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Glasgow College of Nautical Studies

Chris Gray.


Ice Reports


Ice formation, comprising up-to-date reports from the Great Lakes, St. Lawrence River and Gulf, Grand Banks, Greenland, Iceland, the Baltic Sea and the approaches to north-west Europe, together with forecasts of developments expected during the next few days may be obtained from the Meteorological Office.


The Baltic Sea Ice Code


The code is intended to be used for the reporting of ice conditions in fairways, harbour areas, coast sectors and selected sea routes.  It is used by all countries bordering the Baltic Sea.  It includes information regarding:


A                            Amount and arrangement of sea ice

S                            Stage of ice development

T                            Topography or form of ice

K                             Navigation conditions in ice


International Ice Patrol


In February or March, depending upon the iceberg conditions, the International Ice Patrol will commence its annual service of guarding the south-eastern, southern and south-western limits of the iceberg areas associated with the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, for the purposes of informing passing ships of their extent.  Reports of ice in these regions are collected from passing ships and from flights by the Ice Patrol aircraft.  Information on the ice situation is then broadcast by the Ice Patrol twice each day in an Ice Patrol Bulletin.


All shipping is requested to assist in the operation of the Ice Patrol by reporting at once all sighting of ice.  The report should include the following information:


Position of ice

Size and shape of icebergs

Concentration of thickness

Thickness of ice


In addition sea surface temperature and weather reports are also of importance to the Ice Patrol as they help in the prediction of the drift ad deterioration of icebergs and in planning aerial patrols.





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