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Observation on the World

Since the night where the world shook and many Hindu villages as well as those of other nations were carried away to this strange world, I have prayed to the Goddess for understanding and wisdom on the nature and purpose of this world. I believe she heard my prayers when she sent to me a young and valiant explorer whose work has been invaluable in gathering the information present in this document. Since reality is an illusion in this world even more than in our old lands, I will refer it henceforth as the "Maya" - the world of dreams.
General description of the Maya

As has been widely noted since our transfer to this world, the Maya world seems to be a boundless spread of lands of regular types, without seasons, tall mountains, deep oceans or any great variety. I can further add that if it limitless toward the four cardinal points, we have proven that it extends no further than thirty heights of men toward the sky and thirty deep in the ground. It is clear that it is not similar to the world of our birth, but something made to look like it. It is fertile and seems meant to support the live hood of men like us.
Of the animals and plants to be found in the Maya

Investigations of the various lands to be found in the Maya have shown a remarkable fact: while this world contains but a tiny portion of the plants and animals we knew on the banks of the Ganges, almost all of them are directly useful to our village folks. Even the flowers, present in only two kinds, provide us with precious red and yellow dyes, more vivid than what we knew earlier. The multi-armed creatures that swim alone in the empty oceans themselves provide black dye, and for all their fearsome looks they have never been know to attack. From this I can only conclude that the Maya world has been made at least in part for us humans. Only a God or a Goddess could have created this universe, and I believe that it was done for a benevolent purpose.
Of Evil in the Maya

Although I believe this world to be the creation of a benevolent divinity, much that is Evil has also been reported in it. My explorer met many of these creatures, especially when observing this world, and never have they seemed to belong in the Maya. In our lost countries, good and evil was mixed in everything ??? the tiger that devoured villagers was the same that nursed its cub, the rain that brought us good crop the same that flooded the valley. Here the separation is so stark a child could see it. I must conclude from this that there not one hand but two at work in the Maya ??? a good one that created those lands, and an other one that populated it with nightmarish creatures. Is the second one a great demon, like the mighty Ravana? I do not know.
Of the purpose behind the Maya

If I have focused my efforts on describing the Maya instead of explaining it, it is because before my vocation as a sadhu lies my training as a naturalist, who believes that to understand you must first observe. And yet I cannot but conjuncture as to the purpose of all this ??? this vast new land created for humans, populated with people taken from far away in our former lands. What is our Dharma here? To rebuilt our former countries like we remember them? To be truer to ourselves than we were? Are we to fight the evil we see, to clean the land from it? I can do nothing but pray for guidance, and hope than wiser men than me will succeed in unveiling the divine will that took us here.
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