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3 Precast frame analysis
3.1 Types of precast concrete structures
Preliminary structural design, in what many people refer to as the feasibility stage,
is more often a recognition of the type of structural frame, which is best suited
to the form and function of a building, than the structural design itself. The
creation of large ’open plan’ accommodation giving the widest possible scope
for room utilization clearly calls for a column and slab structure, e.g. in Figure 3.1,
where internal partitions could be erected to suit any client’s needs. The type of
structure used in this case is often referred to as ’skeletal’ - resembling a skeleton
of rather small but very strong components of columns, beams, floors, staircases,
and sometimes structural (as opposed to partition) walls. Of course a skeletal
structure could be designed in
cast in situ concrete and structural
steelwork, but here we will
consider only the precast concrete
The basis for the design of pre-
cast skeletal structures has been
introduced in Figure 1.7. The
major elements (=the precast
components) in the structure are
shown in Figure 3.2. Note that the
major connections between beams
and floors are designed and con-
structed as ‘pinned joints’ and
therefore the horizontal elements
(slabs, staircases, beams) are all
simply supported. They need not
Figure 3.1: Precast skeletal structure showing large unobstructed
spaces for the benefit of both the construction workers and client.
Precast Concrete Structures
1 Mainspandrel beam
2 Hollow-core unit
3 Internal rectangular beam
4 Gable spandrel beam
5 Gable beam
6 Main edge beam
7 Landing support beam
8 Staircase and landing
9 Ground beam
10 Column
11 Wall
12 Double-tee unit
13 Internal beam
14 Main edge spandrel beam
Figure 3.2: Definitions in a precast skeletal structure.
always be pinned (in seismic zones the connections are made rigid and very
ductile) but in terms of simplicity of design and construction it is still the pre-
ferred choice. Vertical elements (walls, columns) may be designed as continuous,
but because the beam and slab connections are pinned there is no global frame action
and no requirement for a frame stiffness analysis, apart from the distribution of some
column moments arising from eccentric beam reactions. The stiff bracing elements
such as walls are designed either as a storey-height element, bracing each storey
in turn, or as a continuous element bracing all floors as tall cantilevers.
In office and retail development
distances between columns and beams
are usually in the range 6m to 12m,
depending on the floor loading and
intended use. In multi-storey car parks
where the vehicle loading is always
about the same it is around 16m. The
exterior of the frame - the building’s
weatherproof envelope, could also be a
skeletal structure, in which case the
spaces between the columns would
be clad in brickwork, sheeting etc.
Alternatively, the envelope might be
constructed in solid precast bearing
walls, which dispenses with the need
Figure 3.3: Wall frame with 3.6m wide hollow core floors
(courtesy A. Curd and Partners, USA).
Precast frame analysis
for beams, and is referred to as a
'wall frame'.
An example of a building where
a precast wall frame would be the
obvious choice is shown in Figure
3.3 - the walls are all load bearing
and they support one-way span-
ning floor slabs. There is less archi-
tectural freedom compared to the
skeletal frame, e.g. walls should
(preferably) be arranged on a rec-
tangular grid and a fixed modular
distance, usually 300 mm, between
walls is quite important economic-
ally. A wall frame may be more
economical and may often be faster
to build especially if the external walls are furnished with thermal insulation and
a decorative finish at the factory. Figure 3.4 is a good example of this. Distances
between walls may be around 6m for hotels, schools, offices and domestic hous-
ing, and 10 m to 15 m in commercial developments. Given this description, wall
frames appear to be very simple in concept, but in fact are quite complicated to analyse
because the walls have very large in-plane rigidity whilst the connections between
walls and floors are more flexible. Differential movement between wall panels and
between walls and floors has resulted in major serviceability problems for more than
a 25-year life, often leading to a breakdown in the weatherproof envelope and the
eventual condemnation of buildings which are nevertheless structurally adequate.
A third category of precast building is the 'portal frame', used for industrial
buildings and warehouses where clear spans of some 25m to 40m I or T section
prestressed rafters are necessary (Figures 3.5 and 3.6). Although portal frames are
nearly always used for single-storey buildings they may actually be used to form
the roof structure to a skeletal frame, and as this book is concerned with multi-
storey structures it gives us a reason to mention them. The portal frame looks
simple enough and in fact is quite rudimentary in design, providing that the
flexural rotations at the end of the main rafters, which we can assume will always
cause cracking damage to the bearing ledge, are catered for by inserting a flexible
pad (e.g. neoprene) at the bearing. As mentioned earlier in this section, pinned
connections between the rafter and column are the preferred choice - they are
easy to design and construct. But the columns must be designed as moment
resisting cantilevers - which might cause a problem in some structures as
explained later in Section 6.2. A moment resisting connection is equally possible
allowing moment distribution in the column. However, unless the columns are
particularly tall, say more than about 8m it is not worth the extra effort.
Figure 3.4: Exterior facade to wall frame.
Precast Concrete Structures
Prestressed concrete or
cold rolled steel purlins
and eaves gutter
Prestressed concrete splitter
beams for brickwork support
Prestressed I section rafter
with 4° to 60° roof slope
Typical span 20-30 m
Gable columns
Typical bay 6-8 m
Concrete spine beam may
eliminate need for some
interior columns
Edge columns with haunch or
corbel for rafter support
Typical height 4-8 m
Figure 3.5: Definitions in a precast portal frame.
Figure 3.6: Examples of a precast portal frame (courtesy Crendon Ltd, UK).
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