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The More I See You
By Lynn Kurland
I have you fast in my fortress, And will not let you depart, But put
you down into the dungeon
In the round-tower of my heart.
And there will I keep you forever,
Yes, forever and a day, Till the walls shall crumble to ruin,
And moulder in the dust away!
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Jessica Blakely didn't believe in Fate.
Yet as she stood at the top of a medieval circular staircase and
peered down into its gloomy depths, she had to wonder if someone
other than herself might be at the heirr of her ship, as it were.
Things were definitely not progressing as she had planned. Surely
Fate had known she wasn't at all interested in stark, bare castles or
knights in rusting armor.
Surely. She took a deep breath and forced herself to examine the
turns of events that had brought her to her present perch. Things
had seemed so logical at the time. She'd gone on a blind date,
accepted said blind date's invitation to go to England as part of his
university department's faculty sabbatical, then hopped cheerfully
on a plane with him two weeks later.
Their host was Lord Henry de Galtres, possessor of a beautifully
maintained Victorian manor house. Jessica had taken one look and
fallen instantly in love-with the house, that is. The appointments
were luxurious, the food heavenly, and the surrounding
countryside idyllic. The only downside was that for some
unfathomable reason, Lord Henry had decided that the crumbling
castle attached to his house was something that needed to remain
undemolished. Just the sight of it had sent chills down Jessica's
spine. She couldn't say why, and she hadn't wanted to dig around
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to find the answer.
Instead, she'd availed herself of all the modem comforts Lord
Henry's house could provide. And she'd been certain that when she
could tear herself away from her temporary home-away-from-
home, she might even venture to London for a little savings-
account-reducing shopping at Harrods. Yet before she could find
herself facing a cash register, she'd been driven to seek sanctuary
in the crumbling castle attached to Lord Henry's house.
There was something seriously amiss in her life. A draft hit her
square in the face, loaded with the smell of seven centuries' worth
of mustiness. She coughed and flapped her hand in front of her
nose. Maybe she should have kept her big mouth shut and avoided
expressing any disbelief in Providence.
Then again, it probably would have been best if she'd remained
silent a long time ago, maybe before she'd agreed to that blind
date. She gave that some thought, then shook her head. Her
troubles had begun long before her outing with Archibald Stafford
III. In fact, she could lay her finger on the precise moment when
she had lost control and Fate had taken over.
Piano lessons. At age five. You wouldn't think that something so
innocuous, so innocent and child-friendly would have led a
woman where she never had any intention of having gone, but
Jessica couldn't find any evidence to contradict the results.
Piano lessons had led to music scholarships, which had led to a
career in music that had somehow demolished her social life,
leaving her no choice but to sink to accepting the latest in a series
of hopeless blind dates: Archie Stafford and his shiny penny
loafers. Archie was the one who had invited her to England for a
month with all expenses paid. He had landed the trip thanks to a
great deal of sucking up to the dean of his department. He didn't
exactly fit in with the rest of the good old boys who clustered with
the dean and Lord Henry every night smoking cigars into the wee
hours, but maybe that's what Archie aspired to.
Jessica wondered now how hard up he must have been for a date
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to have asked her to come along. At the time he'd invited her,
though, she'd been too busy thinking about tea and crumpets to let
the invitation worry her. It had been a university-sponsored outing.
She'd felt perfectly safe.
Unfortunately, being Archie's guest also meant that she had to
speak to him, and that was something she wished she could avoid
for the next three weeks. It was only on the flight over that she'd
discovered the depth of his swininess. She made a mental note
never to pull out her passport for anyone she'd known less than a
month if such an occasion should arise again.
But like it or not, she was stuck with him for this trip, which
meant at the very least polite conversation, and if nothing else, her
mother had instilled in her a deep compulsion to be polite.
Of course, being civil didn't mean she couldn't escape now and
then-which was precisely what she was doing at present.
Unfortunately escape had meant finding the one place where
Archie would never think to look for her.
The depths of Henry's medieval castle. She wondered if an alarm
would sound if she disconnected the rope that barred her way. She
looked to her left and saw that there were a great many people who
would bear such an alarm if it sounded. Maybe she wouldn't be
noticed in the ensuing panic. Apparently Lord Henry funded some
of his house upkeep by conducting tours of his castle. Those tours
were seemingly well attended, if the one in progress was any
Jessica eyed the sightseers. They were moving in a herd like
fashion and it was possible they might set up a stampede if she
startled them. They were uncomfortably nestled together, gaping at
cordoned-off family heirlooms, also uncomfortably nestled
together- Marcham as a prime destination spot and Jessica seemed
to have placed herself in the midst of the latest crowd at the
precise moment she needed peace and quiet. She had already done
the castle tour and learned more than she wanted to know about
Burwyck-on-the-Sea. Another lesson medieval happenings was the
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last thing she needed at the moment.
Merce---Of course the castle here at Marcham, or ham, as it
was known in the 1300s, was one of the family's minor holdings.
Even though it has been added to during the years and extensively
remodeled during the Victorian period, it is not the most
impressive of the family's possessions. The true gem of the de
Galtres crown
lies a hundred and fifty kilometers away on the eastern coast. If we
move further along here, you'll find a painting of the 'Keep."
The crowd shuffled to the left obediently as the tour guide
continued with his speech. "As you can see here in this rendering
of Burwyck-on-the-Sea-aptly named, if I might offer an opinion-
the most remarkable feature of the family's original seat is
the round tower built not into the center of the bailey as
we find in Pembroke Castle, but rather into the outer seawall. I
imagine the third lord of the de Galtres family fancied having his
ocean view unobstructed-"
So Jessica and he heartily agreed with the sentiment, but for now
an ocean view was not what she was interested in. If the basement
was roped off it could only mean that it was free of tourists and
tour guides. It was also possible that below was where the castle
kept all its resident spiders and ghosts, but it was a chance she
would have to take. Archie would never think to look for her there
she would be ignored.
She put her shoulders back, unhooked the rope, and descended.
She stopped at the foot of the steps and looked for someplace
appropriate. Suits of armor stood at silent attention along both
walls. Lighting was minimal and creature comforts nonexistent,
but that didn't deter her. She walked over the flagstones until she
found a likely spot, then eased her way between a fierce-looking
knight brandishing a sword and another grimly holding a pike. She
did a quick cobweb check before she settled down with her back
against the stone wall. It was the first time that day she'd been
grateful for the heavy gown she wore. A medieval costume might
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