(19 KB) Pobierz


I'm looking for...a job as a..
I'm looking for...a flatmate
The flat is....near/opposite/next to/in...
For more details,call on...and ask for...Kate/Mark.
E-mail me at: [email]
I found/lost a silver CASIO watch in the park.
If found,please contact Robert on....0171-123 3456
Please,phone after 8 p. m.

Reward: 50 zł
10 dolarów nagrody.
In good condition.



Dear Peter/Hi Peter
Greetings from....
I'm having a great time here.
I'm stayng in a small hotel.
The weather is great/bad.
It's cloudy/sunny/windy.
I've visited...I've seen...
I wish you were here.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Give my love to.../ say hi to...
Your friend,/Take care,/Keep well,/see you,



Come birthday party!/school disco!
There's going to be a great party!/It will be great fun!
I'd like to invite you to...
The party 7 p. m. on Saturday,15 th May
You can't miss it!
Please bring some food and your favourite CDs with you.
Hope to see you then!
Tell the others about the party.
Take your girlfriend/boyfriend with you!

If interested, contact...

Wear formal/ dressy clothes.



Sorry, but I can't../I can't make it...on Sunday.
Could/Would/Can you..wait for me/pick my sister up from the railway station?
Will you...go to the cinema with me?/Do you fancy...going to the cinema?
I'm not feeling well. I have a headache.Could you..?
I' Mike's/at school now.I have to stay longer./Don't wait for me.
Don't...use my computer!/You musn't smoke in my room.
Remember to../Don't forget to....
I'LL be 2 hours/at 7 p. m./tomorrow morning/next week/on Sunday.
Well done!/Congratulations!/Have a good time!
All the best!/Happy Birthday!/Happy Easter/Merry Christmas!
Call back asap(=as soon as possible)
See you later.


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