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David Oliver & Mike Ryan
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This edition first published in 2000 by MBI Publishing Company,
729 Prospect Avenue, PO Box 1, Osceola, Wl 54020-0001 USA
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© Salamander Books Limited 2000
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Available
ISBN 0-7603-0904-3
Printed in Spain
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Project managed by Ray Bonds
Designed by Mitchell Strange/Mel Raymond
Color separation by Studio Tec
Printed in Spain
DAVID OLIVER is an aviation writer and photographer who began his career as a photo-journalist working for Duckhams Oil
Company's in-house motor sport publications. He learnt to fly and was appointed Editor of AirForces Monthly magazine and Co-
ordinating Editor of Air International. He subsequently formed his own consultancy company working with specialist defense
publications, television production companies, and the aerospace industry. He has written 14 books on various aviation and defense
subjects ranging from flying boats to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
MIKE RYAN is Managing Director of AVPRO UK Ltd, a conceptual design and research company committed to the design of advanced
aerospace and defense technology. Close working relationships with the UK aerospace and defense industry and the Defence
Evaluation Research Agency (DERA) enable the company to offer a custom design service for air, land, and sea platforms. He also
serves in the UK Reserve forces as an Army officer, and frequently acts as a technical consultant to the film, television, and
publishing industries.
With the exception of those indicated below, the photographs and color scenarios have been drawn from David Oliver's collection,
and he and the publishers wish to thank the manufacturers, services, and private individuals who have provided illustrations for this
book. Special thanks are accorded to Eric Hehs, Editor of Code One magazine, Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems, for
permission to use the F-22 development material.
Illustrations on the following pages were supplied by AVPRO UK Ltd: endpapers; pages 2-3; 4-5; 80-86; 106-107; 109 (bottom);
111 (bottom); 112-113; 114; 118-119(top); 120-121 (top); 122-123; 126-127; 130(bottom); 139-141; 156-157; 159; 163
(bottom); 164-165; 168 (top).
Illustrations on pages 8, 9 (top and bottom), 10 (top), 11 (center and bottom), and 12-14 were provided by Salamander Picture
Library. Photographs on pages 153 (bottom) and 154 (top) are by Patrick Allen (via David Oliver).
Jacket front: Boeing's CV version of Joint Strike Fighter. Jacket back: the F-22A Raptor, AVPRO UK's Marauder concept, and Lockheed
Martin's proposals for CTOL and STOL unmanned strike aircraft operating from advanced assault ships.
Endpapers: Operational concept of manned and unmanned strike aircraft package.
Page 1: Lockheed Martin/Boeing DarkStar UAV design.
Pages 2-3: UCAVs used for suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD), clearing the way for manned strike aircraft.
Pages 4-5: Concept for closely integrated packages of UCAVs led by manned "mother ships."
Pages 6-7: Boeing's Airborne Laser system, based on a 747 and designed to shoot down theater ballistic missiles while they were still
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