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ProgDir = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Zbylosoft\CinemaPlayer\ProgDir

WindowClassName = "CinemaPlayer_RemoteControl";

message = WM_USER + 0x1000;   // 5120 dziesi�tnie

lParam = 0;

wParam =
0x0000: Play/Pause
0x0001: Play
0x0002: Pause
0x0003: Stop
0x0004: Back
0x0005: Step
0x0006: Large Back
0x0007: Large Step
0x0008: Play previous file
0x0009: Play next file
0x000a: Play slower
0x000b: Play faster
0x000c: Play normal

0x000d: Full screen on/off
0x000e: Fixed full screen on/off
0x000f: Return to window

0x0010: Exit (close cinemaplayer)
0x0011: Minimize
0x0012: Restore

0x0013: Volume up
0x0014: Volume down
0x0015: Mute

0x0016: Playlist on/off
0x0017: OpenFiles on/off
0x0018: OpenText on/off
0x0019: OpenDir on/off

0x001a: Increase subtitles font size
0x001b: Decrease subtitles font size
0x001c: Show subtitles on/off
0x001d: Move subtitles up
0x001e: Move subtitles down
0x001f: Subtitles backward
0x0020: Subtitles forward
0x0021: Reset subtitles shift

0x0022: PanScan // not implemented yet

0x0023: Toggle Aspect ratio (orginal, window size, 16:9, 4:3)
0x0024: Decrease video horizontal size (Y-) 
0x0025: Increase video horizontal size (Y+)
0x0026: Decrease video vertical size (X-)
0x0027: Increase video vertical size (X+)
0x0028: Decrease video size
0x0029: Increase video size

0x002a: Play slower (in playing state) or Back (in other state)
0x002b: Play faster (in playing state) or Step (in other state)
0x002c: Play normal (in playing state) or Play (in other state)

0x002d: Close system after play On/Off
0x002e: Show current time (OSD)

0x002f: Move video left
0x0030: Move video right
0x0031: Move video up
0x0032: Move video down
0x0033: Move video left and up
0x0034: Move video right adn up
0x0035: Move video left and down
0x0036: Move video right and down
0x0037: Center video position
0x0038: Fit video to window (keep aspect ratio)

0x0039: Set bookmark 1
0x003a: Set bookmark 2
0x003b: Set bookmark 3
0x003c: Set bookmark 4
0x003d: Set bookmark 5
0x003e: Set bookmark 6
0x003f: Set bookmark 7
0x0040: Set bookmark 8
0x0041: Set bookmark 9
0x0042: Set bookmark 10
0x0043: Goto bookmark 1
0x0044: Goto bookmark 2
0x0045: Goto bookmark 3
0x0046: Goto bookmark 4
0x0047: Goto bookmark 5
0x0048: Goto bookmark 6
0x0049: Goto bookmark 7
0x004a: Goto bookmark 8
0x004b: Goto bookmark 9
0x004c: Goto bookmark 10
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