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§         Na wstępie opisz, czego dotyczy wypracowanie.

§         Oddziel pozytywne i negatywne aspekty poruszonej sprawy.

§         Możesz używać słów łączących, takich jak: well (więc), or (albo), by the way (przy okazji), and (i), so (więc), but (ale), anyway (tak czy owak).

§         Wydając opinię, możesz używać zwrotów w stylu: In my opinion (Moim zdaniem), I agree with (Zgadzam się z), I disagree with (Nie zgadzam się z), I believe that (Wierzę, że) itp.

§         Prezentując argumenty możesz używać zwrotów w stylu: First of all I would like to consider (Na początku chciałbym rozważyć), Apart from that (Poza tym), Despite the fact that (Pomimo faktu, że), What is more (Co więcej), On the other hand (Z drugiej strony) itp.

§         Nie używaj form ściągniętych, takich jak "I'm" zamiast "I am".

§         Za koniec podsumuj całość i napisz wnioski, używając zwrotów takich jak: In conclusion (Wnioskując), To sum up (Podsumowując), All in all (W sumie).




If I was about to choose whether to live in a big city or in a small village, it would be a hard decision. Both city and village have advantages and disadvantages.

One of advantages of living in a city is that everything is close to home: shops, schools and departments. However, it depends on the precise localization. I live near the center of Olsztyn but it is far enough from the main road that it is quiet here. In a city you live in a flat and you may have mean neighbours. They sometimes disturb you by having loud parties but they can also tell you to turn down the music. There are also good sites of having neighbours as you can rely on them.

From one side living in a village is very positive because the air is clean, the pollution is small and you know most of your neighbours. People are not such anonymous but it can be troublesome as you can not have any secrets. The next aspect of living in a village is that it is hard to find a job.

In summary, I would prefer to live in an average city. Olsztyn is the best place for me so I hope I will never have to move out.




For the last few days I have been thinking about reconciling science and religion. Scientists believe in what can be proved, religious people do not need proofs to have faith. But what if we can prove some theories but Catholics reject it? For example, try to imagine the world hundreds years ago, when our life begun. Were Adam and Eve our parents or was it started from apes? At first I would like to introduce both opinions, then I will explain what I think about them.

The theory of evolution says that modern organisms have evolved from older ones and that this development is constant. This theory was at first suggested mainly by Charles Robert Darwin who set it forth in his book called "The Origin of Species". Darwin thought that both people and apes have the same ancestor and I share his opinion. I do not believe that fish can evolve into reptile or something like that but this theory assumes evolving between the same species - mammals: apes into human beings.

The idea of evolution is and has always been questioned by religion. Some people believe that it conflicts with their religious convictions. Most of religious friends I sometimes talk about it with can not answer my questions, so in some parts I can only suspect. In my opinion one of the reasons this theory is turned down is that people have souls but animals do not so we could not have evolved from them. To deviate from the subject I still do not know why that is so. However, if we ignore this argument, can we still reject proofs? Is somewhere in the Bible written how exactly the first people looked like? If not, we can assume that our appearance and physique is different that it was then.

I truly believe in biological evolution. From one side, I feel that it is true. From the other side, I see how fast our appearance can change even in one generation, besides there are proofs. Even from a history book we can learn that at the same beginning we were more bent down than now, we used more primitive tools and some of our parts of body looked a bit different. I saw pictures of transitional cell between monkey and a human. I find evolution as a fact. I only regret I do not know biology good enough to talk about in more scientific way. I would know more details about it. However, what interests me the most, is not evolving from ape to human, but evolving into apes. I would like to know and see all the periods of developing life from the same beginning, from the birth of our planet.



Lately, six schools in Berlin have decided to bring "German-only" language rule into effect. However, not everyone shares their opinion of doing so.

In the first place, those schools are attended by a lot of foreign pupils and now they will be forbidden to speak in their own language. No one should forbid the way of speaking until it is aggressive or rude. Only when someone is rude or vulgar, the consequences can be held.

What is more, foreign pupils may fell discriminated. I understand that during lessons schools' rights should be obliging. Nevertheless, everyone should be able to speak the way they like after lessons.

In the defence of schools with "German-only" language rule, we should understand that in German schools we can be asked to focus on learning German especially. Both other German students and teachers would not understand a word from what Turkish say, and because of that, Turkish would say everything and no one could pay attention to it.

In conclusion, I believe such rules should not be held in any school. If the rights of the national minorities are limited, it could follow some negative consequences and disagreements.




I am one of those people who have many interests but cannot go for only one of them. Firstly, my favourite way of spending free time is learning foreign languages. What motivates me the most is the possibility of going abroad and speaking with foreigners. Besides, I am a travelling vulture, I have already been to Italy, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Austria and many other places. Knowing English helped me with communication both when I was abroad and when I wanted to talk with some foreigner online. In a word, I just want to be able to visit every place I want without the fear of not being able to understand the local population. I can also read English books and watch English movies.

If I decide to read a book, it is usually a book by Graham Masterton. I like his writing style but I have also met with negative opinions about him. Masterton describes every issue in detail, sometimes even too precisely. He writes about demons, hideous kinds of animals and sometimes mixes it with some sexual acts. Most people find his books disgusting but such descriptions absorb me. I have always liked shocking books, as they are really interesting and they stimulate my vivid imagination.

Apart from reading books, what happens only from time to time, I am into bowling. In my opinion it is the most fascinating sport but also a quite expensive one. That is why I cannot afford it as often as I would like to. However, bowling once in two months is more satisfactory because I have to wait for it for a long time and when I finally get there, I cherish this moment like a little girl when she gets a new doll. I was bowling for the first time about three years ago and I liked it instantly. I often take my friends with me because they also enjoy it.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is hard to reconcile different interests because of the lack of time. When I think of reading a book I immediately recall that I should learn English a bit before doing so. Indeed, learning English is now my priority. I dream of passing FCE before finishing studies. Then I plan to go to England to practise and perhaps to pass CAE after coming back. I really envy others when it comes to having certificates.








Each of us has a vision of his ideal life. Some people would be satisfied only with having an ordinary job and their own little house. As for me, when it comes to earnings, I am more ambitious than to live in a tiny flat.

In my ideal life I can afford a big house with a marvelous garden and a swimming pool. I have a well-paid job which fulfils my ambitions, for instance in a small company. If my wishes came true, I could be proud of my accomplishments and my children would never have to say they do not have enough money to buy something.

So far I just want to finish school with the best possible results and up until now I have been doing very well. Nowadays, the higher educated you are, the better job you may get. I realize that I will have better prospects for the future if I am highly educated.

Despite writing about such vision of my ideal life, I do not hesitate to say that my present life is perfect. However, one should aim high to fulfil their dreams.




There are countless reasons for learning foreign languages, and each of them tells us that we must do that. Indolent people think it is enough to pass exams at school and they do not intend to continue learning. Fortunately, some people really appreciate the possibility of being able to talk to foreigners. Learning is fun for them.

English is one of the most popular languages, so in my opinion we should learn it first. Nowadays most people use the internet to find some information or to play online games. Knowing English broadens our possibilities and allows us to contact foreigners, read information or even listen to English radio. We also understand the lyrics of our favourite songs and we do not need to read the subtitles while watching movies in the cinema. When you know English quite well, you even start thinking like a native English speaker. It is great as you do not have any problems with contacting people from other countries.

However, it is better not to focus on only one language. If you know a few, for instance English, German and Spanish, you feel there are no limits for you and you can go on vacations everywhere you want to. You do not need to know the grammar perfectly, you just have to be able to communicate so that others will understand you. Needless to say it is much easier to find a job with such knowledge, mainly when you have some certificates that show your level.

To conclude, the odds are that foreign languages are basic knowledge we should gain in the present day world. That is why I cannot understand people who do not notice how much knowledge they can get and how many advantages it has.




Needless to say, there are always problems with young people who begin their rebellious time. The author of the article I read thinks that the only difference between and old man and a young one is that the young man has a glorious before him and the old man has splendid times behind him. According to him, young people have an air of freedom. And in my opinion because of that they want to fight for the better future. They think that everything is possible and that they can change the world into a better place. However, they begin to notice that their parents control them and therefore they resist. That is where all the problems come from.

I remember my rebellious times. At the age of 14 or 15 years old I noticed that some of my friends had more freedom than I did. However, I must say that I could do whatever I wanted to but with some limitations. For instance, I could go out for all day but I had to come back before 10 or 11 pm. I could not appreciate that I was really free, I only saw the negative sides of my parents' behaviour. My friends could stay longer than me but they usually came back home at the same time as I did. I felt a bit ashamed then, I also noticed more issues that I didn't agree with.

The only way to protect the generation gap is trying to reach an agreement with kids. Parents should find a common language with their children. Hence they should give them some freedom, but also have an influence on them. I know that it is very hard to achieve because every teenager reacts in a different way for the same behaviour of his parents. What I want to say is that some kids should be kept a tight rein on and another should have more freedom. If you keep your child a tight rein on, he has more reasons to object to. But if you give him too much freedom you can lose contact with him.




Recently the government has been considering to close supermarkets on Sundays. However, what will the consequences of such decision be like? Will it make the world better or will it bring us more difficulties?

One of the advantages of not allowing people to work on Sundays is that it should be the day off. Catholics are truly convinced that this rule cannot be broken because of their beliefs. According to them, there are whole six days for shopping and the last day should be spent on resting among our families.

Nevertheless, there is one essential disadvantage of carrying that idea into effect. A lot of people have leisure time only at weekends. If supermarkets are closed on Sundays, it may result in tremendously congested shops on Saturdays. We cannot allow such situation so that idea is unwelcomed by most of people.

To sum up, depriving people of shopping whenever they want would be a huge mistake. Some people work six days a week and they would have to shop straight after their work. That is why we should be allowed to work and be able to shop whenever we want to.



Needles to say, all people need someone to cheer them up, someone whom they can trust and tell all the secrets to. These are very important features of a real friend that all of us do need.

Imagine that you wrestle with the day-to-day problems, for example school, boyfriend or conflicts with your parents. You feel miserable as there is no one who you could talk about it to. But then comes your best friend to tell you that everything is going to be fine. He knows exactly what makes you happy and does his best does his best so that that you look through rose-coloured glasses. However, it takes a lot of time and trust to call someone your real friend. Such a person has to be characterized by loyalty and can never let you down. Otherwise, you would never trust him again.

The conclusion is that we are supposed to be sociably with others instead of being self-sufficient. That is why we need to care of relationship with others and we should be as best friends as possible for the people that we like or love.



Till now the technology has developed to such a level, that some people are afraid of being replaced by robots at work. Nearly everyone has a computer with the access to the Internet but it is mostly used by young people.

Nowadays, in teenagers' opinion the Internet allows us to work, learn, play games and communicate with people all around the world. Can you imagine that? All of it without even leaving your home. To use the Internet you just need a computer, a cell phone or other similar devices. The youth usually have a lot of different interests. When someone wants to get some information, there is no need to borrow a book from the library, as finding information online is much easier. The Internet can also be used to communicate with friends or family living abroad. Thanks to it we save money which we would have to spend on phone calls.

In conclusion, there are a lot of new devices such as: mp 4 players or playstation consoles. However, the Internet is the most common one and the most important invention according to young people. This is mostly because it can be used in different places and situations.




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