
(4 KB) Pobierz

1- Burn or mount.
2- Install the game.
3- Copy the cracked content from PROPHET dir.
4- Go To Hell!
NOTE: Use SkyrimLauncher.exe in main gamedir to set polish or english sound.
Update 1 is integrated.



1) Wypal lub zamontuj.
2) Zainstaluj grê.
3) Skopiuj zawartoœæ folderu PROPHET do g³ównego katalogu gry Skyrim.
4) Utwórz skrót na Pulpit od 'Skyrim Launcher.exe'
5) U¿yj 'SkyrimLauncher.exe' w g³ównym katalogu gry aby wybraæ pe³n¹ wersjê jêzykow¹ lub wersjê kinow¹.
6) Nastêpnie Opcje/ zaznacz 'Zaawansowane' i ustaw jakoœæ detali i inne opcje w zale¿noœci od wydajnoœci posiadanego sprzêtu.
7) Je¿eli instalowa³eœ wczeœniej inne wersje gry (Razor1911, O22y, inne kombinowane) nale¿y przed rozpoczêciem instalacji usun¹æ (odinstalowaæ) te wersje,
i usun¹æ katalog 'Skyrim' z lokalizacji;
C:/U¿ytkowicy/*Nazwa konta*/Moje dokumenty/My Games/Skyrim (po wykonaniu kopi folderu 'Saves')
C:/U¿ytkowicy/*Nazwa konta*/Moje dokumenty/My Games/Skyrim/Saves
8) Go To Hell!

*UWAGA - Update 1 jest ju¿ zintegrowany.


                    THE ELDER SCROLLS V: SKYRIM
			   Version 1.1

1. System Requirements
2. Manual Addendum
3. Performance Tuning
4. General Information


     1. System Requirements


Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
4GB System RAM
6GB free HDD space
DirectX 9.0c compatible NVIDIA or AMD ATI video card with 1GB of RAM (Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 or higher; ATI Radeon 4890 or higher).
DirectX compatible sound card
Internet access for Steam activation

Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)
Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor
2GB System RAM
6GB free HDD Space
Direct X 9.0c compliant video card with 512 MB of RAM
DirectX compatible sound card
Internet access for Steam activation


     2. Manual Addendum

Page. 20
Containers - To open a container, press E.

-Tab exits most menus or moves focus back one level
-In most cases E also works as ENTER
-0 works as ENTER on the Keypad

Character Menus:
-The mouse can be used to exit Item/Magic/Skills menus by clicking on the edge of the screen nearest to the Character Menu.

-Mousewheel can be used to scroll through inventory lists in items/magic menu.
-Mousewheel can be used while highlighting an item to zoom in and inspect it.

-Items can be used/equipped directly from containers. 
-Shift+Click will use/read/equip depending on the item.
-If the item is a weapon and Shift+RMB is used the item will be equipped in the left hand.

-Right mouse button can be used to advance to next page. Left mouse button to turn back a page.

-Moving the mouse to the edge of the screen will allow you to look around while in a conversation.


     3. Performance Tuning

-Regardless of your video card, make sure to download the latest drivers from your manufacturer.

Drivers for supported video cards are available as follows:
	NVIDIA: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
	ATI: http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.html

If you are experiencing performance issues in the game, reset your video options to what the Skyrim Launcher has auto-detected.  To do this, select Options from the Skyrim Launcher and clicking the Default button in the Detail section.  

Additionally, there are several things you can do to increase game performance.

-Make sure you have no other programs running in the background.

In the Skyrim Launcher:
-Switch to LOW or MEDIUM Detail settings. Select Advanced for more detail options.
-Turn Anti-Aliasing and/or Anisotropic Filtering down or off.  This may degrade overall visual quality but will improve framerate.
-Lower the game resolution.  The title will run faster at smaller resolutions.

-ALT+TAB may cause some game instability with some hardware configurations and is not advised.


     4. General Information


New saves are made in “\My Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves”

Plug in your 360 controller into a USB port on your computer to play Skyrim with a controller
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