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· PROGRESS TESTS – to find out how well the students have mastered the language areas and

                                  skills which have just been taught; they look back at what SS have achieved


They asses what students have been taught and what students are familiar with.




· DIAGNOSTIC TESTS – helps to check Ss’s special weaknesses and problems they may have encountered




· PLACEMENT TESTS – enables us to sort Ss into groups according to their ability at the beginning of a course



· PROFICIENCY TESTS – is used to measure how suitable candidates will be for performing a certain tasks or following a specific course, e.g.: to study at universities








RELIABLE a test should measure precisely whatever it is supposed to measure: the test

                       taken on two occasions must result the same



VALID – a test should measure whatever it is supposed to measure and nothing else;

                e.g.: it must measure ability to write in English but, not an interest in a topic



PRACTICAL – a test should be easy to score and administer












DIRECT TEST ITEMS – when they ask students to perform the communicative skill which is

                                          being tested


INDIRECT TEST ITEMS - when they try to measure SS’s knowledge and ability by getting

                                             at what lies beneath their receptive and productive skills




1.      multiple choice

2.      matching          (i)

3.      gap-filling              (b)

4.      completition/

a)     the option form  (C)

b)     the inflection form              (E)

c)      free-response form(G)

5.      true/false

6.      cloze test              (d)

7.      error recognition              (j)

8.      re-ordering / re-arrangement (h)

9.      copying

10.  broken sentences              (f)

11.  dictation

12.  transformation              (a)

13.  open questions

14.  free writing



Examples of test items:


a)     Do you know what the time is, John?' asked Dave.
Dave asked John __________ (what) _______________ it was.

b)     Check the exchange ______________ to see how much your money is worth.


c)      He _________________________ a lot of money last year. (does/did)


d)     This is the kind _____ test where a word _____ omitted from a passage every so often. The candidate must _____ the gaps, usually the first two lines are without gaps.


e)      He __________________________ now. (sing)


f)       Thanks /lot  /your letter


g)     If I were a rich man, _____________________________________________________ .


h)     very / I / you / much / love /


i)       good              boring

bad              interesting


j)       I very love you.

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