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Vol. 8.
'•'•All nations whom thou hast 'made, shall come and worship before thee," '9
N~H. BARBOUR,"iiclito^
"" '
C. T. RUSSELL, Pri'T.siiuno, PA.
" Jioth the Chervhim of one. measure and one size."
Karthly Jerusalem.
Earthly Sacrifice.
Earthly Kingdom.
This one looking for-
ward to the sacrifice.
^•K ciiur.cn. yy
Heavenly Jerusalem.
Spiritual Sacrifice.
Heavenly Kingdom.
VAX /A\, \W.'.h'y^%
/P> Av V-^rC\
)!,!•!: i.liS^i.i it'.
ti!S ; !:l:S!sl;; ; i ?i ll^
This one looking back
to the sacrifice.
• i ,wi
Prom the end of the
Jewish age., at the death
of Christ, to the end of
the Gospel age, should,
if of equal measure,
be ISIS years.
From the end of Vw
Patriarchal nge, at t'.-ui
death of Jacob, to the
cud of the Jewish ag •,
at the death of Christ,
was 1815 years.
m iqi:,
Birth of Jesus—
ifl: 1 ! 1 !!!;
2iS0O days ended in
; mm** *&*&*-
Baptism of Jesus— k'.ft'! ! -:;J ';•*!
j-.l'l::, '•!l+
ri •(• • on SilliivJlf'HI'Hi'ir*," 1 ! ;';t
Lruciiixton, A. r>. U3— WJMIJII.^J.IJ^.-MJ.AI
.;;;;;; .If,;!
v'il'j 1874,also Jubilee cycles
1S75, the douidc complete-.
Jerusalem destroyed— K^Js^k^^d ^il^V'^'kH "i'«»csof tlie
A D 70 h^'^^ff^ «M V^Y&0ff&;r~- end in ID 11.
Tl-illjVtfc?—-("Six ^Ii>ntl-iM, !Zr, Cents; One Yciir, (30 Cents
LETTEPS containing; money to Dec. 28th.
This is a receipt for their contents.
J II Paton. D Hammack. J Williams. C
A Conde. N Manning, A D Jones. H B
Rice. J Amon. A E"Onse. W Bates. W
J Owen. NCrabtrce. Van Waters. II .Fel-
lows. S Wright. S PDay. S M Bond. D
Koontz. E D Smith. A J Flaharty. EY
Jenncrs. E P Atwater. J Umstad't, W II
Whitman. II Lininger. S S Walker. A J
Thompson. A Hunt. B S Morse. W H
Hacking. W Lindsey. J B Beckner. D
Myres.. KD Logan. N L Thayer. II C
Halfpenny, R Deering. L B Bristol. J
Ray. E Priest. S IlowJett. S E Haywood.
S Ryan. Eld M Beck. D D Lathrop. FA
Souders. H F Mavnard. E II Brown, S
W Annis. T C Upson. W Council. L Jo-
hanneson. A B Sage. T CliurchelJ. F M
Hunter. J H Gerey. J Rodgers. D S
Dean. C II Green. J Hall, Jr. S Page. C
A McKernon. W F Johnston.
The following are all Airs. Mrs. B C Ban-
croft. M J Bliven. J Wilson. R B Sims.
M A Belding. M G Partridge. D B Wolfe.
O.E Hendry. M C Bcals. II Hall. M A
Durkec. V R Lane. H Wilson. E A Cor-
ker. J Wilh'ard. D White. A 13 Sarvis. E
Chase. M B Maldon. E Cuinmings.
any chart like the title page of the paper,
only large enough to be used before- an an-'
dience ? Such a chart would be a <rreat
help in a presentation of these subjects.
The Spirit leading, we mean to do all wc
can, that the light may shine: Yours in
hope of the coming glory, C. R. GUEENE.
We have no printed charts, excepting the
small ones made in 1S7G ; and which are
not complete, up to present developments.
The large ones we use for lectures,, are
made by hand, and are rather expensive;
but I am preparing one, and hope to get the
form ready for printing, in two or three
weeks. This chart, will be about, five feet
wide, with figures large enough to be seen
in all parts of a moderate sized lecture room;
" three worlds, QX plan of the ages," cher-
ubim, and " two dispensations," printed in
colors. The cost, by mail, will be from
•SI,' 50ets, to $3, 00; according to quality
of paper, and style ofmonnting. This chart
should be in the possession of all who can
afford it, as suspended On the wall of your
room, it will be a constant preacher.
Send your orders at once.
I do not see every thing you advocate,
stili I do see you have a host of truth which
is very beautiful. God bless you.
V.N. Johnson.
I read and re-read the HT-.KAI.D, and the
more I read, the more I love the glorious
subjects discussed in its pages ; it seems a
long time to wait from month to month.
There are many I would like to interest
in the blessed truth of the presence of the
Son of man as Lord of the harvest, and his
soon coming as Bridegroom.—How solemn,
and yet how glorious.
Few of our ministers in charge of church-
es find time to study any theology only that
of the school to which they belong; and, if
they had the time, many would be disin-
clined to do so, lest they become unpopular
and lose their place and liviusr. I have in-
troduccd the subject, cautiously, the past
season where I have been supplying, in dif-
ferent places; but have found lew who have
an ear for these things. Perhaps I am not
yet able to present the subject in as favor-
able a light as could be desired. Still if the
way is opened, I shall gladly give my time
and little talent to the propagation of this
most glorious of all the great truths of God's
word. Do you print, or have you on hand,
of our LonVs
A pamphlet of G4 pages, by C. T. Rus-
sia.!.. Just the book to place in the hands
of those who are hungry for truth. Price
10 cents, or $1 per dozen.
Eld. J. II. Paton, of Almont, Mich.,
0. T. Russell, 82 Fifth avenue, Pitts. Pa.
S. II. Withington, Springwater, N. Y.
B. W. Keith, Dansville, N. Y., and my-
self; at Rochester, N. Y., will gladly re-
spond to any call for meetings where a
church, or hall, can be provided.
As this No. begins -a new volume, and
donbtless most of our six months' subscribers
will wish the paper continued to them, 1
would say, as scrip is becoming very scarce,
those who scud less than one dollar, can, il
more convenient to themselves, send Sets pos-
tage stamps.
• We give an extra 8 pages for this No.
Co?uing Time of Trouble.
under what is known as the Miller move-
ment, and has continued, in one form and
another, until the present day. And has
been the fulfilment of the "great voices,"
with which this trumpet opens. When
the mystery of God is finished, by.the com-
pletion of this last proclamation, then comes
the time of trouble, angry nations, and
wrath of God.
As the seventh trumpet sounds for about
74 years, " this generation (of threescore
vears and ten, or fourscore years)—Ps.
90: 10—shall not pass awav until all these
things be fulfilled." Of the 74 years, 38
have already passed since the beginning of
the sounding of this trunipot, and we have
therefore entered tlie last half, or time of
According to these arguments the com-
ing of Christ, in all its stages, occupies
nearly the whole " of the days of the voice
of the seventh angel-." Hence it is "at
the last trump " the Lord himself descends
with a shout; " tlie shout" lThes. 4: 10,
synclironizini' with the " great voices" with
which this'trumpet opens ; and " the voice
of the archangel," Michael, with the time
of trouble, angry nations, wrath of God,
time of tlie dead that they should be
judged, etc., under the last half of the
sounding of tiro trumpet. (Compare Rev.
11: 18,'and Dar. 12: 1, with 1 Thes. 4:
10.) .It is during this time of trouble the
nations are to be "dashed in-pieces as
a potter's vessel." But the friends of the
Bridegroom are to understand the situation,
and know what is going on, (John 15:
15) ; instead of being totally in tlie dark,
in relation to those things concerning the
day of the Lord, as so many are now
The seven churches of chaps. 2 and 3,
are, as has been shown, a prophetic history
of'the seven phages of the gospel church;
the last one of which, the Laodicean, goes
into tins time of trouble, and is spued out
of tlie mouth of God, (Rev. 3 : 1(1.) The
Diladelohia church, the one wnicli
The List.subject was the seven trumpets,
•which shadow forth the events by which
the Roman empire was to be broken, di-
vided, and finally destroyed. The List.
three are called woe trumpets, (Rev. 8:
13),—the first woe trumpet being the fifth
trumpet. This was fulfilled, as has been
shown, by the Saracene invasions of the
eastern part of the empire,'beginning in
1299, and continuing until the final siege
and fall of Constantinople.; the siege begin-
ning in 1449, thus making 150 years" or
five prophetic mouths, during which they
were, to torment, but not kill. (Rev. 9:
5.) The second, woo trumpet, and sixth
of the scries, beginning in 1149, at the last
siege of Constantinople, was to sound for
an "hour, and a day, and a month, and a
year," (verse 15), making 891 years and
fifteen days, and therefore ended in 1840,.
when the affairs of the Ottoman empire
virtually passed into the hands of the Allied
powers. The seventh trumpet, therefore,
began to sound in 1840; and, according to
those prophetic measurements, will continue
until the end of the times of'the Gentiles
in 1914.
This trump is called the " trump of
God," and " last trump," because in the
final destruction of Gentile governments,
and the setting up of the kingdom of God,
events of "that great day "are to trans-
pire. " And the seventh angel sounded,
and there were great voices in heaven, say-
ing: The kingdoms of this world are bo-
com\ri<z(Ginoma>, more proper! v rendered,
shall become) the kingdoms nf our Lor.d and
his Christ. And the nations were angry,
and .thy wrath is come," etc. (Rev. ll:
The seventh trumpet opens with a pro-
clamation, and closes with the time of
trouble so often referred to in prophecy.
This proclamation is the last message of the
gospel of grace, " the mystery of God."
"' But in the days of tlie voices of the sev-
enth angel, when he shall sound, (begin is
a supplied word) tlie mystery of God shall
be finished." (Rev. 10: 7.)
This proclamation that the kingdoms of
this world are to become the kingdoms of
our Lord, and his Christ, in the beginning
of the sounding of this trumpet, we under-
stand to be tl'o advent premillermia! pro-
/ elaination, which began at about 4840,
t , - .—' — ."-•'• P^-
ccded this, God said he would "keep from
tlie hour of temptation, which shall come
upon all the world, to try them that dwell
upon the earth." The Philadelphia church
was the chinch of the reformation, and has
passed, away, and so has been kept from
this hour of trial, which is coming upon us.
This fiery ordeal through which the Laodi-
cean church is to pass, during the great day
of his wrath, is doubtless the most severe
that any phase of the church lias ever
experienced ; hence, the language of Christ
to his disciples," Ye shall hear of wars and
rumors of wars ; see that ye be tiot troubled ;
for all these things must come to pass,but the
end is not yet." And of Paul to the Thes-
salonians, " Be not soon shaken in mind,
or be troubled, ... as that the day
of Christ is at hand; for that day shall not
come except there come a falling away
first, and that man of sin be revealed, etc."
livery phase of the church has had some
special trials, and we, of the Laodicean
church are to have ours. And having had
more light, may expect to pass a more fear-
ful ordeal.
But are we not to escape all these things
that are coming on the earth, and stand
before the Son of man ? Not the Laodi-
cean church, I answer, but only a few from
among them. The great mass, although
building on Christ, build with " hay, wood,
and stubble ;"' while only the few build with
material which can stand the lire. " And .
the day that coiueth shall try every man's
work, of what sort it is." The few will
pass through, without the smell of lire on
their garments, while all others " will suf-
fer loss, their works be burned, and they
themselves saved, so as by fire."
The day o r Christ is at hand, or, indeed,
lias come ; hence, we cannot say " be not
troubled, as though that day were at hand,"
for both the clay, and the trouble is upon
us ; but we can say, " Now the just shall
live by his faith, and if any man draw
back, my son! shall have no pleasure in
In the harvest, or end of this age, Christ
says, the angels are to first gather the tares
in bundles, and then gather the wheat.
This cratherino; of the wheat cannot be
translation, that not being the work of
angels. And yet they arc gathered, not
as we understand, to a locality, but to a
condition ; that represented in Rev. 15: 2;
" As it were a sea of glass mingled with
fire" Although this company pass through
the furnace, yet the fire has no power upon
them. He will give his angels charge, ami
no evil shall befall them. This condition,
according to our measurements, will com-
mence in the autumn of 1881. And from
that point, we believe the supernatural
protection named in Ps. 91, will be given.
But while on this sea of jrlass, minified
with fire, they are not idle; they have a
song to sing, or a proclamation to make,
and one which will go to all nations;
" all nations shall come and worship before
thee, for thy judgments are made mani-
fest." This company, when gathered on
the sea of glass, represent the church of the
firstborn, as the living are always made to
represent the whole church, " Lo I am with
vou always, even to the end of the world."
They are represented as having the harps
of God, and have a song to sing, (verse 2.)
And this seems to synchronize with the
company of He v. 11, the 144,000, having
the harps of God, and siiicrin<ra son" which
no others could sing. They also synchron-
ize with the first angel's message (Rev. 14 :
G): Having the everlasting gospel to
preach to all nations, and saying, The hour
of his judgment has come. The saints on
the sea of glass sing, or proclaim that all
nations shall come, because of his judg-
ments. A " song " is a proclamation ; and
the first angel's message is to all nations,
and because of his judgments. Without
doubt, all who are ever to he gathered into
this " high calling," will be gathered in the
time of harvest, and the gospel of grace will
be ended. But the an< r el flvinjr through
the midst of heaven, having the everlasting
gospel to preach, and saying, The hour of
his judgment is como ; is distinct from the
gospel of grace, which is exclusively (or the
bride, or to " take out a people for his
The book of Revelation is a book of sym-
bols ; an angel with a proclamation, whether
it be an angel of one of the seven trumpets,
or any other, have their fulfilment by events
transpiring on the earth.
The three messages of Rev. 14, and
also that of chap. 10, have their fulfilment
under the sounding of the seventh trumpet;
but the angel of the 10th chap, represents
a double movemei-.t. He is clothed with a
cloud, representing a degree of obscurity;
and yet his feet are as pillars of fire, and
his face as the sun ; and a rainbow, a token
of promise, about his head. He has an
open book, which proves to be sweet in the
eatinf, but bitter in the digestion. This
10th chapter is thrown in between the end
of the sixth trumpet, chap. 9, and the de-
scription of the seventh trumpet, chap. 11:
15 ; and represents the advent movement,
which proclamation is proved to be the
opening message of the seventh trumpet.
That message, claiming that the vision was
closed up and sealed till the time of the
end, (Dan. 12,) also proved that the " time
in fiiiviiv tr.
of the end" had come, and the book was
now open. That message lias been sweet,
but the cloud was around it, we did not see
all the truth on the manner of the advent,
hence the bitterness of disappointment has ;
been mingled with the sweetness. With j
the eating of the little book, and its dines- !
tion, the mystery of God will be finished, ;
as he lias declared unto his servants the i
prophets, (verse 7.) -But the last verse i
gives something to follow the eating, and |
the digestion, " Thou must prophecy again, |
before many peoples, and nations, and ;
tongues, and kings," (verse 11.) This, we
understand, synchronizes with the " everv ;
nation, and kindred, and tongue, and
people of Rev. 14 . G ; and also with the
song for all nations" of the 15th chap.
This bring'uiii together the soiif? by those
on the sea of glass, mingled with lire, as
the representative company of Rev. 14:
1-5, and the second message of the angel
of chap. 10; 11, and the angd of chap.
14: 6, as all one and the same, may appear
to some as far fetched; but it is not. Those
on the sea of glass are clearly a company
of overcomers, and are isolated from the
rest of mankind while the seven last nUnaies j
are being poured out.. They also have a
song to sing, which is equivalent to a pro-
clamation. And that proclamation is in
reference to God's judgments, and all na-
tion's worshiping. While the angel's mes-
sage of Rev. 14: 13 is precisely the same.
Again, those on the sea of glass are clearly
not all of the gospel church, that is, do not
include the dead in Christ* for they are
represented as overcoming what did not
exist in the early stages of the church,
"the image of the beast; number of his
name," etc. But the living church always
represents the "kingdom of heaven," the
whole church, or church of the firstborn. The
114,000 of Rev. 14, also represent the
church of the firstborn, and like those on
the sea of glass, they have the harps of
God, and sing a new song, that is, have a j
new message, and yet their numbers cannot
, be increased, none others can sing that
• song. Those on the sea of glass also have
the harps of God, and sing a song, and their
numbers cannot be increased, since " the
door is shut," and no man was ablu to enter
the temple until the plagues were fulfilled.
The company of [lev. 14 are represented
as "before the throne," etc. The company
on the sea of glass are those who escape the
judgments that come on the earth ; and !'
those Christ said (Luke 21: 3G) ".stand
before the Son of man." But, whether
these arc the same or not, the company on
the sea of glass, with their sow:, svnehron-
izes most perfectly with the first angels
message of the three, of Rev. 14. And
the angtl of chapter 10 is certainly con-
nected with the opening of the seventh
trumpet (verse 7), and therefore with the
"great voices " (Rev. 11: 15), or procla-
mation of the change of dynasty; or king-
doms of this world becoming the kingdoms
of our Lord and of his Christ. And this
transfer involves their being broken to pieces-
(Dan. 2 : 44). or " ((ashing in pieces " of the
nations. (Ps. 2.) And these "great
voices," or proclamation, also synchronize
with the open book proclamation of the
10th chapter, with its sweet and bitter, and
which has been so clearly fulfilled by the
advent movement. And altogether, it
makes perfect harmony with the prophetic
periods, which give the location and dura-
tion of the "davs of the voice of the sev-
enth angel," as beginning in 1840, and
ending with l'Jll. Such a proclamation
has been made, and the claim was that it
was with an open book ; that is, that the
"sealed book" (Dan. 12: 4) was now " an
open book." And following this proclama-
tion comes the time of trouble, the " angry
nations " and "wrath of God." But the
same " awel," that is the company who
help to swell the great voices of a coming
kingdom of our Lord and his Christ, must
prophesy again after that first message "is
finished." And this " prophesying again
before many peoples, and nations, and
tonmies," must therefore be a new song,
since the old, old story, or " mystery of
God " will then have been finished. This
gospel of the kingdom is never spoken of as
an everlasting gospel. On tiie other hand
it is to end when preached as a u'itne?i to
all nations, (Matt. 24: 14.) But the
"seed." which is to bless all nations, begins
this work, to all nations, as soon as their
"one body " is complete*. Anil the song
from the sea of class, and the proclamation
of the "angel "of Rev. 14: G, and the
prophesying atja'ui of Rev. 10 : 11, are
clearly one and the same.
Wo had long supposed the 144,000 of
llev. 14, were the ijl.orijled church of tho
firstborn, and so w. once thought of' the
company on the sea of glass ; but the book
of Revelation is a book of symbols. And
much that we once supposed was to be l'ul-
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