
(17 KB) Pobierz
ActionsView.Caption	ACTIONS
ActionsView.GetRewards	GET REWARDS!
AllViews.Apply.Text	Apply
AllViews.Cancel.Text	Cancel
AllViews.Close.Text	CLOSE
AllViews.Ok.Text	Ok
AllViews.Settings.Text	Settings
AllViews.WindowTitle	Ubisoft Game Launcher
BannedView.OkButton	OK
BannedView.TemporaryBanned	You have been temporarily banned.
BannedView.TemporaryBannedAccountSharing	You have been temporarily banned due to account sharing.
BannedView.TemporaryBannedKeySpam	You have been temporarily banned due to excessive requests.
ChangeAvatarView.Caption	SELECT NEW AVATAR
ClaimKeyView.AlertCaption	BINDING FAILED!
ClaimKeyView.AlertCloseButton	CLOSE
ClaimKeyView.BuyKeyButton	BUY A KEY ONLINE!
ClaimKeyView.CancelButton	CANCEL
ClaimKeyView.CaptionBindKey	BIND KEY TO ACCOUNT
ClaimKeyView.ClaimButtonBindKey	SUBMIT
ClaimKeyView.InformationLabelBindKey	Please enter the product key that came with your game. Note that this will tie your game to this Uplay account.
ClaimKeyView.KeyIncorrect	This key is incorrect.
ClaimKeyView.KeyUsed	This key has been used already.
ClaimKeyView.KeyWrongProduct	This key is for another product. Please contact customer support.
CreateAccountView.AlertCloseButton	CLOSE
CreateAccountView.CancelButton	CANCEL
CreateAccountView.Caption	REGISTER NEW ACCOUNT
CreateAccountView.ConfPasswordLabel	Confirm Password
CreateAccountView.CountryLabel	Country
CreateAccountView.CountryRequired	Country missing. Please provide all requested information.
CreateAccountView.DateLabel	Date of birth
CreateAccountView.DateOfBirthInvalid	Date of birth is not valid. Please provide a valid date.
CreateAccountView.DateOfBirthRequired	Date of birth missing. Please provide all requested information.
CreateAccountView.DateOfBirthUnder18	Currently, there is an age restriction on creating Uplay accounts in this application. Please launch your web browser and visit www.ubi.com to create your account.
CreateAccountView.EmailLabel	Email
CreateAccountView.EmailNotAvailable	This email address is already in use by another Uplay account. For your protection and security, this is not permitted.
CreateAccountView.EmailRequired	Email missing. Please provide all requested information.
CreateAccountView.EmailWrongFormat	There is a problem with the email address you entered. Please verify the email address and try again.
CreateAccountView.InfoTextLabel	Please enter your personal information to create a Uplay account. Remember that your game will be tied to this account, so you should make sure to choose a good username and remember your password.
CreateAccountView.NameSuggestionButton	__REPLACEME__
CreateAccountView.NameSuggestionsCaption	USERNAME NOT AVAILABLE. HOW ABOUT:
CreateAccountView.NameSuggestionsCloseButton	CLOSE
CreateAccountView.PasswordLabel	Password
CreateAccountView.PasswordMismatch	Passwords do not match!
CreateAccountView.PasswordRequired	Password missing. Please provide all requested information.
CreateAccountView.PasswordWrongFormat	There is a problem with the password you entered. Passwords must be a minimum of 6 characters long, can contain letters and numbers, and must contain at least one of each. Passwords are case-sensitive. Your username cannot appear in your password.
CreateAccountView.SubmitButton	SUBMIT
CreateAccountView.UpdateMeAboutPartnersCB	Please update me with exclusive content from Ubisoft Partners
CreateAccountView.UpdateMeAboutTitlesCB	Please update me with exclusive content and offers about Ubisoft titles
CreateAccountView.UsernameLabel	Username
CreateAccountView.UsernameNotAvailable	The username you entered is not available. Please try a different username.
CreateAccountView.UsernameRequired	Username missing. Please provide all requested information.
CreateAccountView.UsernameUseOfRestrictedWord	The username contains a restricted word. Please try a different username.
CreateAccountView.UsernameWrongFormat	There is a problem with the username you entered. Usernames can contain letters, underscores, dots and dashes, must be a minimum of 3 characters long, and must start with a letter.
CreateAccountView.ValidateUsernameAlertCaption	USERNAME NOT AVAILABLE
CreateAccountView.ValidateUsernameAlertCloseButton	CLOSE
CreateAccountView.ValidateUsernameButton	Available?
GameView.GetRewardsButton	Buy Rewards!
GameView.LogoutButton	LOGOUT
GameView.PlayButton	PLAY!
GameView.SettingsButton	SETTINGS
LaunchingGameView.Title	Synchronizing savegames
LinksView.ForumLink	FORUM
LinksView.HomepageLink	HOMEPAGE
LinksView.LinkTitle	GAME LINKS
LinksView.UHelpLink	UPLAY HELP
LoginView.AlertCaption	LOG IN FAILED!
LoginView.AlertCloseButton	CLOSE
LoginView.AlertWrongUsernamePassword	Please check your username and password and try again.
LoginView.Caption	LOG IN
LoginView.CreateAccountButton	Register Now
LoginView.ForgotPasswordButton	Forgot password?
LoginView.LoginButton	LOG IN
LoginView.LogInFailed	Login failed
LoginView.PasswordLabel	Password
LoginView.RegisterLabel	Don't have a Uplay account yet?
LoginView.RegisterText	Register now and get 10 Uplay Units to spend on a reward of your choice!
LoginView.RememberMeCB	Remember me!
LoginView.SettingsButton	SETTINGS
LoginView.UsernameLabel	Username
NetworkIssueView.IssueType.Network.Caption	NETWORK ISSUE!
NetworkIssueView.IssueType.Network.InfoText	You seem to be having trouble connecting to the 'net. Wait for a retry or try changing your settings.
NetworkIssueView.IssueType.ServiceUnavailable.Caption	SERVICE UNAVAILABLE
NetworkIssueView.IssueType.ServiceUnavailable.InfoText	Wait for a retry or change your settings.
NetworkIssueView.OkButton	OK
NetworkIssueView.RetryNowButton	Retry now
NetworkIssueView.RetryText	Will retry in __REPLACEME__ second...
NetworkIssueView.RetryTextX	Will retry in __REPLACEME__ seconds...
NetworkIssueView.SettingsButton	SETTINGS
NetworkIssueView.Text	Unable to access the Internet. Please verify your connection. You can change network settings in the settings view.
NewsView.Caption	NEWS FEED
PatchView.InfoLabel.Config	Loading configuration
PatchView.InfoLabel.Patch	Patching, please wait!
ProfileView.ClickToEditQuote	Click here to set your quote!
RewardsView.Close	CLOSE
RewardsView.DoneButton	DONE
RewardsView.Caption	REWARDS
RewardsView.Download	DOWNLOAD
RewardsView.Owned	OWNED!
RewardsView.RedeemNow	REDEEM NOW
RewardsView.UplayComHelpLink	Buy rewards for other games!
RewardsView.YouNeed	YOU NEED
SavegameSyncView.PlayNow	PLAY NOW
SavegameSyncView.Quit	QUIT
SavegameSyncView.Retry	RETRY
SavegameSyncView.SyncFailed	Synchronizing failed
SavegameSyncView.Synchronizing	Synchronizing savegames...
ServiceUnavailableView.Caption	A SERVICE IS UNAVAILABLE
ServiceUnavailableView.OkButton	OK
ServiceUnavailableView.SupportLink	UBISOFT SUPPORT
ServiceUnavailableView.Text	Ubisoft services are unavailable at the moment. Please try again later.
SettingsView.ApplyButton	APPLY
SettingsView.CancelButton	CANCEL
SettingsView.EnableSaveGameSynchingCheckBox	Enable save game synching
SettingsView.ProxyHostLabel	Proxy host
SettingsView.ProxyLabel	Proxy
SettingsView.ProxyPortLabel	Proxy port
SettingsView.ProxyCaption	PROXY
SettingsView.ProxyTypeAuto	Automatic
SettingsView.ProxyTypeForced	Forced
SettingsView.ProxyTypeNone	None
SettingsView.SaveGameCaption	SAVE GAME
ShutdownView.TitleText	Shutting Down
StartUpView.FailedToStartText	Failed to load configuration. Please restart the game. If the error persists please contact Ubisoft support.
StartUpView.FailedToStartTitle	Failed to start the Ubisoft Game Launcher
StartUpView.OkButton	OK
ApplicationView.FailedToStartGameText	Unable to locate or start the game. Please try to re-install the game.
ApplicationView.FailedToStartGameTitle	Failed to start the game
ApplicationView.OkButton	OK
TosView.AcceptButton	ACCEPT
TosView.AdditionalAcceptCheckBox.France	J'accepte que mes informations personnelles soient conservées dans les fichiers d'Ubisoft et transmises aux filiales d'Ubisoft Entertainment (cochez la case pour continuer). Vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de modification, de rectification et de suppression des données vous concernant (loi « Informatique et Libertés » du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée). Pour toute demande, adressez-vous à enregistrement@ubisoft.fr.
TosView.AdditionalAcceptCheckBox.Germany	Ich stimme den Nutzungsbestimmungen und der Datenschutzerklärung von ubi.com zu
TosView.DeclineButton	DECLINE
TosView.EuAcceptCheckBox	I accept these Terms of Service in order to create my Uplay account. Please check this box to indicate that you have read and understood the Terms of Service.
UplayUnavailableView.Caption	Uplay is unavailable
UplayUnavailableView.Text	But you can still play
UplayUnavailableView.OkButton	OK
WelcomeView.HeaderLabel	Congratulations __REPLACE_USERNAME__, you now have a Uplay account!
WelcomeView.InfoLabel	You've just earned 10 Uplay Units to spend on unique in-game rewards. With your account you get the benefits of website registration, free in-game exclusives, your own profile, and more as the Uplay community grows. Thanks for playing with us!
WelcomeView.LetsGoButton	OK, LETS GO!
GameRunningView.Caption	GAME RUNNING
GameRunningView.DoNotExitTheLauncherText	Please do not quit the launcher while the game is running.
ClaimKeyView.KeyBanned	This key h...
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