E. E. Doc Smith - Lensman 6 - Children Of The Lens.pdf

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First serialized in "ASTOUNDING," Nov '47 - Feb '48;
Fist book, Fantasy Press hardbound, 1954
Subject: The Conclusion of the Boskonian War; A Report:
By: Christopher K. Kinnison, L3, of Klovia:
To: The Entity Able to Obtain and to Read It
To you, the third-level intellect who has been guided to this imperishable
container and
who is able to break the Seal and to read this tape, and to your fellows,
For reasons which will become obvious, this report will not be made
available for
an indefinite but very long time; my present visualization of the Cosmic All
does not
extend to the time at which such action will become necessary. Therefore it is
to review briefly the most pertinent facts of the earlier phases of
Civilization's climactic
conflict: information which, while widely known at present, will probably in
that future
time exist otherwise only in the memories of my descendants.
In early Civilization law enforcement lagged behind crime because the
were limited in their spheres of action, while criminals were not. Each
advance made that condition worse until finally, when Bergenholm so perfected
crude inertialess space-drive of Rodebush and Cleveland that commerce throughout
galaxy became an actuality, crime began to threaten Civilization's very
Of course it was not then suspected that there was anything organized,
or of large purpose about this crime. Centuries were to pass before my father,
Kinnison of Tellus, now galactic coordinator, was to prove that Boskonia —an
autocratic, dictatorial culture diametrically opposed to every ideal of
Civilization—was in
fact back of practically all the pernicious activities of the First Galaxy. Even
he, however,
has never had any inkling either of the eons-long conflict between the Arisians
and the
Eddorians or of the fundamental raison d'etre of the Galactic Patrol—material
which can
never be revealed to any mind not inherently stable at the third level of
Virgil Samms, then chief of the Triplanetary Service, perceived the general
situation and foresaw the shape of the inevitable. He realized that unless and
until his
organization could secure an identifying symbol which could not be
counterfeited, police
work would remain relatively ineffectual. Tellurian science had done its best in
golden meteors of the Service, and its best was not good enough.
Through one Dr. Nels Bergenholm, an Arisian-activated form of human flesh,
Virgil Samms became the first wearer of Arisia's Lens, and during his life he
began the
rigid selection of those worthy of wearing it. For centuries the Patrol grew and
spread. It
became widely known that the Lens was a. perfect telepath, that it glowed with
light only when worn by the individual to whose ego it was attuned, that it
killed any
other living being who attempted to wear it. Whatever his race or shape, any
wearer of
the Lens was accepted as the embodiment of Civilization.
Kimball Kinnison was the first Lensman to realize that the Lens was more
an identification and a telepath. He was thus the first Lensman to return to
Arisia to take
the second stage of Lensmanship—the treatment which only an exceptional brain
withstand, but which gives the second-stage Lensman any mental power which he
needs and which he can both visualize and control.
Aided by Lensmen Worsel of Velantia and Tregonsee of Rigel IV—the former a
winged reptile, the latter a four-legged, barrel-shaped creature with the sense
perception instead of sight—Kimball Kinnison traced and surveyed Boskone's
organization in the First Galaxy. He helped plan the attack on Grand Base, the
headquarters of Helmuth, who "spoke for Boskone". By flooding the control dome
Grand Base with thionite, that deadly drug native to the peculiar planet Trenco,
he made
it possible for Civilization's Grand Fleet, under the command of Port Admiral
Haynes, to
reduce that base. He, personally, killed Helmuth in hand-to-hand combat.
He was instrumental in the almost-complete destruction of the Overlords of
Delgon; those sadistic, life-eating reptiles who were the first to employ the
tube against humanity.
He was wounded more than once; in one of his hospitalizations becoming
acquainted with Surgeon-Marshal Lacy and with Sector Chief Nurse Clarrissa
MacDougall, who was later to become the widely-known "Red" Lensman and, still
my mother.
In spite of the military defeat, however, Boskonia's real organization
intact, and Kinnison's further search led into Lundmark's Nebula, thenceforth
called the
Second Galaxy. The planet Medon, being attacked by Boskonians, was rescued from
the enemy and was moved across inter-galactic space to the First Galaxy. Medon
two notable contributions to Civilization: first, electrical insulation,
conductors, and
switches by whose means voltages and amperages theretofore undreamed-of could be
handled; and later Phillips, a Posenian surgeon, was able there to complete the
researches which made it possible for human bodies to grow anew lost members or
Kinnison, deciding that the drug syndicate was the quickest and surest line
Boskone, became Wild Bill Williams the meteor-miner; a hard-drinking, bentlam-
fast-shooting space-hellion. As Williams he traced the zwilnik line upward, step
by step,
to the planet Jarnevon in the Second Galaxy. Upon Jarnevon lived the Eich;
blooded monsters more intelligent, more merciless, more truly Boskonian even
than the
He and Worsel, second-stage Lensmen both, set out to investigate Jarnevon.
was captured, tortured, dismembered; but Worsel brought him back to Tellus with
mind and knowledge intact—the enormously important knowledge that Jarnevon was
ruled by a council of nine of the Eich, a council named Boskone.
Kinnison was given a Phillips treatment, and again Clarrissa MacDougall
him back to health. They loved each other, but they could not marry until the
Lensman's job was done; until Civilization had triumphed over Boskonia.
The Galactic Patrol assembled its Grand Fleet, composed of millions of
under the flagship Z9M9Z. It attacked. The planet of Jalte, Boskonia's director
of the
First Galaxy, was consumed by a bomb of negative matter. Jarnevon was crushed
between two colliding planets; positioned inertialess, then inerted especially
for that
crushing. Grand Fleet returned, triumphant.
But Boskonia struck back, sending an immense fleet against Tellus through a
hyper-spatial tube instead of through normal space. This method of approach was
however, unexpected. Survey-ships and detectors were out; the scientists of the
had been for months hard at work on the "sunbeam" —a device to concentrate the
energy of the sun into one frightful beam. With this weapon re-enforcing the
vast powers of Grand Fleet, the invaders were wiped out.
Again Kinnison had to search for a high Boskonian; some authority higher
the Council of Boskone. Taking his personal super-dreadnought, the Dauntless,
carried his indetectable, non-ferrous speedster, he found a zwilnik trail and
followed it to
Dunstan's Region, an unexplored, virtually unknown, outlying spiral arm of the
Galaxy. It led to the planet Lyrane II, with its humanoid matriarchy, ruled by
Helen, its
There he found Illona Potter, the ex-Aldebaranian dancer; who, turning
her Boskonian masters, told him all she knew of the Boskonian planet Lonabar,
she had spent most of her life. Lonabar was unknown to the Patrol and Illona
nothing of its location in space. She did, however, know its unique jewelry—gems
completely unknown to Civilization.
Nadreck of Palain VII, a frigid-blooded Second-Stage Lensman, with one
jewel as
a clue, set out to find Lonabar; while Kinnison began to investigate Boskonian
among the matriarchs.
The Lyranians, however, were fanatically non-cooperative. They hated all
they despised and detested all foreigners. Kinnison, with the consent and
assistance of
Mentor of Arisia, made Clarrissa MacDougall an Unattached Lensman and assigned
her the task of working Lyrane II.
Nadreck found and mapped Lonabar; and to build up an unimpeachable
Boskonian identity Kinnison became Cartiff the jeweler—Cartiff the jewel-thief
swindler—Cartiff the fence—Cartiff the murderer-outlaw—Cartiff the Boskonian big
He challenged and overthrew Menjo Bleeko, the dictator of Lonabar, and before
him took from his mind everything he knew.
The Red Lensman secured information from which it was deduced that a cavern
of Overlords existed on Lyrane II. This cavern was raided and destroyed, the
learning that the Eich themselves had a heavily fortified base on Lyrane VIII.
Nadreck, master psychologist, invaded that base tracelessly; learning that
Eich received orders from the Thralian solar system in the Second Galaxy and
frigid-blooded Kandron of Onlo (Thrallis DC) was second in power only to human
the Tyrant of Thrale (Thrallis II).
Kinnison went to Thrale, Nadreck to Onlo; the operations of both being
by the Patrol's invasion of the Second Galaxy. In that invasion Boskonia's Grand
was defeated and the planet Klovia was occupied and fortified.
Assuming the personality of Traska Gannel, a Thralian, Kinnison worked his
upward in Alcon's military organization. Trapped in a hyper-spatial tube,
ejected into an
unknown one of the infinity of parallel, co-existent, three-dimensional spaces
the Cosmic All, he was rescued by Mentor, working through the brain of Sir
Cardynge, the Tellurian mathematician.
Returning to Thrale, he fomented a revolution, in which he killed Alcon and
his place as the Tyrant of Thrale. He then discovered that his prime minister,
who concealed his true appearance by means of a zone of hypnosis, had been
superior instead of his adviser. Neither quite ready for an open break, but both
supremely confident of victory when that break should come, subtle hostilities
Gannel and Fossten planned and launched an attack on Klovia, but just
engagement the hostilities between the two Boskonian leaders flared into an open
for supremacy. After a terrific mental struggle, during which the entire crew of
flagship died, leaving the Boskonian fleet at the mercy of the Patrol, Kinnison
He did not know, of course, then or ever, either that Fossten was in fact
of Eddore or that it was Mentor of Arisia who in fact overcame Fossten. Kinnison
thought, and Mentor encouraged him to believe, that Fossten was an Arisian who
been insane since youth, and that Kinnison had killed him without assistance. It
is a
mere formality to emphasize at this point that none of this information must
become available to any mind below the third level; since to any entity able
either to
obtain or to read this report it will be obvious that such revealment would set
up an
inferiority complex which must inevitably destroy both the Patrol and
With Fossten dead and with Kinnison already the despot of Thrale, it was
comparatively easy for the Patrol to take over. Nadreck drove the Onlonian
insane, so that all fought to the death among themselves; thus rendering Onlo's
armament completely useless.
Then, thinking that the Boskonian War was over—encouraged, in fact, by
so to think—Kinnison married Clarrissa, established his headquarters upon
Klovia, and
assumed his duties as galactic coordinator.
Kimball Kinnison, while in no sense a mutant, was the penultimate product
of a
prodigiously long line of selective, controlled breeding. So was Clarrissa
Just what course the science of Arisia took in making those two what they are I
deduce, but I do not as yet actually know. Nor, for the purpose of this record,
does it
matter. Port Admiral Haynes and Surgeon-Marshal Lacy thought that they brought
together and promoted their romance. Let them think so—as agents, they did.
the method employed, the result was that the genes of those two uniquely
complementary penultimates were precisely those necessary to produce the first,
and at
present the only third-stage Lensmen.
I was born on Klovia, as were, three and four galactic-standard years
later, my
four sisters—two pairs of non-identical twins. I had little babyhood, no
Fathered and mothered by Second-Stage Lensmen, accustomed from infancy to wide-
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