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  Elementary Progress Test Units 4–6B


1 Track 3 Listen to the conversation in a restaurant. Match the people with the food. You don’t need all the food items.

1 Charlie                a  

2 Tony                        

3 Rosie                        

4 Sam                        

5 Carol                        

6 Mum                        

a) Roast beef and fries

b) Fish and salad

c) Pasta and salad

d) Grilled vegetables and rice

e) Roast beef and potatoes

f) Cheese salad

g) Chicken soup

h) Pasta with grilled vegetables

i) Green beans and carrots





2 Track 4 Listen to the endings of these verbs. Write them in the correct column.

loved              worked              studied              liked              wanted              stayed              stopped              travelled              started              played              danced























Vocabulary and Grammar

3 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1 I’ve got a dishwasher in my   kitchen  . (enktcih)

2 There are quite a lot of                 in their kitchen. (evehsls)

3 She’s got a shower and a                 in the bathroom. (awhsansbi)

4 Have you got a sofa or a                 in your living room? (iniotnesvel)

5 We can put all our books in the                 in the living room. (corbpadu)

6 They haven’t got a                 in their house. (tuyds)










4 Are the nouns countable or uncountable? Underline the wrong word in each group.

1 apple              orange              bean                rice  

2 grape              wine              onion              biscuit

3 fruit              meat              fish              vegetable

4 bread              tomato              cereal              cheese

5 egg              milk              carrot              cucumber

6 yoghurt              butter              banana              sugar





5 Underline the correct alternatives.

1 I found my purse. It was in /   on   the shelf opposite / on my bed.

2 He wasn’t at work on / in Monday morning.

3 We saw them five minutes last night / ago.

4 There’s a good bookshop next to / between the café.

5 The bank’s on the right of / between the clothes shop.





6 Underline the correct answer: a), b) or c).

1 She works as a receptionist in the           .

a)   town hal              b) bank              c) greengrocer’s

2 Sorry, you            eat in the library.

a) can              b) didn’t              c) can’t

3 There’s a big            on my desk.

a) sink              b) lamp              c) rug

4 They went on holiday in         ...

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