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Deathwatch: First Founding
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Lead Developers
Andrew Fischer and Ross Watson
Executive Game Designer
Corey Konieczka
Written and Developed by
Owen Barnes, Nathan Dowdell, and Andy Hoare
Executive Producer
Michael Hurley
Graham Davey
Christian T. Petersen
Dave Johnson and Matt Schempp
Games Workshop
Graphic Design
Dallas Mehlhoff and WiL Springer
Licensing Managers
John French and Owen Rees
Cover Art
Michael Phillippi
Head of Licensing
Jon Gillard
Interior Art
Jacob Atienza, Alberto Bontempi, Matt Bradbury, Sobak
Chauchau, Kevin Childress, Victor Corbella, Mauro Dal
Bo, Ame En, Zach Graves, David Grifith, Citra Henryka,
Nikolas Ingeneri, Thomasz Jedruszek, Jason Juta, Daniel
McGowan, Marco Morte, Mark Smith, David Sondered,
and Allison Theus
Head of Intellectual Property
Alan Merrett
Head of Licensing, Legal and
Strategic Projects
Andy Jones
Special Thanks
Playtest Coordinator Ron DeValk, “The Bolter and
Chainsword Playtest Group” Ryan Powell with Matt Bogart,
Jon Cox, Max Hardenbrook, Matt Hunt, Steve Koelzer, Anders
Lang, and Richard Sanders, “No Guts, No Glory” Sean Connor
with Adam Lloyd, Aaron McManus-Wood, Stephen Pitson,
Mark Smith, and Simon Tierney, “The Librarians” Pim Mauve
with Keesjan Kleef, Jan-Cees Voogd, Joris Voogd, and Gerlof
Woudstra, “Roll Perils” Matt Eustace with Sean Kelly, Rob Lord,
Stuart Lord, and Mike Madani, “Veterans of a Psychic War” Benn
Williams with Chris Lancaster, Scott Philips, John Ross, Rebecca
Williams, and Eric Young, “You Bid Babies?!?” Jordan Millward
with Keri Harthoorn, Kyle Harthoorn-Burton, Kieren Smith,
and Julia Smith, “Unrepentant” Lachlan “Raith” Conley with
Jordan Dixon, Mark McLaughlin, and Brad Twaddell, “Damon’s
Greatest Deamons” Damon Wilson, Kevin Doelling, Kyle
Douglas, Jake Grayson, and Tony Strutynski.
Managing Art Director
Andrew Navaro
Playtest Coordinator Ron DeValk,
Chainsword Playtest Group” Ryan Powell with Matt Bogart,
Playtest Coordinator Ron DeValk,
Jon Cox, Max Hardenbrook, Matt Hunt, Steve Koelzer, Anders
Lang, and Richard Sanders, “No Guts, No Glory” Sean Connor
Lang, and Richard Sanders, “No Guts, No Glory” Sean Connor
with Adam Lloyd, Aaron McManus-Wood, Stephen Pitson,
Lang, and Richard Sanders, “No Guts, No Glory” Sean Connor
Art Direction
Zoë Robinson
with Adam Lloyd, Aaron McManus-Wood, Stephen Pitson,
Mark Smith, and Simon Tierney, “The Librarians” Pim Mauve
with Keesjan Kleef, Jan-Cees Voogd, Joris Voogd, and Gerlof
Woudstra, “Roll Perils” Matt Eustace with Sean Kelly, Rob Lord,
Production Manager
Eric Knight
Stuart Lord, and Mike Madani, “Veterans of a Psychic War” Benn
Williams with Chris Lancaster, Scott Philips, John Ross, Rebecca
Williams, and Eric Young, “You Bid Babies?!?” Jordan Millward
with Keri Harthoorn, Kyle Harthoorn-Burton, Kieren Smith,
Williams, and Eric Young, “You Bid Babies?!?” Jordan Millward
with Keri Harthoorn, Kyle Harthoorn-Burton, Kieren Smith,
Williams, and Eric Young, “You Bid Babies?!?” Jordan Millward
Licensing and Development Coordinator
Deb Beck
Fantasy Flight Games
1975 West County Road B2
Roseville, MN 55113
Copyright © Game Workshop Limited 2011. Games Workshop, Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer 40,000 Role Play, Deathwatch,
the foregoing marks’ respective logos, First Founding and all associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and race insignia/
devices/logos/symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia, characters, products and illustrations from the Warhammer
40,000 universe and the Deathwatch game setting are either ®, ™, and/or © Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2011, variably registered
in the UK and other countries around the world. This edition published under license to Fantasy Flight Publishing Inc. All rights
reserved to their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.
ISBN: 978-1-58994-784-9 Product Code: DW07 Print ID: 1146OCT11
Printed in China
For more information about the D eathwatch line, free downloads, answers
to rule queries, or just to pass on greetings, visit us online at
Executive Game Designer
Corey Konieczka
Lead Developers
Andrew Fischer and Ross Watson
Written and Developed by
Owen Barnes, Nathan Dowdell, and Andy Hoare
Executive Producer
Michael Hurley
Graham Davey
Christian T. Petersen
Dave Johnson and Matt Schempp
Games Workshop
Licensing Managers
John French and Owen Rees
Graphic Design
Dallas Mehlhoff and WiL Springer
Head of Licensing
Jon Gillard
Cover Art
Michael Phillippi
Head of Intellectual Property
Alan Merrett
Interior Art
Jacob Atienza, Alberto Bontempi, Matt Bradbury, Sobak
Chauchau, Kevin Childress, Victor Corbella, Mauro Dal
Bo, Ame En, Zach Graves, David Grifith, Citra Henryka,
Nikolas Ingeneri, Thomasz Jedruszek, Jason Juta, Daniel
McGowan, Marco Morte, Mark Smith, David Sondered,
and Allison Theus
Head of Licensing, Legal and
Strategic Projects
Andy Jones
Special Thanks
Playtest Coordinator Ron DeValk, “The Bolter and
Chainsword Playtest Group” Ryan Powell with Matt Bogart,
Managing Art Director
Andrew Navaro
Chainsword Playtest Group” Ryan Powell with Matt Bogart,
Jon Cox, Max Hardenbrook, Matt Hunt, Steve Koelzer, Anders
Chainsword Playtest Group” Ryan Powell with Matt Bogart,
Jon Cox, Max Hardenbrook, Matt Hunt, Steve Koelzer, Anders
Lang, and Richard Sanders, “No Guts, No Glory” Sean Connor
Jon Cox, Max Hardenbrook, Matt Hunt, Steve Koelzer, Anders
Art Direction
Zoë Robinson
with Adam Lloyd, Aaron McManus-Wood, Stephen Pitson,
Mark Smith, and Simon Tierney, “The Librarians” Pim Mauve
with Adam Lloyd, Aaron McManus-Wood, Stephen Pitson,
Mark Smith, and Simon Tierney, “The Librarians” Pim Mauve
with Keesjan Kleef, Jan-Cees Voogd, Joris Voogd, and Gerlof
Mark Smith, and Simon Tierney, “The Librarians” Pim Mauve
with Keesjan Kleef, Jan-Cees Voogd, Joris Voogd, and Gerlof
Woudstra, “Roll Perils” Matt Eustace with Sean Kelly, Rob Lord,
with Keesjan Kleef, Jan-Cees Voogd, Joris Voogd, and Gerlof
Woudstra, “Roll Perils” Matt Eustace with Sean Kelly, Rob Lord,
Stuart Lord, and Mike Madani, “Veterans of a Psychic War” Benn
Woudstra, “Roll Perils” Matt Eustace with Sean Kelly, Rob Lord,
Production Manager
Eric Knight
Stuart Lord, and Mike Madani, “Veterans of a Psychic War” Benn
Williams with Chris Lancaster, Scott Philips, John Ross, Rebecca
Stuart Lord, and Mike Madani, “Veterans of a Psychic War” Benn
Williams with Chris Lancaster, Scott Philips, John Ross, Rebecca
Williams, and Eric Young, “You Bid Babies?!?” Jordan Millward
Williams with Chris Lancaster, Scott Philips, John Ross, Rebecca
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What’s in this book? ...............................................................4
Iron Hands ...............................................................................7
Iron Hands Pasts ................................................................ 10
Iron Hands Primarch’s Curse: Steel Over Flesh ............. 11
Iron Hands Solo Mode Ability......................................... 12
Iron Hands Squad Mode Abilities ................................... 12
Iron Hands Psychic Powers .............................................. 13
Iron Hands Chapter Trappings ........................................ 13
Raven Guard ......................................................................... 14
Raven Guard Pasts ............................................................. 16
Raven Guard Primarch’s Curse: Lure of the Shadows .. 17
Raven Guard Solo Mode Ability ..................................... 17
Raven Guard Squad Mode Abilities ................................ 18
Raven Guard Psychic Powers ........................................... 18
Raven Guard Chapter Trappings ..................................... 19
Salamanders .......................................................................... 20
Salamanders Pasts .............................................................. 23
Salamanders Primarch’s Curse: Unyielding .................... 24
Salamanders Solo Mode Ability ....................................... 24
Salamanders Squad Mode Abilities ................................. 24
Salamanders Psychic Powers ............................................ 25
Salamanders Chapter Trappings ...................................... 26
White Scars ........................................................................... 27
White Scars Pasts ............................................................... 31
White Scars Primarch’s Curse: Chogorian Savagery ..... 31
White Scars Solo Mode Ability ....................................... 31
White Scars Squad Mode Abilities .................................. 32
White Scars Psychic Powers ............................................. 33
White Scars Chapter Trappings ....................................... 34
New Chapter Pasts .............................................................. 36
New Advanced Specialities ................................................. 36
Blood Angels ........................................................................ 38
Librarian Dreadnought ..................................................... 39
Sanguinary Priest ............................................................... 43
Additional Rules ................................................................ 44
Dark Angels .......................................................................... 46
Ravenwing Veteran ............................................................ 48
Deathwing Terminator ...................................................... 50
Additional Rules ................................................................ 52
Imperial Fists ........................................................................ 54
Additional Rules ................................................................ 55
Space Wolves ........................................................................ 57
Wolf Scout .......................................................................... 59
Wolf Priest .......................................................................... 62
Additional Rules ................................................................ 64
The Ultramarines .................................................................. 67
Tyrannic War Veteran ........................................................ 69
Ultramarines Honour Guard ............................................ 71
Additional Rules ................................................................ 73
Alpha Legion ........................................................................ 78
Emperor’s Children .............................................................. 79
Night Lords .......................................................................... 80
World Eaters ......................................................................... 82
The Headsman of Cellebos .............................................. 83
Death Guard ......................................................................... 84
Blight-master Ussax of the Death Guard ....................... 85
Thousand Sons ..................................................................... 86
Atum Sum of the Thousand Sons .................................... 88
Word Bearers ........................................................................ 89
Black Legion ......................................................................... 90
Iron Warriors ........................................................................ 92
Warsmith Koros of the Iron Warriors ............................. 94
Chapter Wargear .................................................................. 97
Ranged Weapons ............................................................... 97
Melee Weapons .................................................................. 98
Armour ..............................................................................100
Wargear .............................................................................101
Chapter Trappings ...........................................................104
Followers .............................................................................105
Example Frontline Followers ..........................................107
Acquiring Followers ........................................................108
Creating New Followers .................................................108
The Hall of Glory ..............................................................115
Chapters Within the Deathwatch .....................................116
Shadow of the Past..........................................................116
Sons of the Primarch .......................................................117
A Term of Service ............................................................118
Chapter Campaigns and Complications .........................119
Rivalries ...........................................................................119
Missions ............................................................................120
Adventure Overview ..........................................................122
Rheelas: World in Chains .................................................123
The Imperium’s Vanguard .................................................126
The Chapters in Traitor’s Dawn .......................................127
The Tension Tracker ..........................................................129
Part One: Tip of the Trident.............................................131
Arming and Oath-Taking ...............................................131
Council of War .................................................................131
Cutting off the Head (Iron Hands)................................133
First Strike (White Scars) ................................................134
Alien Masters (Salamanders) ...........................................135
Outcomes ..........................................................................135
Part Two: A Different Kind of War .................................136
Traitors in Our Midst ......................................................136
Rally Point ........................................................................137
Additional Encounters.....................................................138
Meanwhile ........................................................................139
Part Three: The Last Betrayal ...........................................140
Détente ..............................................................................140
Lasting Tensions ..............................................................142
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himself in the image of his twenty Primarchs. They
forged the Imperium in bloody combat as they waged
the Great Crusade across the galaxy. Many Space Marines fell
to the maligned seduction of Chaos during the Horus Heresy,
but those that stayed loyal formed the base from which all
Space Marine Chapters would be created. Those Chapters
that still hold the loyalist Legions’ names and colours are the
oldest and the most revered of all the Adeptus Astartes.
The strong heritage of the First Founding Chapters is
important for those Battle-Brothers who have been seconded
to the service of the illustrious Deathwatch. For them, as
with all Space Marines, there is little distinction between the
identity of self, and that of the Chapter. A Space Marine’s
Chapter is their family, their heritage, and their home. As
they serve the Deathwatch, Battle-Brothers leave their right
shoulder pad with its Chapter markings, proudly displaying
the colours of their home Chapter. Even the mysterious
Black Shields, who have forsaken their Chapter’s identity by
blacking out their right shoulder pad—leaving no identifying
marks as to their progenitor Chapter, are still inheritors of its
gene-seed and everything it entails.
Those Space Marines seconded to the Deathwatch in the
Jericho Reach have many opportunities to ight alongside
Battle-Brothers of other First Founding Chapters, as
well as their progenitors, and demonstrate what makes
each Chapter unique. From the martial prowess of the
Ravenwing of the Dark Angels Chapter to the wisdom of
the Wolf Priest of the Space Wolves, the ighting traditions
of each brotherhood of Space Marines come together to
make the Deathwatch stronger.
C hapter II: C hapters
of the D eathwatCh
Delving deeper into the other First Founding Chapters
originally outlined in the D eathwatch core Rulebook and
r ites oF B attle , this chapter provides greater details on
their compelling pasts as well as new Advanced Specialities
for characters of those Chapters to better hunt the vile xenos.
From Wolf Scouts to Librarian Dreadnoughts, players will
ind a plethora of new options for their Battle-Brothers.
C hapter III: t he t raItor L egIons
This chapter explores the tumultuous pasts of the Space
Marine Legions that betrayed The Emperor during the Horus
Heresy and turned to the Ruinous powers of Chaos. Here you
will ind background information on the nine Traitor Legions
and proiles for their more powerful members operating in
the Jericho Reach.
C hapter IV: w argear
Providing players with access to new and varied Chapter
Wargear, this chapter guarantees that each Battle-Brother will be
fully equipped and prepared to represent his Chapter amongst
the ranks of the Deathwatch. This chapter also describes
followers—loyal servants and warriors that accompany the
Battle-Brothers on their mission, lending their unique aid to
the Kill-team. With these rules, players can build up an entire
retinue under their command to lead into the ield as they
embark on dangerous missions in the Reach.
C hapter V: t he C hapter Is a LL
This chapter delves into the complex relationship between
Chapters and the Deathwatch, as well as exploring intra-
Chapter relationships within the Jericho Reach. This chapter
provides details for the GM to craft Chapter-related plot
hooks and missions to explore the heritage of individual
Battle-Brothers. These details and plots add a greater sense of
depth to any campaign.
F irst F ounDing goes into detail on the nine Chapters directly
formed from the loyalist Space Marine Legions, detailing new
rules from solo modes to new advanced specialities. It also
explores the background of the nine Traitor Legions and their
fall to the seduction of the Ruinous Powers. Later chapters
provide new wargear and rules for Battle-Brothers to have
followers, ensuring that the players’ Kill-team is extremely
diverse and prepared to take on the iercest foes the Jericho
Reach has to offer.
C hapter VI: t raItor s D awn
This book includes an engaging adventure on the world
of Rheelas. The Kill-team must deal with the conlicting
interests of three different Chapters operating over
the planet. This adventure provides GMs with a great
opportunity to explore the varying philosophies of the
Chapters, throwing the Kill-team into a mysterious conlict
for the fate of of an entire world.
C hapter I: h onour the C hapter
This chapter explores the inal four Chapters from the
First Founding not discussed in previous D eathwatch
Rulebooks. Here you will ind the cold and calculating Iron
Hands, the guileful Raven Guard, the dutiful Salamanders,
and the savage White Scars. This section provides new rules
for players to create a Battle-Brother from one of these
celebrated Chapters.
T he First Founding Legions were crafted by the Emperor
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