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fast tech
The fi rst rule of working on
cars and using tools of any
kind is don’t ever skimp
on decent protection.
Goggles, gloves, ear
defenders, masks and a
set of overalls should be in
your garage. Use them.
When using power tools,
protective gear is essential
— grinders and welders can
make a real mess of your
soft skin and bone if you get
it wrong.
Never work under a car
without supporting it using
axle stands. A car falling on
you is not something you’ll
be laughing about down
the pub.
If the dyno operator tells you you’re engine’s running lean at full
boost, don’t just turn the fuel pressure up. Here’s why.
day work as a tuner, one of the
things I often find myself doing is
adjusting people’s fuel pressure
back to standard.
Now, given the fact that all
standard fuel regulators that I can
think of are tamper-proof in one
way or another to avoid DIY
adjustment, why on earth do they
always seem to be untamper-
proofed when they get to me?
Worst of all they are always set
too high, very rarely too low.
It seems to me that the answer
can only be that people can’t help
but mess with things they don’t fully
understand. The term ‘A little
knowledge is dangerous’ can easily
be applied to fuel pressure.
All too often I hear the excuse, “I
just turned it up for a bit of extra
fuel”, not to mention the old
chestnut, “More fuel pressure gives
it more power doesn’t it?”. Then I
end up spending the next half-an-
hour explaining why that is absolute
garbage, and how you are almost as
likely to end up with a melted piston
by running too much pressure as
you are with too little — not to
mention you are more likely to have
a meltdown with excess pressure in
some systems than if you simply
ran the correct pressure (presuming
air-fuel ratio (AFR) is correct at
standard pressure, of course).
So, why is it possible to melt an
engine with excess fuel pressure?
Surely, too much fuel is far safer
than too little? Well, the additional
pressure brings about its own pitfalls,
so let’s go back to basics and see if I
can explain it using some easy to
understand terminology.
fuel rail that in turn houses the
fuel injectors that deliver the fuel to
the engine.
At the end of this fuel rail will
normally be a fuel pressure
regulator. The regulator, as its name
suggests, regulates the pressure
seen in the pipe and fuel rail.
The fuel pump fi res out fuel at a
maximum rate of approx 9 bar into
the fuel line and the fuel regulator
— depending on its settings — will
drop this pressure down to the
desired running pressure by simply
controlling the amount of fuel
allowed to leave the pipe and fl ow
back to the fuel tank via the fuel
return lines.
So, for a system such as the
Sierra Cosworth, we start at 9 bar
and then the regulator opens up as
it reaches 3.5 bar and leaks fuel
back to the tank in a controlled
manner, thus achieving a regulated
3.5 bar of fuel pressure at the
injectors. This is the correct
setting for this system with most
commonly-used fuel injectors.
Simple you think? Yes it is simple,
at least until the engine actually
starts running...
Fuel injectors are simply
valves controlled by the ECU
environment and operating very
quickly and reliably — typically as
fast as 0.5 milliseconds.
Operation is simple; the injector
takes the fuel in at the top (or
sometimes from the side) and then
under command from the ECU,
opens for as long as it is told to and
injects the fuel.
The fuel is required to come out
of the nozzle in a particular spray
pattern and be atomised to a
certain level so as to ensure correct
mixture into the air stream. This
atomisation level and spray pattern
is chosen by the engine designers,
and they then choose an injector to
suit their requirements. The injector
Electric fuel pumps can fi re
out fuel at a massive 9 bar...
Why do we actually need to be
under such high pressure? OK,
that’s a good question, and the
answer lies at the all important fuel
injectors. The fuel injectors on most
EFi systems are simply solenoid
valves that are capable of both
handling fuel in a harsh unforgiving
How are fuel injection systems
plumbed in? The most basic fuel
injection systems will have an
electric fuel pump, connected via
high pressure fuel lines (pipes) to a
A Level 5-trained fuel-injection
technician, in the past Ford nut Stu’s
worked for a Ford RS dealer, a well-
known fuel-injection specialist and
various tuning companies. Then six
years ago, he joined forces with Kenny
Walker and opened up Motorsport
Developments near Blackpool,
specialising in engine management
live remapping, as well as developing
a range of Evolution chips which are
now sold all over the world.
He’s also jointly responsible with
Webmaster, Petrucci for www.
passionford.com. Started in 2003, it’s
grown rapidly from a few friends
contributing, to one of the biggest
Ford communities on the web.
Stu’s enviable knowledge of the
workings of modern-day Ford
performance engines means
that he’s just the man to explain
how and why things work, and
most importantly, how they can
be improved!
Words: Stewart Sanderson
Having worked as a tuner for over
16 years, Stewart ‘Stu’ Sanderson
is one of the most respected
names in the business.
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fast tech
Fuel pressure regulator is the pork pie hat-shaped canister halfway up the left-hand side of this pic. The top pipe connects to the plenum
chamber and relays a pressure signal back to the spring and diaphragm inside the regulator to determine the fuel pressure supplied
chosen dictates the fuel pressure
required and the system is
designed from here upwards.
Most commonly, these pressures
are in the 3-4 bar range.
pipe on the top that is connected to
the plenum (or somewhere similar)
where it can sense manifold
absolute pressure (MAP). This pipe
has the incredibly important job of
carrying a vacuum or pressure
signal to the spring and diaphragm
assembly that is assembled within
the regulator.
becomes more complex. It is
deemed necessary to run a
different pressure depending on the
depression or pressure within the
inlet tract itself. The reason for this
is to keep fuel fl ow linear regardless
of vacuum or boost pressure.
Please allow me to elaborate in the
most simple of layman’s terms...
Let’s imagine that your lungs are
the fuel pump, the water in your
mouth is the fuel, and a straw in
your mouth is the fuel line and
injector. A glass on the table can be
our engine’s cylinder. You have a
mouth full of water, and you wish to
empty that water, into the glass,
using the straw in your mouth.
Now let’s imagine we have
measured your lung capacity and
know it to be exactly 2 psi, so you
blow the water out into the glass
and it takes you 10 seconds to do
so. With no resistance at the end of
the straw you blew the water out
very easily, as you would expect.
Now try and imagine that exercise
mimicked a fuel injector that was
injecting fuel into the cylinder of an
engine that was turned off. No real
So does the regulator just regulate
to a set pressure and that’s it? No.
And this is where people start to
fall over and make silly and often
costly mistakes.
You will notice that most fuel
pressure regulators have a small
Why does the regulator need this
signal? What does it do with it?
This is where the regulator
Inside the Cosworth YB plenum (top pic) you’ll fi nd these four inlets. It’s the air pressure going into these that the fuel regulator needs to
monitor before it can distribute fuel at high pressure into those four holes on the inlet manifold via the injectors
fast tech / TECH / FUEL PRESSURE /
difference between a cylinder
and your glass in that scenario
(other than the injector being at
a higher pressure).
Now, what would happen if you
tried the same exercise again, but
this time someone was sucking at
the end of your straw very hard?
You would be right in thinking you
would empty your mouth full of
water faster than 10 seconds. Why?
Because your 2 psi pressure now
has something at the other end
helping it to travel through the
pipe, effectively increasing the
transfer rate of the fl uid through
the straw (injector).
Let’s imagine then, that scenario
was the fuel injector fi ring fuel into
an engine that is idling. (We
presumably all know that petrol
engines with a closed or low
throttle generate a partial vacuum
in the plenum don’t we? That’s
how the air is sucked in to be
mixed with the fuel.)
Now for an interesting scenario.
Let’s imagine the same job is to be
done, with your straw and mouthful
of water, but this time we are going
to put an equal pressure at the
other end of your straw. So you are
blowing water down the straw with
2 psi of lung pressure, but you now
have 2 psi at the other end of your
straw pushing back at you, so what
happens now? Well, nothing at all,
it’s a stalemate. The differential
pressure is nil so we have no fl ow.
What you have just learnt is the
effects of a pressure differential on
fl uid fl ow, and that’s where the little
pipe comes in...
had applied 8 psi to the other end
of your straw... oops.
So, in a nutshell, we need to keep
the fuel pressure a set amount
above whatever pressure is seen in
the plenum at the injector pintle. If
we have 1-2 bar of vacuum in the
plenum, our regulator works the
other way and drops the pressure a
bar, too.
slightly on full boost after 6000 rpm.
What do you do? The correct
solution is to look at why you don’t
have quite enough fuel delivery up
there. Is it too much boost, is the
chip wrong for the spec, do we
have restricted fuel lines or fi lters?
Maybe the alternator is getting too
hot at high rpm and starving the
injectors and fuel pump of valuable
voltage? All are very common and
simple to fi x culprits.
However, the common bodge is
to simply wind up the fuel pressure
— let’s say for sake of discussion
they add another 1 bar of fuel
pressure. This instantly has two
negative effects.
Firstly, our pump and fuel lines
are now being asked to supply 6.5
bar instead of 5.5, as well as the
physical strain on the fuel pumps
and lines we must be aware of the
simple fact that when fuel pressure
goes up, the pump’s delivery ability
goes down while its current
consumption goes up and places
further strain on the wiring system.
Secondly, our perfectly good AFR
everywhere up to 6000 rpm is now
rich. OK, so we managed to obtain
the extra fuel from 6000 rpm at full
boost that we required to fi x the
slight leanness, but everything else
that was previously OK is now far
too rich. Terrible fuel consumption
and greater engine wear are the
only real results from this exercise.
The only way additional pressure
can be run without this compromise
in overall fuelling is if the engine
management software was written
with this specifi c fuel pressure in
mind from the outset — although
that doesn’t in any way alleviate the
additional physical and electrical
strains this extra pressure creates
on the fuel and electrical system.
The fi nal issue is to do with in-tank
pumps, and this is worth a mention
as many of you run Fords with
an in-tank pump, and the most
notable one with problems is the
Fiesta Turbo.
It is not at all unknown for a
Fiesta RS Turbo engine to meltdown
due to incorrect and excessive fuel
pressure at Stage 1 and above
when using the standard fuel pump.
Why is this? Well, the standard in-
tank fuel pump has a little rubber
sealing section on it that connects
the high pressure outlet to the fuel
line in the tank — and this ruptures
at around 5 bar.
The scenario is this: standard fuel
pressure is 3.5 bar; boost at Stage 1
is 1 bar. This gives a fuel pump-
regulated pressure of 4.5 bar —
that’s just below where they usually
rupture and it is normally fi ne there.
But then one of two things happens:
either Joe decides he can run
another 0.5 bar of boost; or Joe
and his pal down the pub decide
a little extra fuel won’t do it any
harm, and then proceed to wind
up the fuel pressure regulator. Hey
presto, an engine that was perfectly
safe with 1 bar of boost is now a
time bomb just waiting for the fuel
pump seal to rupture and lean
off the engine to the point of
destruction. Well done Joe, great
safety modifi cation that was...
Let’s look at what pressure we are
likely to run on a Sierra Cosworth
running Bosch 403 injectors (greys).
We have 3.5 bar line pressure as
standard and then we run a held 2
bar of boost. This equates to a real
world fuel pressure of 5.5 bar (3.5 +
2) so our fuel pump is being asked
to supply the fuel required at 5.5
bar now — this incidentally is
over double your tyre pressures.
Quite some pressure to have fuel
at under your car, I’m sure you
will agree?
So, why do people adjust this
and turn it even higher? Well, it
is quite a common occurrence that
a person will discover his car is
running lean somewhere and thus
increase the fuel pressure to
account for this leanness and this,
sadly, is a really bad thing to do
because it is a big compromise and
has almost always compromised
the rest of the system.
Imagine we have a perfectly good
AFR on a dyno test, but as we
approach top rpm and boost you
are told that it leans out ever so
What effectively happens when the
engine is running is this:
The fuel pressure is set in
this example, to 3.5 bar at
atmosphere. That’s with the signal
pipe disconnected. When we
connect the pipe, it acts on a
diaphragm and spring and affects
the fuel pressure with a ratio of 1:1.
This means that for every 1 psi of
difference the plenum has to
atmosphere, the fuel pressure will
be adjusted accordingly by 1 psi.
For example, if we have 1 bar of
pressure at the pipe (1 bar of turbo
boost), we will run our 3.5 bar plus 1
bar of additional pressure.
This has the effect of ensuring
the fuel pressure at the nozzle is
always exactly 3.5 bar above
whatever pressure is measured
within the inlet tract, so the fuel
fl ow is always constant and of a
known entity, unlike the fl ow we
had through the straw once we
equalised the pressure. Just think
what would have happened if we
Whack up the fuel pressure on a Fiesta
Turbo and you risk rupturing the in-tank
fuel pump seal, then it’s bye bye CVH...
If the air-fuel ratio starts to lean out a high rpm on a power run,
it could be down to a number of elements (too much boost,
restricted fuel lines etc) — not just insuffi cient fuel pressure
Boost controllers: from the
Amal valve to the Japanese
controller — the various
options and how they work
fast tech
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