Woodworking - How-To - Cement & mixes.pdf
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Cement, concrete and mortar
Cement, concrete and mortar
cement - lime - sand - aggregate. ballest - mortar - concrete
Below are details of concrete and mortar for different applications, how to estimate quantities
and what these quantities mean. The various mixes are quoted as volume ratios, however the
individual components are normally sold by weight, so a little calculation work is required.
Cement in concrete and mortar creates its strength by chemical reaction, it is not like
wallpaper glue which 'drys out', it 'goes off'. In fact, if the concrete or mortar should 'dry out'
before the chemical reaction is substantially complete, it will fail. Likewise if it is subjected to a
frost, it can also fail.
Concrete/mortar will take months to reach it's full strength however after about 24 hours it
should be fairly hard and after 4 or 5 days, the strength should be enough to stand upto
normal punishment.
The various components:
For normal 'around the house' types jobs, Ordinary (or Portland) cement is
required. This is normally available in 50kg bags, although smaller 25kg bags are increasingly
becoming available to take account of the UK manual handling regulations. Try not to buy
more cement than you need as it cannot be stored for very long. Some special cements are
available (i.e. quick drying) which may be required for special situation.
Lime is sometimes used in cement and reduces the amount of water drawn into the
bricks, thus preventing the cement from drying out too quick and shrinking. The main types of
lime are:
hydraulic - which sets by combining with water.
Non-hydraulic - this hardens by drying out.
Semi-hydraulic - which is a half-and-half, it mainly needs to dry out but has some
hydraulic properties.
Each type is available as either hydrated lime and quicklime - hydrated is more convenient to
use as it has been processed ready for use. Hydrated hydraulic lime must be used straight
from the bag. Hydrated semi- or non-hydraulic are better to use after soaking in water for 24
hours - stir it into water and leave it overnight - the lime sinks to the bottom and excess water
can then be poured off. Mix the lime with the sand before adding the cement.
Two types of sand are available but are not interchangeable in all applications,
whichever type is being used, always pass it though a sieve before use to remove any small
stones etc.
Soft sand (or Builders sand): a smooth sand, non-gritty, loamy and with cohesive
properties, can be used for:
Bricklaying mortar
For bedding paving slabs
For rendering walls
Sharp sand: this has a gritty feel and is similar to that used to condition soils and
potting composts, can be used for:
For rendering floors and walls
(also referred to as ballast): is used for concrete and consists of various sized
particles from fine grains of sand to small stones. Aggregate is normally graded by size of the
largest stones; 10mm Aggregate will have been sieved though a 10mm mesh to remove all
larger stones.
Mixes:(see bottom of page for render/stucco mixes)
sand : cement
sand : lime : cement
general building (above
general building (below
Internal walls
Ballast : cement
Sharp sand : cement
Foundations, drives, floor
slab, other heavy duty
5 : 1 (20mm Ballast)
Foot paths and thin
3.25 : 1 (10mm Ballast)
Paving less than 50mm (2
inch), bedding for slabs
3 : 1
Volume/weight conversion
1 cubic yard
= 21.6cwt
1 cubic metre
= 1.4 tonne
1 cubic yard
= 10.8cwt
1 cubic metre
= 0.7 tonne
1 cubic yard
= 25 cwt
1 cubic metre
= 1.7 tonne
The weight of Aggregate depends upon the proportion of solid stone and can vary between
20 to 27 cwt per cubic yard. For practical purposes, the sand volume/weight conversions can
be used.
Cement and lime - keep undercover and dry. Cement will tend to absorb water and turn hard
if left for any long periods in high humidity.
Sand and Ballast - small quanties can be stored in heavy duty plastic bags. Larger quantities
should, ideally, be stored on a solid base. If it has to be stored on earth, place a lining of
some sort on the earth before the sand/ballast is deposited - this will prevent the sand being
absorbed into the earth and the earth into the sand. Try to keep the pile covered when not
being used, this will ensure that local pets will not contaminate the top side as well as
preventing any rain from washing some of it away - but do not let the pile get too dry as this
may cause problems when it is being used.
Stucco and Rendering mixes
The terms 'Render' and 'Stucco' are almost interchangeable; Render generally being UK
terminology and Stucco, American. However, the mixes below are specific as they are slightly
different, Stucco generally having less sand.
Various stucco mixes:
cement hair or
Traditional Simple Soft Lime Stucco
1 part
2 part
Soft Lime Stucco with fibre (3 layer)
Base Layers (2) 1 part
3 parts
6 pounds
Finish Layer 1 part 3 parts
Note: Portland cement is not included in this mix; however, its use will increase the
workability of the mix and decrease the setting time, the amount of Portland cement added
should not exceed 1/3rd part .
Soft stucco
5 part 10 part 1/8th part
Traditional Natural Cement/Lime stucco
1 part 3 parts 2 parts
Portland Cement stucco
3 parts 1 parts
Various rendering mixes:
Cement/Lime Render
not more
than 15%
of the
5 parts
2 part
The same basic mix was used for all layers, but the final layer should contain more lime
than the underlayers.
Cement Render
5 parts
1 part
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