedent descriptions changed the expectations
about upcoming stimuli, altering the initial processing of
emotional stimuli. In fact, adjustment of expectations about
upcoming stimuli may represent a powerful antecedent-
focused strategy for the cognitive control of emotion ( Foti
and Hajcak, 2008 ). In the present study, participants were
first told that they would see very unpleasant images such
as mutilated bodies. Thus, in the beginning of the experi-
ment, participants were aware that they would judge
mutilation pictures. After that, they read precedent descrip-
tions, which gave them the opportunity to adjust their ex-
and brain responses, reducing amygdala and insula reac-
tivity during the viewing of highly unpleasant stimuli.
As expected, during the real condition the reactivity of
an emotional network including amygdala, SMA, cingulate
cortex and insula was modulated by stimulus valence
( Lane et al., 1999; Phan et al., 2002; Pereira et al., 2010 ).
Increased responses in the amygdala are consistent with a
considerable body of data that has documented how this
structure is involved in affective processing ( Phan et al.,
2005; Pessoa, 2008 ). A large body of studies has shown
that amygdala is implicated in responses to visual emo-
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin