GOTHIC II ADD-ON walkthrough.rtf

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GOTHIC II ADD-ON:  The Night of the Raven


A solution by Lu Richardson



The Product:


When I heard that this add-on was not going to be released in English because

the team was already working on Gothic III and even IV, I was terribly

disappointed since I am a terminal Gothic fan.  However, I found out that if

you bought the German version some very kind people had written a translation

(at tremendous effort and without any thought for themselves; thanks!).  This

translation allows anyone who understands English to enjoy the add-on; without

it, only German speaking people can play it.  Of course, you hear German

speech but the subtitles are in English.


General tips:


If you are reading this you will have already played Gothic 2, so you will

know exactly what to expect.  I'm afraid you are going to have to play it over



The best thing I can do to write this walkthrough is to take my old solution

to the Mercenary version of Gothic II and adapt it to the new developments. 

Why Mercenary?  You will see later on.


Well, as ever, I give the most logical sequence of events, but you can do them

as and when you can.  I couldn't possibly tell you *everything* you could do,

so feel free to explore around and do your own thing.


One word of advice:  keep your eyes peeled because there are many new things

in NOTR.  Pick up everything you can, you are going to need a lot of cash;

hoard as many stone tablets as you can lay your hands on and keep them.  The

ones with a peak you can trade to Valtras if you want.  When you get it, hang

on to your pickaxe.  Hoard all the lumps of gold you pick up.  When talking to

people, try to use all the lines available if you can, although in some cases

you will see there is no need to do that.  Obviously, offer to help whenever

the opportunity arises.


The game starts as Gothic II did, but when you first speak to Xardas you get

another cut scene - in German this time.  I didn't understand a word but it

didn't look good.





After you've talked to Xardas and Chapter 1 begins, talk to him again then

start searching.  On the table to the right of Xardas you will see a tablet,

pick it up and ask him about it.  You get to keep it.  You will see a huge

gate to the left of Xardas.  Go to the fireplace in the other room, stand

close to the right hand side of it and "use" the practically invisible switch

- the gate will open and you will be able to access the items inside.  By the

fireplace you will also find a Heavy Branch (your first weapon), make sure you

equip it straightaway.


Go upstairs, pick up the key and open the chest.  Read all the books around

here (and elsewhere); every time you read a new book you get experience

points.  Go all the way down the stairs and search some more.  This time there

are herbs on the benches in the ground floor room, as well as an important

belt - wear it.


The Path



After you've searched around and got everything, step outside the tower.  Turn

to your left and scramble somehow behind the tower, there are some items

there.  Getting back to the front of the tower is easier.


Advance to the waterfalls on your left, kill the goblin and search on the left

of the waterfalls to find some items - equip the bow straightaway but at first

keep your arrows for dealing with the bloodflies. 


Enter the caves under the path and explore them until you come into the

valley.  Go down the ramp and find the camp site - talk to Lester and persuade

him to go to Xardas.  He will also tell you another way of getting into town,

so pick lots of herbs.  You can search around here and find another cave. 

When you've finished, go up the ramp and leave the caves; follow the path



You will meet an old friend:  help Cavalorn with the goblins and talk to him.

At the end, don't use the last line "Let's go kill the buggers" but choose

END instead.  Go to the bandit at the foot of the stairs and talk to him using

the second line every time and he will be friendly, continue until he tells

you about Dexter.  Then tell him Cavalorn is after him - he runs away.  Go

back to Cavalorn and use that last line, follow him and help him kill the

bandits.  Talk to him, search the bodies.  Read the note from "D" but don't

open the sealed letter.  Since I'm a first-class nosey parker, I saved the

game, read the note and then reloaded.


Follow along the path and when you get to the Statue of Innos turn to the

right and behind it and go find Maleth amongst the sheep.  Talk to him till

you get all the info.  Tell him the bandits won't be a problem.


Talk to Lobart and say you are for the peasants.  Carry on talking and get the

job of picking the turnips.  Go to the field to the right and pick them all

and give them to Lobart.  Ask him about your pay and the clothes (don't buy

them yet), also if he needs anything else doing.  Find Vino and talk to him;

he'll want some wine (Maleth will have given you some).  Go to Hilda and give

her turnips.  She will feed you every day.  You can also do another job for

her:  buying her a pan.


Before you do that buy the clothes from Lobart at a discount (don't forget to

pay).  Go in the house and into the bedroom, open the chest and take the

clothes only (wear them).   


To get the pan just follow the path out of the farm till you get to Canthar

and do so, taking it back to Hilda.  You can also sell all your surplus to

Canthar if you need cash.  If it is getting late, sleep at the barn.


If not, get back to the path.  Near the City you will meet a suspicious

character called Greg.  Talk to him and, even if you prefer to leave him, give

him your work clothes.


Get to the city gates and, when challenged, say you've been collecting herbs

(which I sincerely hope you have) for Constantino.  You are in.


The City



Once inside, talk to Lothar and get all the info he has, i.e., use all the

lines.  When he goes, you will see in front of you two shops, one to the left

and one to the right.  Before you do anything else, go back to Xardas and talk

to him.  Then return to town to where you were after your talk with Lothar. 


First, talk to Rupert at the stand on your left.  Get all the info, and trade

if you have things for sale.  Now go to the shop on the right and talk to

Bosper.  You want to be his apprentice.  He'll tell you about Bartok.  Get all

his info and learn to skin animals (you should have some learning points to

spend by now, you'll need 5 in this instance).  Make sure you buy plenty of

arrows from him.


Leave the shop and go across to the other one and talk to Matteo.  Keep

talking to him till he tells you about Gritta.  Agree to help.  Don't buy the

armour until you are sure you have the cash to spare; you are going to need a

lot of gold for other things right now.


Leave the shop and talk to Regis.  Go behind him and keep left right to the

end, enter Ignaz's house and talk to him.  Agree to help with his experiment.


Go and talk to Bosper about the bow.  On, talk to Thorben:  he asks you to get

a blessing from two priests.  Talk about Gritta.  Go on towards the smithy and

Pablo the guard (if he is there) will speak to you - pretend everything is

fine.  You will see Harad the smith ahead of you.  Talk to him and try to get

his approval.  He wants an orc weapon.


Turn right and go to the house, talk to Gritta and say you will pay her debt.

Read the book by the door.  Leave, go under the arch and into the door to

your left.  Talk to Constantino and get his approval for joining another

master.  Unload your herbs.


Through the arch and save your game.  Look at your inventory and find the

Oblivion spell, press CTRL.  You should see a number 4 on it.  Enter the

tavern, go for Coragon and if you can manage to knock him down, cast the spell

on him by pressing 4, leave and come back again when he is up.  Talk to him. 

(If you can't knock him out, cast the spell as soon as you've hit him once and

got him angry.  Or try your luck with Valentino (see further down)).


Leave the tavern and go talk to Valtras.  Use every line and have a good, long

conversation.  He recommends you see Lares.


You might as well carry on here and get to the market.  Talk to Hakon (amongst

other things he tells you about Joe, who is in fact locked up in the tower

near Gritta.  You have to pickpocket Peck (try and say *that* in a hurry), who

is in Andre's garrison, and free him when you have the skill and you have a

minute; ignore Greg, talk to Jora, Daron (just get his blessing, don't get

involved) and Sarah.  Cross to the other side and talk to Zuris, buy one apple

tobacco pouch and the bag of pepper (hang on to this for later).  If you ask

him about the potions he will eventually tell you about king's sorrel - this

triggers the appearance of this herb behind Lobart's farm.  Ignore Beltram for

now and talk to Rengaru, follow him, get Jora's gold, report him to Andre up

the stairs and in (but don't talk about anything else), return the gold to

Jora (don't ask for a reward).


Move on to the square and talk to Abuyin.  Ask for a prophecy (remember you

can do this in every Chapter and get experience points).  Ask him also about

tobacco and he will give you two pouches of apple tobacco.  Keep them.  You

should now have three - for them you will also need (when you find them,

swampweed, dark mushroom and honey).  We'll do this later, just hang on to the



Talk to Wirt the innkeeper in the square and help yourself to the free beer. 

If it is getting dark, find Pablo and talk about the bandits (don't give

yourself away), go to the Inn, talk to Hanna and go to sleep.


In the morning, go and talk to Bartok.  Go hunting with him, you know what to

do:  save your game, don't let him get killed and, once the wolves are dead

and he asks you if you want to continue, see if he is in good nick.  If he is,

go for the orc but try to avoid the shadowbeast to the right of the ravine

because you don't know yet how to get the horn and you will need it later.  If

you want to have a go on your own, let Bartok go back to town, then keep to

the left and kill the bloodflies, then start shooting at the Orc as soon as

you see him.  He's actually quite easy to kill... from a distance.  Get his



While you are here, get to the back of Lobart's farm and to the circle of

stones.  You will see a satchel, and on the stone there is a switch.  There

are three of them, on various stones - I pressed them all and the ground shook

but nothing else happened.  The king's sorrel and a tablet are beyond the

circle, near the cliff face.


Into town, go to Matteo and pay Gritta's debt, go to Ignaz and learn how to

brew potions cheaply, talk to Thorben and, if you have the cash, get him to

teach you to pick locks, go to Harad and give him the orc weapon, then visit

Gritta.  Go to Bosper with your six wolf skins and become his apprentice.


Now for the Docks.  Talk to Meldor, go down the street and talk to Fenia.  At

the tavern, deal with Moe and question him.  Go in and talk to Kardif.  Ask

about the missing people and about work, then ask about the "special" work. 

Go and talk to Nagur and agree with everything he says.  If you talk to Kardif

again about work he will tell you of a little job you can pull later on.


As you come out of the tavern, go right, talk to Brahim and buy the maps. 

Talk to Garvill.  He tells you about Farim.  Get past him and at the Warehouse

turn right into the alley then talk to Alrik.  Fight him.  When that's over,

turn to your left and go along to talk to Alwin, say you will take care of

Fellan, go around the corner and talk to him, then fight him and talk to him

again.  Go back to Alwin for your reward and back to the Warehouse, go in,

fight the guard, get his key and open the two chests.  Keep the packet.


Go on up the ramp and report Nagur to Andre.  Talk to Beltram and get the job,

talk to Jora about Alrik's sword and he will give it to you for nothing since

you got his gold back.  Go to the square and talk to Rangan, plying him with


Take the sword to Alrik and get back to the pier, talk to Jack.  Next, talk to

Lares - first get the Lee bit over (and don't ask the way to the Farm), then

say Vatras sent you.  Use all the lines but not "OK, let's go".


Talk to Halvor about the missing people but don't go behind his stand yet to

deal with the fellow who is after you.  Instead, turn to your right and go

alongside the ramp until you see Farim by the entrance to the pier with the

paladin's ship.  Talking to him will reveal a location.  Don't do anything

about it yet, go back and up the ramp where the knights are training and talk

to Martin.  First talk about the weapons question then help Farim.  You can

also buy molerat fat from him.  Go back to Farim to get your reward.


Finally, go to the Red Lantern where Borka will give you his spiel, go in and

talk to Nadjia then talk to Bromor and find out about the missing girl then

pay to have fun.  Follow Nadjia and ask about the missing girl, have "fun" if

you want and leave.


It's probably night by now, so go to sleep and in the morning leave by the E

gate, pay your 10 gp to Mika and turn to your left.  Go all the way to the

Lighthouse and sort out the scoundrels.  Go in, empty the chest, go all the

way up the stairs and collect the items you'll find there.


Go back the way you came, past Mika and on till you get to the stairs on your

left, up, go left and follow the road.  Actually, if you go to the left of the

road from where you meet two rats and follow it along the edge of the cliff to

the end you will find a nice little cache of goods.


Back to the road and follow it till you see a cave to your left.  Go in, kill

the bandits and when you get the weird fish open it and read the note.


Go back down the road to Akil's farm, get the brothers in the field at the

back to fight by going backwards and forwards talking to one then the other. 

Go across the field and talk to Kati.  She asks you to help, so go for the

mercenaries being careful not to hurt anyone else.  Talk to Akil and accept no

reward.  Talk to Randolph.


Go down the stairs and towards the Tavern.  Kill the beasties by the battle

scene and go on to talk to Erol.  Back to the stairs, up, turn right and go

towards the Tavern.  Kill the bandits and search their bodies for the missing

tablets.  Pick up their weapons and look at them - some are marked "F".  Keep

one of them as evidence.  Open the chest (RLLRRRL) for nothing much.


Go to Erol and give him the tablets.  He goes home inviting you to go with him

(don't) and does not seem interested in his goods any more, so clean up the

scene of the fight.  Go in the cave, kill the animals, open the one chest that

can be opened (LRLLL) and get the bag.  For the other chest, of course, you

need the key that Lutero gives apprentice mages when they do a job for him, it

contains a blank rune.


Time to go back to town and confront Halvor with his note.  Report him to

Andre and now you can visit the guy behind Halvor's house.  Kill Attila and

get his key.  Move on and talk to Edda behind him (if you come across a

statuette of Innos, bring it to her).


[At this point, while you are as yet uncommitted, you might want to save a

special game in case you want to play it as a Magician or a Paladin.]


Go back and follow the waterfront to the other end, tell Jack in passing that

he can go back to his Lighthouse, go past the warehouse and jump into the

water.  Swim around to the right and you will see the entrance to...


The Guild of Thieves



Enter the Guild and go first to the left, fight some rats and get to a room

with a chest.  The combination is RRLLR.  Inside you'll find some peoples'

belongings which you must return to them for experience points.  In this room

there is a statue of Beliar you can pray to, if you want - for three hit

points you get 500 cash, but I don't know if it will be worth it in the long

run.  I stayed clear of these and all other Beliar statues.


Carry on exploring till you come upon Jesper.  Talk to him and ask him to take

you to his leader.  Talk to Cassia, get all the info and join the guild.  She

will tell you to prove yourself by getting a ring from Constantino (under the

arch by the smithy).  At the Guild, you must learn how to pickpocket and how

to sneak.  Talk to Jesper (now or next time) and ask about the locked door in

the sewers and he will give you the key to it; inside there is a chest with

very interesting items.  The combination is RRRLRRRLRLRLRRLLLRRL.  If you get

it open and tell Jesper, you get experience points.  Talk to Ramirez in a room



Leave, go to the Inn and sleep till midnight.  Go to Constantino's house

(save) and, before you enter it, get into sneak mode (press the X key).  Go to

the chest and open it (LRRLR), get the ring, sneak out of the house and go and

sleep in the Inn.  In the morning, give the ring to Cassia.  She gives you the

key to the Hotel (up the ramp from this room) and gives you another job.  You

have to collect 6 Blood Chalices.  Talk to Jesper and Ramirez again, just in



There is no point in even trying to get the chalices right now.  And don't be

tempted to pick pockets till you have enough dexterity (at least 30)... always

save before you try.  Purses are not worth the trouble (apart from the

experience points) but keys are.


Go up the ramp off Cassia's room and out the door so that Hanna can

acknowledge you for what you are then go to the entrance to the Thieves' Guild

and swim past it following Cassia's instructions.  Land on the right when you

can and explore the beach carefully, then talk to Skip.  Ok, turn your back on

him, get in the water and swim to your right, land where there is a boat

stranded.  Kill the beasties, grab the items and the tablet and open the chest

(RLLRRLLLRRR).  Examine the old stone tablet.  Not you have to walk along the

front of the boat to clamber into the next beach... carefully.


Once you open the chest (RLLRLL) swim back to the harbour, up the ramp and off

to do a few last minute chores.  Go to Baltram and hand him Akil's package. 

Question him about the pirates but don't offer to help him (a lot of work for

few experience points).


Report to Valdras what you know so far and hand him the tablets - you can

bring him any you find.  Go return the silver to Coragon.  Go and return the

bow to Bosper.  While you are at it, get rid of your surplus stuff and buy

anything you need.


If you are all set, it's time to go to the Landlord.  Leave by the E gate and

head towards the Tavern.  On your left, behind a grassy rise, there is a cave

with some items, an orc and a wolf, a chest (LRRLR) and a teleporter which

leaves you by the Tavern.  Save and have a go and if you can't do it, just run

past the orc and wolf and use the teleporter.


Near where you materialise there are three beasts and a locked door.  Check


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