UV Spectroscopy and UV Lasers - P. Misra, M. Dubinskii (Marcel Dekker, 2002) WW.pdf

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Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and UV lasers
and UV lasers
edited by
Prabhakar Misra
Howard University
Washington, D.C.
Mark A. Dubinskii
Magnon, lnc.
Reisterstown, Maryland
ISBN: 0-8247-0668-4
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Ultraviolet Spectroscopy and UV Lasers covers a range of subjects, from ul-
traviolet (UV) and vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) sources to the latest advances in
instrumentation and techniques for absorption, emission, and fluorescence spec-
troscopy. The book will prove useful to scientists pursuing spectroscopy-related
research in fields as varied and diverse as optical physics and engineering, analyti-
cal chemistry, biology, and laser technology. The book can also serve as a refer-
ence text for a two-semester special topics course for upper-level undergraduate
and graduate students in these disciplines.
In the opening chapter , ‘‘Ultraviolet and Vacuum Ultraviolet Sources and
Materials for Lithography,’’ Liberman and Rothschild review radiation sources in
the UV and VUV, followed by an appraisal of the key factors governing efficient
detection of UV radiation. Their overview of sources and detectors, although
presented in the context of lithographic applications, will prove useful for other
UV spectroscopic applications as well. UV optical metrology is covered under
two subheadings: measurements of bulk material properties and surfaces and
measurement of thin film properties. Candidate optical materials for lithographic
systems are reviewed in light of their index homogeneity, birefringent properties,
and durability. An important consideration in the use of optical components for
metrological applications at UV wavelengths is the issue of large absorption coef-
ficients exhibited by vapors and surface adsorbates, which is the subject of discus-
sion in the concluding segment of this chapter.
The second chapter , ‘‘Laser Optogalvanic Spectroscopy of Discharge Plas-
mas in the Ultraviolet Region’’ is coauthored by one of the editors (PM) of this
book and provides an overview of the optogalvanic effect. Owing to its sensitivity
and selectivity, the optogalvanic technique has been utilized for a wide variety
of spectroscopic applications, including analytical flame spectrometry, atomic
Copyright © 2002 by Taylor & Francis
and molecular spectroscopy, laser stabilization and calibration, and plasma diag-
nostics. Haridass, Major, Misra, and Han provide both an experimental back-
ground and a theoretical framework for reporting an extensive array of optogal-
vanic spectral transitions and selective waveforms in the UV for both neon and
argon. The mechanism associated with the generation of the optogalvanic signal
is covered in depth, and a theoretical model is developed and used to analyze
and interpret time-resolved waveforms of specific optogalvanic transitions of
neon and argon in the context of electron collisional ionization and electron colli-
sional transfer rates in a discharge medium.
In Chapter 3 , ‘‘Spectra of the Isotopomers of CO ,N 2 , and NO in the
Ultraviolet,’’ Reddy and Haridass describe the experimental recording of data
with a hollow cathode discharge tube, followed by a subsequent detailed analysis
of the electronic spectra of these species. The ultraviolet spectroscopy of these
molecules is important for the understanding and elucidation of significant astro-
physical processes, as well as for improved understanding of associated terrestrial
environmental and combustion phenomena. A review of the relevant electronic
configurations and the general spectroscopic equations needed for a detailed spec-
tral analysis and interpretation is provided. A comprehensive historical overview
of past and present work is provided, in turn, for CO ,N 2 , and NO, followed by
presentation and analysis of UV spectra for the isotopomers of all three molecular
species. Schematic energy level diagrams illustrate the allowed spectral transi-
tions and the associated branches in detail. Precise molecular parameters charac-
terizing the various electronic states of the different species have been determined
using rigorous nonlinear least-squares fitting routines and are tabulated for easy
Photoabsorption cross-section measurements in the ultraviolet and vacuum
ultraviolet are the subject of Chapter 4 . Yoshino outlines the earlier cross-section
measurements—prior to 1980—and discusses the current instrumentation avail-
able for precise cross-section measurements in the UV and VUV. A major uncer-
tainty in cross-section measurements with a single path spectrometer is in estimat-
ing the background intensity level, since it may vary with wavelength and time
during the course of the photoabsorption scan. It is also often difficult to maintain
the gas pressure constant within the absorption cell, particularly for reactive and/
or absorbent species. Yoshino summarizes these difficulties in the context of
cross-section measurements of the photoabsorption continuum under lower reso-
lution, citing the specific example of the H 2 O molecule. He then reviews measure-
ments of cross-sections for molecular bands possessing associated fine rotational
structure under superior resolution in relation to the Doppler widths of relatively
simpler molecules. Line-by-line cross-section measurements of the Schumann-
Runge bands of O 2 and their temperature dependence are then discussed. Line
and band oscillator strengths are subsequently related via the H¨nl-London factor,
Copyright © 2002 by Taylor & Francis
whereby once the band oscillator strengths are established, cross-sections for any
temperature can in principle be determined.
In Chapter 5 , ‘‘Ultraviolet and Vacuum Ultraviolet Laser Spectroscopy Us-
ing Fluorescence and Time-of-Flight Mass Detection,’’ Lipson and Shi review
the principles and techniques of ultraviolet lasers produced by frequency doubling
in anisotropic crystals, nonresonant third harmonic generation, and two-photon
resonant four-wave sum- and difference-frequency generation in isotropic gases.
Their application focus is on single-photon excitations of supersonically jet-
cooled gas-phase molecules that are detected either via laser-induced fluorescence
or by ion detection via time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The authors provide a
detailed discussion of supersonic jet expansions, which have now been estab-
lished as a powerful tool for gas-phase spectroscopy, because a jet environment
is highly conducive to the production and probing of rovibrationally cold mole-
cules, free radicals, and clusters. This chapter provides practical examples of
UV and VUV laser-induced fluorescence and time-of-flight excitation spectra
in supersonic jets. The spectroscopy of several metal monohalide radicals and
diatomic halogens is presented in some detail. A comprehensive catalog of atomic
and molecular systems studied with VUV lasers is provided in tabular form.
The table includes a summary of the electronic states investigated by specific
spectroscopic methods for various atomic and molecular species, along with the
pertinent literature references. The use of VUV lasers in tandem with mass spec-
trometry provides unique opportunities for detection and characterization of or-
ganic molecules. The practical use of these techniques is illustrated in the context
of organic molecules (with several examples), and a detailed referenced tabula-
tion of organic molecular systems detected by nonresonant VUV ionization has
been included. The authors also provide a comprehensive bibliography of the
literature associated with the twin techniques of fluorescence spectroscopy and
time-of-flight mass detection.
In Chapter 6 , Cefalas and Sarantopoulou review spectroscopy and applica-
tions of diatomic and triatomic molecules assisted by laser light at 157.6 nm.
The authors begin with a description of the useful characteristics of the 157.6
nm radiation source—a molecular fluorine laser—and of its utility for photo-
lithography, and then lead up to a summary of the laser’s usage for elucidating
the spectroscopy of such varied molecules as OH, O 2 , HCl, DCl, CH 3 Cl, H 2 , OCS,
H 2 O, HDO, ICN, AsF 2 ,O 3 ,CO 2 , and SiH. Spectroscopic investigations relating
to the properties of neutral or charged clusters can be accomplished in the VUV
via optical and mass spectroscopic techniques. Such approaches to study clusters
in the VUV possess two distinct advantages, namely, that systems with a large
band gap can be studied and that excitation of inner shell electrons allows ele-
ment-specific information to be collected. In this context, the VUV spectroscopy
of triatomic clusters is reviewed. It is followed by a discussion of the laser-
Copyright © 2002 by Taylor & Francis
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