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CAE Handbook from December 2008
This handbook is for anyone who is preparing candidates for the Certificate in Advanced English examination (CAE). The
introduction gives an overview of CAE and its place within Cambridge ESOL. This is followed by a focus on each paper and
includes content, advice on preparation and example papers.
Further information on the examination will be issued in the form of:
regular update bulletins
an extensive programme of seminars and conference presentations.
If you require additional CDs or further copies of this booklet, please email:
Inside front cover
CAE content and overview
2 University of Cambridge ESOL
2 Key features of Cambridge ESOL
2 The purpose of the review project
3 The process of the project
3 Factors affecting the design of the
3 Content of CAE
3 The level of CAE
4 Varieties of English
4 Recognition
4 Official accreditation in the UK
4 The CAE candidature
4 Marks and results
5 Special circumstances
6 Course materials
6 Past papers and examination reports
6 Online support
6 Seminars for teachers
6 Administrative information
6 Further information
7 General description
7 Structure and tasks
8 The four parts of the Reading paper
9 Preparation
11 Sample paper – test 1
16 Answer keys – test 1
16 Sample paper – test 2
21 Answer keys – test 2
21 Candidate answer sheet
22 General description
22 Structure and tasks
23 The two parts of the Writing paper
24 Preparation
26 Task types
28 Sample paper – test 1
31 Sample paper – test 2
33 Assessment
34 Cambridge ESOL Common Scale for
35 Sample scripts and mark schemes –
tests 1 and 2
47 General description
47 Structure and tasks
48 The five parts of the Use of English
49 Preparation
51 Sample paper – test 1
55 Answer keys – test 1
56 Sample paper – test 2
60 Answer keys – test 2
61 Candidate answer sheet
62 General description
62 Structure and tasks
63 The four parts of the Listening paper
63 Preparation
66 Sample paper – test 1
69 Sample tapescript – test 1
73 Answer keys – test 1
74 Sample paper – test 2
77 Sample tapescript – test 2
81 Answer keys – test 2
82 Candidate answer sheet
83 General description
83 Structure and tasks
84 The four parts of the Speaking test
85 Preparation
88 Sample paper – test 1
92 Sample paper – test 2
95 Assessment
96 Cambridge ESOL Common Scale for
Inside back cover
CAE Glossary and Acronyms
cae handbook for teachers | contents
Introduction to Cambridge ESOL
to relate the examinations to the teaching curriculum in
such a way that they encourage positive learning
experiences, and to seek to achieve a positive impact
wherever possible
University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations
University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL)
is a part of the Cambridge Assessment Group, which is a
department of the University of Cambridge*. It has a tradition
of language assessment dating back to 1913, and is one of the
world’s largest educational assessment agencies. Cambridge
ESOL offers an extensive range of examinations, certificates
and diplomas for learners and teachers of English. In 2006,
over 2 million people took these examinations at centres in
over 130 countries.
to endeavour to be fair to all candidates, whatever their
national, ethnic and linguistic background, gender or
Cambridge ESOL examinations are designed around four
essential qualities: validity, reliability, impact and practicality.
Validity is normally taken to be the extent to which a test can
be shown to produce scores which are an accurate reection
of the candidate’s true level of language skills. Reliability
concerns the extent to which test results are stable, consistent
and accurate, and therefore the extent to which they can be
depended on for making decisions about the candidate.
Impact concerns the effects, beneficial or otherwise, which an
examination has on the candidates and other users, whether
these are educational, social, economic or political, or various
combinations of these. Practicality can be defined as the
extent to which an examination is practicable in terms of the
resources needed to produce and administer it. All these
factors underpin the development and production of
Cambridge ESOL examinations.
Cambridge ESOL’s systems and processes for designing,
developing and delivering examinations and assessment
services are certified as meeting the internationally
recognised ISO9001:2000 standard for quality management.
Cambridge ESOL examinations are suitable for learners of all
nationalities, whatever their first language and cultural
background, and there are examinations suitable for learners
of almost any age. Although they are designed for native
speakers of languages other than English, no language related
restrictions apply. The range of Cambridge ESOL examinations
includes specialist examinations in Business English and
English for Academic Purposes, as well as tests for young
learners and a suite of certificates and diplomas for language
Introduction to CAE
The examinations cover all four language skills – reading,
writing, listening and speaking. They include a range of tasks
which assess candidates’ ability to use English, so that in
preparing for the examinations, candidates develop the skills
they need to make practical use of the language in a variety of
contexts. Above all, what the Cambridge ESOL examinations
assess is the ability to communicate effectively in English.
The Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) was originally
offered in 1991. An update in 1999 allowed the examination to
keep pace with changes in language teaching and testing.
Following the successful revision of the Certificate of
Proficiency in English (CPE) in 2002 and in light of feedback
received, it was decided to review CAE and implement changes
as appropriate.
Cambridge ESOL is committed to providing examinations of
the highest possible quality. This commitment is underpinned
by an extensive programme of research and evaluation, and by
continuous monitoring of the marking and grading of all
Cambridge ESOL examinations. Of particular importance is the
rigorous set of procedures which are used in the production
and pretesting of question papers.
The purpose of the review project
The purpose of the project was to review CAE in order to
ensure that it met the current needs of candidates, teachers,
centres and other users in terms of content and length.
The aims were to:
reect developments in the field of language teaching
and learning
reect developments in Cambridge ESOL’s other General
English examinations, e.g. the revision of CPE
take account of information about candidates gained
through the Candidate Information Sheets completed by
all candidates at each administration of the examination
ensure a thoroughly validated examination
define a specific test focus for each part of each paper
ensure the examination meets the needs of candidates
and other users.
Key features of Cambridge ESOL examinations
Cambridge ESOL undertakes:
to assess language skills at a range of levels, each of
them having a clearly defined relevance to the needs of
language learners
to assess skills which are directly relevant to the range
of uses for which learners will need the language they
have learned, and which cover the four language skills –
reading, writing, listening and speaking – as well as
knowledge of language structure and use
to provide accurate and consistent assessment of each
language skill at the appropriate level
The outcome, in terms of benefits for the various areas and
stakeholders, is the result of extensive research and several
rounds of consultation with all users, both online and face-to-
* Cambridge Assessment is the operating name for the University of
Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES).
cae handbook for teachers | introduction to cae
The process of the project
practical language assessment, the notion of overall ability is
subdivided into different skills and subskills. This ‘skills and
components’ view is well established in the language research
and teaching literature.
The project included the following main stages:
Data collection, e.g. market information including survey
questionnaires sent to candidates, teachers, Oral
Examiners and examination administrators; information
on candidature collected on Candidate Information
Four main skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking are
recognised, and each of these is assessed in a test component
of the same name. Reading and listening are multi-
dimensional skills involving the interaction of the
reader/listener’s mental processing capacities with their
language and content knowledge; further interaction takes
place between the reader/listener and the external features of
the text and task. Purpose and context for reading/listening
shape these interactions and this is reected in the CAE
Reading and Listening components through the use of
different text and task types which link to a relevant target
language use context beyond the test.
The development of examination specifications,
including the development of the test construct, test
content and the definition of the test focuses; the
production, editing and trialling of draft task types and
materials; the development and trialling of assessment
criteria; and research into the validity and reliability of
the material and assessment procedures.
The production of examination support materials,
including public specifications, and training materials
for examiners and writers of examination materials.
Writing ability is also regarded as a linguistic, cognitive, social
and cultural phenomenon that takes place in a specific
context and for a particular purpose. Like Reading and
Listening, CAE Writing involves a series of complex
interactions between the task and the writers, who are
required to draw on different aspects of their knowledge and
experience to produce a written performance for evaluation.
Throughout the project, Cambridge ESOL has gathered
feedback on its proposals for the examination by holding
meetings with representatives of key ESOL organisations and
English language specialists, and by holding consultative
seminars with teachers and Directors of Studies. During
trialling, teachers and students have been asked to complete
questionnaires on trial materials.
Like writing, speaking involves multiple competences
including vocabulary and grammatical knowledge,
phonological control, knowledge of discourse, and pragmatic
awareness, which are partially distinct from their equivalents
in the written language. Since speaking generally involves
reciprocal oral interaction with others, Speaking in CAE is
assessed directly, through a face-to-face encounter between
candidates and examiners.
Factors affecting the design of the examination
Analysis of CAE Candidate Information Sheets and CAE
market survey questionnaires showed consistent agreement
on the kind of candidate taking CAE, on how the examination
should reect candidates’ needs and interests, and on
administrative aspects of the examination. Extensive research
was also conducted into the current examination.
A fifth test component in CAE (Use of English) focuses on the
language knowledge structures or system(s) that underpin a
user’s communicative language ability in the written medium;
these are sometimes referred to as ‘enabling’ (sub)skills and
include knowledge of vocabulary, morphology, syntax,
punctuation, and discourse structure.
The design of the updated examination has incorporated the
insights provided by this information and aims to provide:
coverage of candidates’ needs and interests
coverage of language abilities underlying these needs
and interests (in reading, writing, language systems,
listening and speaking)
Each of these five test components in CAE provides a unique
contribution to a profile of overall communicative language
ability that defines what a candidate can do at this level.
reliable assessment (range of testing focuses broadened)
positive educational impact
The level of CAE
ease of examination administration
CAE is at Level C1 of the Council of Europe Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages, and a description of
this level is given below in terms of:
what material learners can handle
what learners can be expected to be able to do.
an examination which is more user friendly for
candidates in terms of its length.
Examination content and
The type of material a CAE candidate can deal with
Content of CAE
At this level, learners are expected to be able to use the
structures of the language with ease and uency. They are
aware of the relationship between the language and the
culture it exists in, and of the significance of register. This
means that to some extent they are able to adapt their
Cambridge ESOL examinations reect a view of language
proficiency in terms of a language user’s overall
communicative ability; at the same time, for the purposes of
cae handbook for teachers | examination content and processing
language use to a variety of social situations, and express
opinions and take part in discussions and arguments in a
culturally appropriate way. Learners at this level can develop
their own interests in reading both factual and fictional texts.
They can also produce a variety of types of texts and
utterances, such as letters of varying degrees of formality.
They can use language in a creative and exible way, with the
ability to respond appropriately to unforeseen as well as
predictable situations, producing, if required, extended and
complex utterances.
corporate bodies across the world. More information about
recognition is available from centres, British Council offices,
Cambridge ESOL and from
Official accreditation in the UK
CAE has been accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculum
Authority (QCA), the statutory regulatory authority for external
qualifications in England, and its counterparts in Wales and
Northern Ireland, at Level 2 in the National Qualifications
Framework, under the title ‘Cambridge ESOL Level 2 Certificate
in ESOL International’.
The written and spoken texts encountered in most common
everyday situations can be dealt with at a level below that
reached by the C1 learner, but certain more difficult situations,
e.g. discussing abstract or cultural topics with a good degree of
uency, demand this level of language. Users at this level can
enjoy a wide range of social contacts.
The CAE candidature
Information is collected about CAE candidates at each session,
when candidates fill in a Candidate Information Sheet. The
candidates for CAE come from a wide range of backgrounds
and take the examination for a number of different reasons.
The following points summarise the characteristics of the
current CAE candidature.
What a CAE candidate can do
Examinations at Level C1 may be used as proof of the level of
language necessary to work at a managerial or professional
level or follow a course of academic study at university level.
The ALTE ‘Can Do’ Project
The Association of Language Testers in Europe (ALTE) has
developed a framework which covers five levels of language
proficiency aligned to the Council of Europe Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages. (See Table 1.)
CAE is taken by candidates throughout the world in about 80
countries, although the total number of nationalities
represented in the candidature is over 190. The majority of
these candidates enter for CAE in European and South
American countries.
Research carried out by ALTE has shown what language
learners can typically do at each level. Table 2 (overleaf) gives
some examples at CAE level of typical general ability plus
ability in each of the skill areas and in a range of contexts.
Age and Gender
The majority of candidates are aged between 16 and 19. About
62% of the candidates are female.
Ta bl e 1
Cambridge Main Suite
ALTE levels
CEF levels
Most candidates are students, although there are considerable
differences in the proportion of students in different countries.
Certificate of Proficiency in English
Certificate in Advanced English
First Certificate in English
Preliminary English Test
Key English Test
A large proportion of candidates (about 85%) undertake a
preparatory course before taking the examination.
Varieties of English
Reasons for taking CAE
Candidates’ responses to tasks in the Cambridge ESOL
examinations are acceptable in varieties of English which
would enable candidates to function in the widest range of
international contexts. Candidates are expected to use a
particular variety with some degree of consistency in areas
such as spelling, and not for example switch from using a
British spelling of a word to an American spelling of the same
word in the same written response to a given task.
Candidates’ reasons for wanting an English language
qualification are roughly distributed as follows:
to gain employment (32%)
for further study (24%)
out of personal interest (12%)
other (32%).
Marks and results
A candidate’s overall CAE grade is based on the total
score gained by the candidate in all five papers. It is not
necessary to achieve a satisfactory level in all five papers
in order to pass the examination.
CAE is recognised as fulfilling English language entrance
requirements by many higher education institutions and
cae handbook for teachers | examination content and processing
Ta bl e 2
‘Can Do’ summary
Typical abilities
Listening and Speaking
Reading and Writing
Overall general
CAN contribute effectively to meetings and seminars within
CAN read quickly enough to cope with an academic course,
own area of work or keep up a casual conversation with a
and CAN take reasonably accurate notes in meetings or
good degree of uency, coping with abstract expressions.
write a piece of work which shows an ability to communicate.
Social & Tourist
CAN pick up nuances of meaning/opinion.
CAN understand complex opinions/arguments as
expressed in serious newspapers.
CAN keep up conversations of a casual nature for an
extended period of time and discuss abstract/cultural topics
CAN write most letters (s)he is likely to be asked to do; such
with a good degree of uency and range of expression.
errors as occur will not prevent understanding of the message.
CAN follow discussion and argument with only occasional need
CAN understand the general meaning of more complex
for clarification, employing good compensation strategies to
articles without serious misunderstanding.
overcome inadequacies.
CAN, given enough time, write a report that communicates
CAN deal with unpredictable questions.
the desired message.
CAN follow up questions by probing for more detail.
CAN scan texts for relevant information, and grasp main
topic of text.
CAN make critical remarks/express disagreement without
causing offence.
CAN write a piece of work whose message can be followed
All the papers are equally weighted, each contributing
40 marks to the examination’s overall total number of
200 marks.
This means that the score a candidate needs to achieve
a passing grade will always be 60.
Certificates are issued to candidates gaining a passing
grade (A, B or C) approximately six weeks after the issue
of statements of results.
Results are reported as three passing grades (A, B and C)
and two failing grades (D and E) and are set according to
the following information:
Certificates are not issued to candidates awarded the
failing grades D and E.
– statistics on the candidature
– statistics on the overall candidate performance
– statistics on individual items, for those parts of the
examination for which this is appropriate (Papers 1, 3
and 4)
Special circumstances
Special circumstances covers three main areas: special
arrangements, special consideration and malpractice.
– advice, based on the performance of candidates and
recommendations of examiners, where this is
relevant (Papers 2 and 5)
Special arrangements:
These are available for candidates with a permanent or
long-term disability, such as a visual or hearing difficulty, or
a temporary difficulty such as a broken hand, or ear
infection affecting a candidate’s ability to hear clearly. They
may include extra time, separate accommodation or
equipment, Braille transcription, etc. Consult the
Cambridge ESOL Local Secretary in your area for more
details as soon as possible.
– comparison with statistics from previous years’
examination performance and candidature.
Candidates are issued with statements of results
approximately two months after the examination has
been taken. These include the grades awarded, a
graphical display of the candidate’s performance in each
paper (shown against the scale Exceptional – Good –
Borderline – Weak), and a standardised score out of 100
(which is converted from the aggregate mark of 200).
This score allows candidates to see exactly how they
performed. It has set values for each grade, allowing
comparison across sessions of the examination:
Special consideration:
Cambridge ESOL will give special consideration to
candidates affected by adverse circumstances immediately
before or during an examination. Special consideration can
be given where an application is sent through the centre
and is made within 10 working days of the examination
date. Examples of acceptable reasons for giving special
consideration are in cases of illness or other unexpected
Grade A = 80–100 marks
Grade B = 75–79 marks
Grade C = 60–74 marks
Grade D = 55–59 marks
Grade E = 54 marks or below.
cae handbook for teachers | examination content and processing
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