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Title: Fingersmith [ PART 2 ]
AKA: Z³odziejka (PL) | Doloplokies kai apisties (GR) | Silmänkääntäjä (FI)
Country: UK
Language: English
Subtitles: English | Polish (.srt)
Year: 2005
Director: Aisling Walsh
Writers: Peter Ransley (screenplay), Sarah Waters (novel)
Stars: Elaine Cassidy, Sally Hawkins and Imelda Staunton
Genre:  Crime | Drama | Romance

BONUS: e-book w wersji angielskiej i polskiej (.pdf)

David Troughton David Troughton - Pan Ibbs
Imelda Staunton - Pani Sucksby
Sally Hawkins - Sue
Rupert Evans - Rivers
Elaine Cassidy - Maud Lilly
Charles Dance - Pan Lilly
Tim Preece - Parson
Bronson Webb - John Vroom
Demelza Randall - Dainty
Stephen Wight - Charles 

Susan "Sue" Trinder is a fingersmith (British slang for thief) who lives in the slums of London with a baby farmer (person who looks after unwanted babies) Mrs.Sucksby. When a once rich man, who gambled all his money away, presents them with a scam that has a payout of 40,000 pounds, Sue signs on to swindle rich Maud Lilly. Maud is an orphan who lives with her uncle, but what exactly is going on in the Lilly house? Sue will pose as Maud's maid so that Mr.Rivers (the gentleman) can get close to and eventually marry her. Their plan is to put Maud in the madhouse and take the money for themselves. All goes astray though when Sue falls in love with Maud. And the question is: Who can you trust? 

Wiktoriañska Anglia, 1862 rok. Susan Trinder ma 18 lat. Jest sierot¹ i wychowa³a siê wœród z³odziei i oszustów. Sama tak¿e ima siê ró¿nych nielegalnych zajêæ. Przyjmuje wiêc chêtnie propozycjê pewnego cz³owieka, zwanego D¿entelmenem. W zamian za 3000 funtów ma siê zaprzyjaŸniæ z bardzo bogat¹ m³od¹ arystokratk¹ Moud, i przekonaæ j¹ do ma³¿eñstwa z D¿entelmenem. Wydaje siê to proste, zw³aszcza, ¿e dziewczyna ma sk³onnoœci do zaburzeñ psychicznych, zwi¹zanych z prze¿yciami w dzieciñstwie. Jednak sprawy komplikuj¹ siê, gdy Susan zaprzyjaŸnia siê z Moud...


Nazwa pliku: [ICI][GB] Fingersmith part 2 2005 SUB.avi
ID filmu: 3a8c8374578723d135801ed54daa36f7

Rozmiar pliku: 699.8 MiB (733822976 bajtów)
Czas trwania: 01:30:07.040 (5407040 ms)
Ogólne bitrate pliku: 1 086 Kbps
Format: AVI

Video FPS: 25.000
Video kodek: XviD
Video bitrate: 944 Kbps
Video rozdzielczoϾ: 544x400
Video rozmiar: 608 MiB (87%)
Video proporcje obrazu: 4:3

Audio format: MPEG Audio
Audio format wynik: 
Audio bitrate: 129 Kbps
Audio liczba kana³ów: 2
Audio sampling rate: 48.0 KHz
Audio resolution: 
Audio rozmiar: 83.1 MiB (12%)

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