2.Zadania egzaminacyjne.doc

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Zadania egzaminacyjne


Zadanie 1.

Uzupełnij luki odpowiednią formą wyrazu utworzonego od słowa podanego dużymi literami na końcu każdego zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

1.1.           The sentences below illustrate various processes of word              . FORM

1.2.           You can't complain about her              ; you know she is still a child.


1.3.              Your figures              tie in with what we have managed to establish.


1.4.              We have to make our children understand that the disabled are not             

from society. CAST

1.5.           Dan received an award for his unremitting efforts to improve the situation of the               . PRIVILEGE

1.6.           There are some more kids in the              who distribute

newspapers in the morning. NEIGHBOUR

1.7.              Writing an              paper means that you have to defend your

initial thesis. ARGUE

1.8.              People who have              jobs frequently work out in gyms to release

the pressure. STRESS

1.9.              Doctors stated that in order to save the patient's life, the open-heart surgery
was              . AVOID

1.10. The press              secrets from the celebrity's past. COVER

Zadanie 2.

Uzupełnij luki odpowiednią formą wyrazu utworzonego od słowa podanego dużymi literami na końcu każdego zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

2.1.           They must have decided that London was a better place to live, because Isawa              van in front of their house. REMOVE

2.2.           We are looking for              employees with lots of new ideas. IMAGINE

2.3.           The area we used to live in was              peaceful and quiet with few

cars to disrupt the silence. AMAZE

2.4.              To stop the              of rank vegetation in his garden, Mark poured

concrete on some flowerbeds. GROW

2.5.              The police car swerved to the right to avoid the              traffic.


2.6.              But for my father's              I wouldn't have completed

the course. COURAGE

2.7.              The shop-keeper laid out a              of fabrics to choose from. VARY

2.8.              , my manager said that I did not deserve promotion.


2.9. I am writing in              to an article you published in last month's

Spectator. RESPOND

2.10. Sarah              believed her husband, even though there was

evidence that he was cheating on her. WISE

Zadanie 3.

Uzupełnij luki odpowiednią formą wyrazu utworzonego od słowa podanego dużymi literami na końcu każdego zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

3.1.              Mike was frequently seized by such              fits of panic

that nothing could calm him down. CONTROL

3.2.           You should have apologized to the nanny for your              . BEHAVE

3.3.           That he may be made redundant is a              possibility for his large

family. FRIGHT

3.4.              It is              proved that smoking may cause heart attacks. SCIENCE

3.5.              This              painting has never been shown to the public. MYSTERY

3.6.              students couldn't ask for discounts on cinema tickets. SEA

3.7.              There was a marked loss of              on all the floors of the building.


3.8.              According to              , this piece of furniture dates back to the 16th

century. SEARCH

3.9.              If you are              towards people in need, you do not deserve help

yourself. SYMPATHY

3.10.              is one of the problems that even people who live

in the countryside have to deal with these days. POLLUTE

Zadanie 4.

Uzupełnij luki odpowiednią formą wyrazu utworzonego od słowa podanego dużymi literami na końcu każdego zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

4.1.           There is a man on the phone who says that he has news for you of great. IMPORTANT

4.2.           The two suggestions are mutually              , which means that you

have to choose one or the other. EXCLUDE

4.3.           In              areas water supplies are of very low quality. INDUSTRY

4.4.           Many poets claim that Nature is a major source of their              . INSPIRE

4.5.           The journey was very long and tiring, but seeing Morskie Oko made it all               . WORTH

4.6.           The only justification for his              to see his ex-wife again is

that she came to the party with her new boyfriend. RELUCTANT

4.7.              In the BBC series Holby City aW patients receive the best              they

can imagine. TREAT

4.8.              When Martha noticed Greg's new car, she gave him an              look.


4.9.              medicine has attracted a great deal of attention from

experts. ALTERNATE

4.10. IT I were you, I would try to              the argumentation by adding

relevant details. STRONG

Zadanie 5.

Uzupełnij luki odpowiednią formą wyrazu utworzonego od słowa podanego dużymi literami na końcu każdego zdania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

5.1.              The              into top dogs and underdogs does not contribute to good

working relations between employees. DIVIDE

5.2.              When the new mayor came to power, the city              numerous

changes. GO

5.3.              We              the number of guests and had to throw away

a great deal of food after the party. ESTIMATE

5.4.         When Sarah attended a class on creative writing, there were no indications that she would become an              novelist. STAND

5.5.         Since there is no space for building new roads, the mayor decided to build a new               route. GROUND

5.6.         You will find              cheap pieces of furniture in this shop.


5.7.              Mark couldn't stand his manager's              remarks and he filed a

complaint with the board of directors. OFFEND

5.8.              The   fact   that   the   instructions   were   so   complex   made   the   activity
              difficult. NECESSARY

5.9.              The noise coming from the flat above was              . ...

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