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Gramatyka level 3





Wojskowe Studium Nauczania Języków Obcych







Przeczytaj uważnie zdanie i wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

Read the sentences and choose the correct answer.


1. The police will replace………………old cars with new faster model.

a. there

b. their

c. theirs

d. its


2. The meeting will begin …………………15 minutes.

a. from

b. in

c. before

d. over


3. ……………people came to the meeting than everyone expected.

a. less

b. little

c. fewer

d. more few


4. Each of the job-applicants …………….in the business for over 5 years.

a. have been working

b. were working

c. had been working

d. been worknig


5. Dr Johnson wants his patients………………….all medical tests.

a. are taking

b. take

c. will take

d. to take


6. You were…………………to the office 2 hours ago!!! Where have you been???!!!

a. supposed to report

b. must report

c. should reporting

d. supposed reports


7. My wife and I …………………married for 3 years now.

a. will be

b. has been

c. have been

d. will have been


8. My boss ……………….rather not invest any more money in new equipment.

a. has to

b. could

c. would

d. must


9. I can’t go out tonight. I must………………my sister’s baby.

a. put off

b. look on

c. take cover

d. look after




10. The released reporter said that the police ………………. him just before the rebellion started.

a. arrested

b. was arrested

c. had arrested

d. has arrested


11. If we ………………….richer, we could go skiing in winter, but we are in debt now. 

a. were

b. had

c. was

d. did be


12. The government were …………….by the media for their foreign policy.

a. critics

b. critically

c. criticised

d. criticising


13. We prepared the documents……………… . Noone else was involved.

a. alone

b. ourselves


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