The SUSHI Recipe.pdf

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The SUSHI Recipe
The SUSHI Recipe
-What you need
-How to make sushi meshi (vinegared rice)
-How to make nigiri zushi
-How to make maki zushi
What you need
The sushi kitchen tools
Handai (a large wooden
tub) and Shamoji (a
wooden spatula to mix the
cooked rice and the vinegar
Uchiwa (a paper-made fan
to cool the rice mixture and
to evaporate the excess
steam and vinegar)
Very sharp kitchen knives
(to fillet fish, to slice fish
steak, and to cut maki-
Makisu (a bamboo mat to
roll the sushi in) (1 of 6)6/21/2004 6:51:40 PM
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The SUSHI Recipe
••Sushi meshi (the vinegared rice) is also called, "Shari".
••Neta is the toppings (e.g., sliced raw fish, boiled shrimp, sliced egg omelet, etc.) for
Preparing for the sushi rice.
••(Note: the amounts used in the vinegar mixture may vary depending on the individual
sushi shops.)
••Uncooked rice 3000g
••Water 3000cc
••Rice vinegar 360cc
••Sugar 160 g
••Salt 100 g
Soaking ------ Mixing the rice with vinegar
1. Wash the rice thoroughly but don't wash it so forcefully that the rice grains crack. Do
not wash the rice in hot water and never use soap. Next, rinse the rice with water. Repeat
the process about 3 times.
2. Soak the rice in water for 30 minutes to one hour before cooking.
3. Cook the rice. While the rice is cooking, combine the vinegar, sugar, and salt in a
separate bowl.
4. When the rice is done, let it stand for about 15 minutes.
5. Place the rice in the handai and slowly pour the vinegar mixture over the rice. Use the
shamoji in a slicing motion to thoroughly blend the rice and vinegar mixture. Be careful
not to press the rice with the shamoji. While mixing it, fan the rice with the uchiwa to
remove any excess moisture.
6. Keep the Shari in a covered container maintaining its temperature around body
temperature. (2 of 6)6/21/2004 6:51:40 PM
The SUSHI Recipe
the vinegar mixture over
the rice
Soak the rice in water
How to make nigiri-zushi
1.Slice up some Neta for
2.Wet both hands well with
vinegar, then take some
Shari in your right hand
and squeeze the Shari to
make it oblong and bite-
3.Place the Neta in your
left hand; it should rest on
the second joint of your
4.While holding the Shari
in your right hand, put a bit
of Wasabi on the top-side
of the Neta.
5. Place the Shari on top of
the Neta (on top of the
wasabi), then press the top
of Shari with left thumb
gently, and also make a
dent on the sides with right
6. While shaping the Shari,
make a line-like dent with
your right index finger. (3 of 6)6/21/2004 6:51:40 PM
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The SUSHI Recipe
7. Turn it around.
8. Step 7 is called
9. While using your left
hand in a box shape and
pressing, insert your thumb
under the neta and then
shape the edge.
10. Holding the sushi with
your right index finger,
middle finger, and thumb,
turn it around.
11. Hold it with your right
thumb and index finger and
press the sides gently.
12. Press it together one
more time and then you are
finished. The Shari part
should be in the shape of
the bottom of a boat.
How to make maki-zushi (4 of 6)6/21/2004 6:51:40 PM
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The SUSHI Recipe
1. Set down the Makisu.
2. On top of the Makisu,
place a sheet of Nori
toward you.
3. Put some Shari on top of
Nori. The amount of Shari
you use should be about the
same used to make three
pieces of nigiri-zushi.
4. Spread the Shari from
left to right.
5. Leave about an inch of
space on the bottom and
the top of Nori without any
6. Place a long, thin strip of
Neta on top of the Shari.
Spread some Wasabi as
7. Slowly lift the Makisu in
order to roll it while
keeping Nori steady.
8. Make sure both left and
right sides are even.
9. Roll it up forward.
10. Place both index fingers on the sides of Makisu and
shape the maki-zushi into a square.
11. Cut the maki-zushi in
half with a very sharp knife. (5 of 6)6/21/2004 6:51:40 PM
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