
(73 KB) Pobierz
00:01:38:If not the first year, I ve to give you|something at Ieast the second year, no?
00:01:48:Where did you get|the money for this?
00:01:53:Where did you get the money?
00:01:56:You soId your bike!?
00:01:59:But you Iove your bike so much...
00:02:02:But I Iove you even more.
00:02:28:But...I haven t got you anything.|- Oh, that s a probIem.
00:02:33:Now you have to gift me|whatever I want!
00:02:36:Nothing naughty!
00:02:38:ShouId ve thought of it before|marrying a naughty guy!
00:03:02: On hot summer nights... 
00:03:04: I burn in the rain 
00:03:07: Lost in memories every moment.|What s my poor heart to do 
00:03:12: Lost in my own thoughts am I 
00:03:14: I mean to say one thing...|And say something eIse 
00:03:17: I suffer a strange pain.|What s my poor heart to do 
00:03:23: Gazing into your eyes... 
00:03:28: Even as we taIk... 
00:03:33: One gets... 
00:03:39: And one gives... 
00:03:41: Love s sweet saIute 
00:03:57: AII day I miss something 
00:04:00: I don t know what I desire 
00:04:02: I am aIone even in a crowd.|What s my poor heart to do 
00:04:07: I ve forgotten the day,|month and year 
00:04:10: I sweat even in January 
00:04:12: I find peace nowhere.|What s my poor heart to do 
00:04:19: Gazing into your eyes... 
00:04:24: Even as we taIk... 
00:04:29: One gets... 
00:04:34: And one gives... 
00:04:36: Love s sweet saIute 
00:05:22: When I sit, I sit there forever 
00:05:32: When I waIk, I keep|waIking...very far 
00:05:41: RestIess, I Iose aII my senses 
00:05:43: I smiIe through tears 
00:05:46: Someone stirs haIf-awake in memory.|What s my poor heart to do 
00:05:52: Gazing into your eyes... 
00:05:57: Even as we taIk... 
00:06:02: One gets... 
00:06:08: And one gives...|Love s sweet saIute 
00:07:46:Sorry, I II send the money.
00:07:49:Hey, you are a man in Iove.|Who s asking for money?
00:07:51:I reached you on time, didn t I?|- Don t know...Perhaps I m Iate.
00:07:53:Late? Not to worry, mate.
00:07:55:When two peopIe are truIy in Iove,|they II get together in the end.
00:07:59:Can t find the word...|Even so, aII the best.
00:08:05:Strike up!
00:08:32: Gazing into your eyes... 
00:08:37: Even as we taIk... 
00:08:42: One gets... 
00:08:47: And one gives... 
00:08:49: Love s sweet saIute 
00:09:02: Love s sweet saIute 
00:10:18:We re now a IittIe further|from Madgaon station...
00:10:21:...where this new train|has just been inaugurated.
00:10:24:The Goa Mumbai HoIiday Express.|The RaiIway Ministry says...
00:10:27:It s not just a train but|a romantic experience.
00:10:32:Everyone here is with|someone they Iove.
00:10:36:But for those who are aIone...
00:10:40:...don t give up hope.
00:10:44:Because on this channeI you wiII be|a part of this romantic journey...
00:10:49:...with Tehzeeb Hussain Raina.
00:10:55:So, Iet s go.
00:11:29: If peopIe want to caII me wiId... 
00:11:32: Let them! I don t care 
00:12:14:Let go...
00:12:18:I m feeIing very hot.|- That s normaI, siIIy.
00:12:21:Don t you know why?|- Fire... it s raging.
00:12:33:You siIIy, this fire is in the|front side, not at the backside.
00:12:38:It s at the backside.|- SiIIy girI, what backside!
00:12:43:Father! Fire!
00:12:48: A sonnet of some poet,|O Dream girI... 
00:12:52: A Iotus of beauty. O Dream girI... 
00:12:55: Somewhere someday I wiII find her... 
00:13:00: If not today, tomorrow 
00:13:08:SaIaam, uncIe.|- SaIaam to you, son.
00:13:11:Son, come down to earth|from your dreams.
00:13:14:How Iong wiII you keep on|dreaming the same dream?
00:13:17:It s not a dream, uncIe.|A fact of future truth.
00:13:20:You II see, uncIe.|This door wiII open one day...
00:13:24:Light wiII shine aII over...
00:13:26:A pIayfuI breeze wiII bIow,|beIIs wiII ring...
00:13:29:Conch bIowing auspiciousIy,|drums roIIing...
00:13:33:CeIestiaI dancers wiII shower fIowers
00:13:35:and a white Memsahib wiII waIk|towards me and she wiII say...
00:13:39:Come, my heart s true Iove...
00:13:42:Take me to the Taj...
00:13:46:You ve gone crazy, Raju.
00:13:49:AII your friends have got married.|Even my Ahmed...
00:13:54:whom you dandIed on your knee|it s his turn to marry now.
00:13:59:Here.|- CongratuIations, uncIe.
00:14:01:May AIIah bring the day when|I can congratuIate you.
00:14:05:Listen to me, son.|Find a nice girI and get married.
00:14:10:Stop Iiving in dreams.
00:14:12:Is a Iife without dreams worth Iiving?|How can you say that!
00:14:15:O AIIah, what II happen to this boy!
00:14:20:OnIy what God wiIIs|wiII come to happen.
00:14:50:Who the heII...?|- Ashu, Tehzeeb is in an accident...
00:14:54:that train...can you hear me?
00:15:10:We are a IittIe away from|Sawantwadi junction...
00:15:13:...where this terribIe|accident took pIace.
00:15:15:The Goa Mumbai HoIiday Express|has been deraiIed.
00:15:17:This train was inaugurated today.
00:15:20:Tehzeeb Hussain Raina, our reporter|was covering the event.
00:17:00:It s Makkad here, Vinayji.|- Makkad who?
00:17:02:What do you mean? Forgotten me aIready?|It s me, BaIwinder Singh Makkad.
00:17:12:Are you Iost or what?
00:17:20:Hey buddy, where s your|mind these days!
00:17:22:Yes, teII me, Makkad Saheb. How|kind of you to think of me.
00:17:24:Oh, we think of you day and night.|Don t forget.
00:17:30:You know our Simi is getting married.|Kkamini s dance is must.
00:17:34:Don t worry. We ve signed|the contract with Kkamini.
00:17:37:Just wait and watch. It II|be an expIosive act.
00:17:56:Tonight is a SpeciaI for our Shivu.
00:18:10:When Kkamini came to know|Shivu was getting married...
00:18:16:...Kkamini couIdn t stop herseIf.|She came running...
00:18:21:Everyone said...
00:18:23:Crazy girI, what wiII you|do at a bacheIors  party?
00:18:27:Then Kkamini said...|You fooIs...
00:18:31:Kkamini is aIso a bacheIor.
00:18:34:Isn t she?
00:18:36:Hey, isn t she?
00:18:46:On behaIf of us aII...|we II miss you.
00:18:54: Without you, my Iove... 
00:19:01: My heart is restIess 
00:19:11: Every moment is a torment... 
00:19:14:...for my raging desire 
00:19:22: Don t go abandoning your Iover 
00:19:49: Lover O mine... 
00:19:51: These fair entwining arms...  
00:19:53: These, my bangIes... 
00:19:56: My braceIets... 
00:19:58: They II haunt your memory,|O my Iover 
00:20:02: Left to you are but a few moments|of your careIess bacheIor days 
00:20:07: Don t go, abandoning your Iover 
00:20:11: Don t go, abandoning your Iover 
00:20:42: Lover O mine... 
00:20:49: These my aIIuring charms,|this body of mine... 
00:20:51: These kohI-Iined eyes,|darkIy beguiIing... 
00:20:53: This magic... 
00:20:56: This intoxication, this addiction... 
00:20:59: This addiction is sweet sharp pain 
00:21:02: Oh, this fragrance! 
00:21:05: Your aIIuring charms... 
00:21:07: Your heady youth... 
00:21:09: Where wiII I find them now,|my Iove-crazy girI! 
00:21:14: The passionate promise of|this fIaming beauty... 
00:21:19: The dark hair cascading|down these shouIders... 
00:21:23: Left to you are but a few moments|of your careIess bacheIor days 
00:21:27: Don t go, abandoning your Iover 
00:21:46: Forget these nights.|Now they are gone 
00:21:49: AII these things are now gone,|Iisten my Iove 
00:21:54: No more this soIace,|be gone my Iove 
00:21:58: No more this Iove.|A thirsty guest you II remain 
00:22:03: Don t deceive me Iike this 
00:22:05: Don t punish me Iike this 
00:22:07: That I may gain some peace... 
00:22:10:...pIease offer a prayer 
00:22:12: My swaying earrings... 
00:22:15: My thrusting hip... 
00:22:17: They are not for you anymore 
00:22:21: Left to you are but a few moments|of your careIess bacheIor days 
00:22:25: Don t go, abandoning your Iover 
00:22:45: No, no, no. Don t go 
00:22:52: Don t go, abandoning your Iover 
00:23:05: Lover O mine... Lover O mine... 
00:23:09: Don t go, abandoning your Iover 
00:23:34:Why!? Why s everyone after Kkamini?
00:23:38:Because that s what you want.
00:23:42:Babu, are you Kkamini s manager|or of those journos?
00:23:47:Yours, 100%.
00:23:54:What s this?|- Three new item numbers...
00:23:57:Cabaret, nautch-girI number, cabaret.
00:24:02:Dance directors of your choice.
00:24:13:Kkamini is not an Item Queen.|I want to be a Tragedy Queen.
00:24:17:...Iike Meena Kumari...
00:24:28:Karan Johar...|- Karan Johar?
00:24:30:Why doesn t Karan Johar ever caII me?
00:24:35:Because a Karan Johar fiIm needs not|an Item GirI, a heroine... 
00:24:39:... who has no scandaIs.
00:24:42:She s a simpIe girI who couId be|a daughter, sister, daughter-in-Iaw...
00:24:48:She has one hero, just one hero.|True Iove...
00:24:54:True and pure.
00:24:57:Oh, that so?|- What?
00:25:10:And Kkamini...
00:25:12:In ethnic wear...
00:25:14:and goggIes
00:25:17:Just one photo...
00:25:19:One question.|- Is this true?
00:25:22:No, this is a Iie!|It s a pIot, a conspiracy!
00:25:26:Kkamini did not go to|any party Iast night.
00:25:29:Somebody morphed Kkamini s face.|Kkamini doesn t even know how to swim!
00:25:39:The Press has gone mad. You come to|rescue Kkamini but you sIip...
00:25:45:You wiII mention his name.|- Whose?
00:25:47:His!|- His? Whose?
00:25:50:Oh, anybody s!|- RahuI...?
00:25:58:Who is he?|- Who is RahuI?
00:26:01:TeII us.
00:26:03:Who is this RahuI?
00:26:07:Who is this RahuI?|RahuI is Kkamini s very Iife!
00:26:11:Kkamini s whoIe worId...|RahuI is Kkamini s faith.
00:26:16:This means, Kkamini...|- having an affair with RahuI?
00:26:19:NO! Don t caII it an affair.
00:26:24:This is Iove...
00:26:26:Kkamini s true Iove.
00:26:30:I kept it hidden aII this time,|but not anymore. Because...
00:26:34:Why fear when you Iove.|Why heave sighs in siIence.
00:26:46:Do you know what you re doing?
00:26:50:Kkamini knows everything.|Kkamini is not a fooI.
00:27:07:Sir, I m D...
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