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The Secrets of Hypnosis Manual
Secrets of Hypnosis
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Table of Contents
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©2004 Jamie Smart
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a word that describes an altered state of perception. It is also used to
describe the process by which the altered state is produced. Here are some
An artificially induced altered state of consciousness, characterized by heightened
suggestibility and receptivity to direction.” -- The American Heritage® Dictionary
of the English Language
"A procedure during which a health professional or researcher suggests that a
client, patient, or experimental participant experience changes in sensations,
perceptions, thoughts, or behavior." -- American Psychological Association
Division of Psychological Hypnosis
“All hypnosis is, is a loss of the multiplicity of the foci of attention.”
-- Milton Erickson
“Hypnosis is a state of mind in which the critical faculty of the human is
bypassed, and selective thinking established.”
-- Dave Elman
My definition of hypnosis is this:
Hypnosis is the process of focusing & amplifying
human consciousness.
This manual focuses on a particular style of hypnotic work called Ericksonian
Hypnosis. This is a form established and practiced by Milton H Erickson MD (also
referred to as ‘The Miracle Worker’ due to his ability to use hypnosis to invoke
profound healings and cures among the physically and mentally ill).
Many of the principles of Ericksonian Hypnosis have been made explicit in the
field of Neuro-linguistic Programming due to the founders of that field (John
Grinder and Richard Bandler) modelling Milton Erickson during the 1970s.
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©2004 Jamie Smart
What is NLP?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was developed starting in the early 1970s by
Richard Bandler and John Grinder, when they set out to model the work of
geniuses in the field of human communication and change. The term NLP is used
to describe both the approach to modelling that they used, and the powerful
models of communication and change they created (and have continued to
develop.) It has been used to model some of the best persuaders and influencers
in the world.
In Whispering in the Wind (2001), Grinder & St.Clair describe it thus:
“(NLP) is a modelling technology whose specific subject matter is the set
of differences that make the difference between the performance of
geniuses and that of average performers in the same field or activity”
In the Society of NLP Trainer Training Manual (1999) , Richard Bandler describes
NLP as follows:
NLP is an attitude , characterised by the sense of curiousity and adventure and
a desire to learn the skills to be able to find out what kinds of communication
influences somebody and the kinds of things worth knowing; to look at life as a
rare and unprecedented opportunity to learn. NLP is a methodology based on
the overall operational presupposition that all behaviour has a structure…and that
structure can be modelled, learned, taught and changed (re-programmed.) The
way to know what will be useful and effective are the perceptual skills. NLP has
evolved as an innovative technology enabling the practitioner to organise
information and perceptions in ways that allow them to achieve results that were
once inconceivable.”
The nervous system, including the brain and the five senses.
The verbal & non-verbal language symbols with which we code & transmit
The ability to structure our neurological and linguistic systems to achieve certain
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©2004 Jamie Smart
The Fundamentals
The fundamentals of hypnosis from an NLP perspective are straightforward:
1. Know what you want (Outcome / Direction)
One of the key NLP questions is ‘What do you want?’. The human nervous
system can be thought of as goal-seeking, and you tend to get what you focus
on. Well-formed outcomes are an important tool for ensuring that you get more
of what you want in your life.
2. Get the attention of the unconscious mind (Rapport)
“The map is not the territory.” You must start where the person you wish to
influence is (the ‘Present State’.) Rapport is the process of getting the attention
and trust of the unconscious mind.
3. Know whether you’re getting what you want (Sensory Acuity)
Once you know where you want to go, you need to be able to notice (using one
or more senses) whether or not you are going there. Sensory acuity refers to the
ability to notice the signs that you are moving in the right direction (or
4. Adjust what you’re doing accordingly (Behavioural Flexibility)
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different
result.” When you notice that you are not getting what you want, you need the
flexibility to change what you are doing in order to get a different result.
“Intelligence is the ability to have a fixed goal and be flexible about how you
achieve it.”
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©2004 Jamie Smart
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