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Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0                     Updated: October 31, 1996
for Microsoft Windows
Read Me Notes								

This Read Me file contains last-minute product information for the
Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 for Microsoft Windows 3.1, Microsoft Windows
95, and Microsoft Windows NT.

For full instructions on using the Acrobat Reader please see the
Acrobat Reader 3.0 Online Guide, which can be found in the file
READER.PDF in the Help folder which is in the same folder as the
Acrobat Reader.  When using  Acrobat Reader, selecting the Help >
Reader Online Guide menu will open READER.PDF automatically.

Adobe encourages you to register as an Acrobat Reader user; letting us
know who you are helps us continue to provide you with better
products, better service, and the most up-to-date information on Adobe
Acrobat. If you have not already registered, please do so at     
To view the latest information on Acrobat, please go to:


This document contains the following sections:


 - x86-based personal computer (386 minimum; 486, Pentium, or 
   Pentium Pro recommended)
 - Microsoft Windows 3.1, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups,
   Microsoft Windows 95, Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0
 - 4 MB application RAM
 - 5 MB hard disk space, plus 7 MB additional temporary disk space 
   available during installation
- For viewing PDF files inside of a Web browser:
  Netscape Navigator 3.0 or later (3.0.1 or later recommended) 
  or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or later.  
  (Netscape Navigator 2.0.2 can also be used with limitations; e.g. 
  it will not allow you to submit a PDF form.  You may also be able   
  to use other Web browsers that FULLY support the Netscape APIs.)


If additional problems and issues are discovered they'll be posted on
Adobe's Web site at

If there is a failure at any point during the installation of Acrobat
3.0, the installer performs a complete uninstall. For this reason, it
is important not to pre-maturely close the installer application by
clicking on its close box in the upper-right corner of the background
window; the installer will automatically close the background window.
[174928, 178252]

Installer for Windows 95 or Windows NT - 
The 32-bit Acrobat Reader installer will install the following
software for use with Microsoft Windows 95 or Microsoft Windows NT: 

- AcroRd32.exe, the 32-bit Acrobat Reader
- PDF.OCX, the Acrobat Control for ActiveX, which will enable
  Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 to display PDF documents
- nppdf32.dll, the Netscape plug-in which will allow Netscape
  Navigator and compatible browsers to display PDF documents

If Netscape Navigator 2.0 or later is installed on your computer,
nppdf32.dll will be installed in \Netscape\Navigator\Program\plugins.
If Adobe PageMill 2.0 or later is installed on your computer,
nppdf32.dll will be installed in its plugin directory.
The installer will also place one copy of the Netscape plug-in in the
directory containing the Acrobat Reader in \Browser\nppdf32.dll. If
you would like to use the Acrobat Reader with an additional copy of
Netscape Navigator or another Netscape compatible browser, copy
nppdf32.dll to its plugins directory.

Installers for Windows 3.1 -
The 16-bit Acrobat Reader installer will install the following
software for use ONLY with Microsoft Windows 3.1 or Microsoft Windows
for Workgroups:

- AcroRd16.exe, the 16-bit Acrobat Reader for use ONLY with Microsoft
  Windows 3.1 or Microsoft Windows for Workgroups 
- nppdf16.dll, the Netscape plug-in which will allow Netscape
  Navigator and compatible browsers to display PDF documents

If Netscape Navigator 2.0 or later is installed on your computer,
nppdf16.dll will be installed in \Netscape\Navigator\Program\plugins.
The installer will also place one copy of the Netscape plug-in in the
directory containing the Acrobat Reader in \Browser\nppdf16.dll. If
you would like to use the Acrobat Reader with an additional copy of
Netscape Navigator or another Netscape compatible browser, copy
nppdf16.dll to its plugins directory.

Due to problems with some Desktop Managers for Windows 3.1, during
installation the Adobe Acrobat program group and the Acrobat Exchange
program item may not be created. By default, the program is installed
in the directory c:\Acrobat3\Read16 and the executable is

Installing Quicktime -
To allow the Acrobat Reader to play .mov files, movies or sounds
created with Apple QuickTime(TM), your computer must have the
appropriate sound and video boards installed and Apple QuickTime
software version 2.0 or later.  This software can be downloaded from

Plug-in Names - Removing plug-ins from the Reader's Plug-Ins folder
can improve performance and reduce the  memory required to use the
Reader.  When removing plug-ins, refer to the following list of the
Reader plug-ins' file names and their functionality:

Windows 95 and Windows NT:
	aform32.api	Acrobat Forms 
	ahls32.api	Acrobat Highlight server  
			(highlights results of Web-based search)
	asrch32.api	Acrobat Search  (installed with optional 
			Acrobat Reader with Search) 
	ewh32.api	External Window Handler
			(communicates with Web browser)
	ieweb32.api	Internet Explorer Web Browser Interface 
	movie32.api	Movie and Sound 
	olesrv32.api	OLE Server
	weblnk32.api	WebLink Plug-in 

Windows 3.1:
	aform16.api	Acrobat Forms 
	ahls16.api	Acrobat Highlight server  
			(highlights results of Web-based search)
	acrosrch.api	Acrobat Search  (installed with optional 
			Acrobat Reader with Search) 
	ewh16.api	External Window Handler
			(communicates with Web browser)
	movie.api	Movie and Sound 
	olesrv.api	OLE Server
	weblnk16.api	WebLink Plug-in 

Known problems using Acrobat Reader 3.0 with Netscape Navigator 2.0,
Netscape Navigator 3.0, or Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 include:

Many of the Acrobat Reader keyboard navigation accelerators (arrow
keys, page up/down, etc.) are not available when viewing PDF files
within a Web browser window.  [142844] 

When large PDF files which have NOT been optimized for page-at-a-time
downloading are downloaded over very slow transmission lines (e.g.
slow modems), the Acrobat Reader may "time-out" before the entire file
has been downloaded.  Aternatively, the first page of the document may
be displayed but changing to another page could result in a blank page
being displayed until the document is fully downloaded. [143637,

"Open File" links and bookmarks to non-PDF files will not work when
activated while viewing the PDF file in a Web browser window.  [147871]

When viewing a PDF file in a Web browser, the destination of an
Acrobat Weblink is not displayed in the control bar even if the
Weblink preference is set to do so. [144784]

Microsoft Internet Information Server -  The Microsoft Internet
Information Server (IIS) version 2.0 distributed with Windows NT
Server 4.0 includes built-in support for byteserving (byte range
serving) PDF files. However, the shipping version of IIS 2.0 has a bug
which causes it not to return all the bytes needed to display some PDF
files  (regardless of whether or not the PDF files are optimized).

Microsoft has corrected these bugs in updated versions of three
Windows NT 4.0 DLL files (httpodbc.dll, infocomm.dll, and w3svc.dll).
These updated files will be included with Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack
2 which Microsoft expects to release in December 1996. Before then,
Windows NT 4.0 owners can contact Microsoft's pay per incident product
support group (in the U.S. their phone number is 800-936-5900) and
request "NT hot fix number 56945".  If you install Windows NT 4.0
Service Pack 1, be sure to reinstall this hot fix afterwards.

Movies - PDF files with movies and sounds work inside of World Wide
Web browsers, but the performance is generally unacceptable. Acrobat's
Movie plug-in is best used for disk- and CD-ROM-based applications.

Documents with PAGES larger than 4 MBytes each may have display
problems. [155364]  

Known problems using Acrobat Reader 3.0 with Netscape Navigator 2.0 or
3.0 include:

Acrobat Reader 3.0 and Netscape Navigator communicate with each other
via two plug-ins installed by Adobe Acrobat 3.0; one called EWH on the
Acrobat side in the Reader\PLUG_INS folder and one called nppdf32.dll
or nppdf16.dll in the Netscape\Navigator\Program\plugins folder. 
Opening an Acrobat document from within a copy of Netscape Navigator
which uses an old version of the nppdf32.dll or nppdf16.dll plug-in
may cause your browser to crash.   For best results, make sure both
plug-ins are from the same Acrobat release.

If you would prefer to use Acrobat Reader as a helper application, be
sure to remove nppdf32.dll or nppdf16.dll from Navigator's plug-ins
folder and then configure the Acrobat Reader as a helper application.

Due to a bug in Navigator, when viewing PDF within a frame, if you
resize the window and quit Netscape before the page is done drawing,
Netscape and/or Acrobat will crash. [175265]

When using Navigator's Back button or Go menu to return ...
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