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[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
• Reviews
• Reader Reviews
• Errata
Programming .NET Security
By Adam Freeman , Allen Jones
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: June 2003
ISBN: 0-596-00442-7
Pages: 714
With the spread of web-enabled desktop clients and web-server based applications, developers can
no longer afford to treat security as an afterthought. It's one topic, in fact, that .NET forces you to
address, since Microsoft has placed security-related features at the core of the .NET Framework.
Yet, because a developer's carelessness or lack of experience can still allow a program to be used
in an unintended way, Programming .NET Security shows you how the various tools will help you
write secure applications.
[ Team LiB ]
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[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
• Reviews
• Reader Reviews
• Errata
Programming .NET Security
By Adam Freeman , Allen Jones
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: June 2003
ISBN: 0-596-00442-7
Pages: 714
With the spread of web-enabled desktop clients and web-server based applications, developers can
no longer afford to treat security as an afterthought. It's one topic, in fact, that .NET forces you to
address, since Microsoft has placed security-related features at the core of the .NET Framework.
Yet, because a developer's carelessness or lack of experience can still allow a program to be used
in an unintended way, Programming .NET Security shows you how the various tools will help you
write secure applications.
How This Book Is Organized
Who Should Read This Book
Assumptions This Book Makes
Conventions Used in This Book
[ Team LiB ]
Part I: Fundamentals
Chapter 1. Security Fundamentals
Section 1.1. The Need for Security
Section 1.2. Roles in Security
Section 1.3. Understanding Software Security
Section 1.4. End-to-End Security
Chapter 2. Assemblies
Section 2.1. Assemblies Explained
Section 2.2. Creating Assemblies
Section 2.3. Shared Assemblies
Section 2.4. Strong Names
Section 2.5. Publisher Certificates
[ Team LiB ]
• Table of Contents
• Index
• Reviews
• Reader Reviews
• Errata
Programming .NET Security
By Adam Freeman , Allen Jones
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: June 2003
ISBN: 0-596-00442-7
Pages: 714
How to Contact Us
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Section 2.6. Decompiling Explained
Chapter 3. Application Domains
Section 3.1. Application Domains Explained
Chapter 4. The Lifetime of a Secure Application
Section 4.1. Designing a Secure .NET Application
Section 4.2. Developing a Secure .NET Application
Section 4.3. Security Testing a .NET Application
Section 4.4. Deploying a .NET Application
Section 4.5. Executing a .NET Application
Section 4.6. Monitoring a .NET Application
• Table of Contents
• Index
• Reviews
• Reader Reviews
• Errata
Programming .NET Security
By Adam Freeman , Allen Jones
Chapter 5. Introduction to Runtime Security
Section 5.1. Runtime Security Explained
Section 5.2. Introducing Role-Based Security
Section 5.3. Introducing Code-Access Security
Section 5.4. Introducing Isolated Storage
Chapter 6. Evidence and Code Identity
Section 6.1. Evidence Explained
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: June 2003
ISBN: 0-596-00442-7
Pages: 714
Section 6.3. Extending the .NET Framework
Chapter 7. Permissions
Section 7.1. Permissions Explained
Section 7.2. Programming Code-Access Security
With the spread of web-enabled desktop clients and web-server based applications, developers can
no longer afford to treat security as an afterthought. It's one topic, in fact, that .NET forces you to
address, since Microsoft has placed security-related features at the core of the .NET Framework.
Yet, because a developer's carelessness or lack of experience can still allow a program to be used
in an unintended way, Programming .NET Security shows you how the various tools will help you
write secure applications.
Chapter 8. Security Policy
Section 8.1. Security Policy Explained
Section 8.2. Programming Security Policy
Section 8.3. Extending the .NET Framework
Chapter 9. Administering Code-Access Security
Section 9.1. Default Security Policy
Section 9.2. Inspecting Declarative Security Statements
Section 9.3. Using the .NET Framework Configuration Tool
Section 9.4. Using the Code-Access Security Policy Tool
Chapter 10. Role-Based Security
Section 10.1. Role-Based Security Explained
Section 10.2. Programming Role-Based Security
Chapter 11. Isolated Storage
Section 11.1. Isolated Storage Explained
Section 11.2. Programming Isolated Storage
Section 11.3. Administering Isolated Storage
[ Team LiB ]
Part II: .NET Security
Section 6.2. Programming Evidence
Section 7.3. Extending the .NET Framework
[ Team LiB ]
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Part III: .NET Cryptography
Chapter 12. Introduction to Cryptography
Section 12.1. Cryptography Explained
Section 12.2. Cryptography Is Key Management
Section 12.3. Cryptographic Attacks
Chapter 13. Hashing Algorithms
Section 13.1. Hashing Algorithms Explained
Section 13.2. Programming Hashing Algorithms
Section 13.3. Keyed Hashing Algorithms Explained
Section 13.4. Programming Keyed Hashing Algorithms
Section 13.5. Extending the .NET Framework
• Table of Contents
• Index
• Reviews
• Reader Reviews
• Errata
Programming .NET Security
By Adam Freeman , Allen Jones
Section 14.1. Encryption Revisited
Section 14.2. Symmetric Encryption Explained
Section 14.3. Programming Symmetrical Encryption
Section 14.4. Extending the .NET Framework
Chapter 15. Asymmetric Encryption
Section 15.1. Asymmetric Encryption Explained
Section 15.2. Programming Asymmetrical Encryption
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: June 2003
ISBN: 0-596-00442-7
Pages: 714
Chapter 16. Digital Signatures
Section 16.1. Digital Signatures Explained
Section 16.2. Programming Digital Signatures
Section 16.3. Programming XML Signatures
With the spread of web-enabled desktop clients and web-server based applications, developers can
no longer afford to treat security as an afterthought. It's one topic, in fact, that .NET forces you to
address, since Microsoft has placed security-related features at the core of the .NET Framework.
Yet, because a developer's carelessness or lack of experience can still allow a program to be used
in an unintended way, Programming .NET Security shows you how the various tools will help you
write secure applications.
Chapter 17. Cryptographic Keys
Section 17.1. Cryptographic Keys Explained
Section 17.2. Programming Cryptographic Keys
Section 17.3. Extending the .NET Framework
[ Team LiB ]
Part IV: .NET Application Frameworks
Chapter 18. ASP.NET Application Security
Section 18.1. ASP.NET Security Explained
Section 18.2. Configuring the ASP.NET Worker Process Identity
Section 18.3. Authentication
Section 18.4. Authorization
Section 18.5. Impersonation
Section 18.6. ASP.NET and Code-Access Security
Chapter 19. COM+ Security
Section 19.1. COM+ Security Explained
Section 19.2. Programming COM+ Security
Section 19.3. Administering COM+ Security
[ Team LiB ]
Chapter 14. Symmetric Encryption
Section 15.3. Extending the .NET Framework
Section 16.4. Extending the .NET Framework
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Chapter 20. The Event Log Service
Section 20.1. The Event Log Service Explained
Section 20.2. Programming the Event Log Service
Part V: API Quick Reference
Chapter 21. How to Use This Quick Reference
Section 21.1. Finding a Quick-Reference Entry
Section 21.2. Reading a Quick-Reference Entry
Chapter 22. Converting from C# to VB Syntax
Section 22.1. General Considerations
Section 22.2. Classes
• Table of Contents
• Index
• Reviews
• Reader Reviews
• Errata
Programming .NET Security
By Adam Freeman , Allen Jones
Section 22.4. Interfaces
Section 22.5. Class, Structure, and Interface Members
Section 22.6. Delegates
Section 22.7. Enumerations
Chapter 23. The System.Security Namespace
Publisher: O'Reilly
Pub Date: June 2003
ISBN: 0-596-00442-7
Pages: 714
With the spread of web-enabled desktop clients and web-server based applications, developers can
no longer afford to treat security as an afterthought. It's one topic, in fact, that .NET forces you to
address, since Microsoft has placed security-related features at the core of the .NET Framework.
Yet, because a developer's carelessness or lack of experience can still allow a program to be used
in an unintended way, Programming .NET Security shows you how the various tools will help you
write secure applications.
Chapter 24. The System.Security.Cryptography Namespace
[ Team LiB ]
Section 22.3. Structures
[ Team LiB ]
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