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Enchanter Completed
Table of Contents
Sprague: An Introduction
A Land of Romance
The Ensorcelled ATM
Gun, Not for Dinosaur
Father Figures
Tom O'Bedlam and the
Mystery of Love
One for the Record
The Haunted Bicuspid
Return to Xanadu
The Apotheosis of
Martin Padway
The Deadly Mission of
P. Snodgrass
The Garden Gnome
Freedom Front
The Newcomers
Sprague: An Afterword
Enchanter Completed
Tribute Anthology for
L. Sprague de Camp
Edited by
Harry Turtledove
This is a work of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any
resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.
Copyright © 2005 by Harry Turtledove. Stories copyright © the individual authors. "The Deadly Mission
of P. Snodgrass" by Frederik Pohl is copyright © 1964 by Galaxy Publishing Corp. Reprinted by
permission of the author.
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form.
A Baen Books Original
Baen Publishing Enterprises
P.O. Box 1403
Riverdale, NY 10471
ISBN: 0-7434-9904-2
Cover art by Tom Kidd
First printing, May 2005
Distributed by Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Production by Windhaven Press, Auburn, NH (www.windhaven.com)
Printed in the United States of America
The War Between the Provinces series:
Sentry Peak
Marching Through Peachtree
Advance and Retreat
The Fox novels:
Wisdom of the Fox
Tale of the Fox
3 x T
Alternate Generals, editor
Alternate Generals II, editor
Alternate Generals III, editor
The Enchanter Completed, editor
Down in the Bottomlands
(with L. Sprague de Camp)
Sprague: An Introduction
Harry Turtledove
L. Sprague de Camp changed my life.
About how many people can you say that? Not many, not if you're honest. A favorite teacher, perhaps,
who pointed you in a direction you hadn't expected to go. That's what L. Sprague de Camp (Sprague, to
his friends) did for me—and he did it more than twenty years before I ever met him, and, of course,
altogether without knowing he'd done it or that I even existed. Writers, especially the good ones, can be
dangerous people.
I was fifteen, I think, when I found a copy of Lest Darkness Fall in the secondhand bookstore I
frequented in those days. For any who may not know it, it's one of the best Connecticut Yankee in King
Arthur's Court stories ever written: right up there, in my admittedly biased opinion, with Twain's original.
Before I read about Martin Padway's involuntary journey through time to the Italy of the sixth century
a.d., I don't believe I'd ever heard of the Byzantine Empire. Because of Sprague, I got interested in it. If I
hadn't happened across Lest Darkness Fall , I might well not have.
As things were, I got into Caltech, and flunked out at the end of my freshman year. When I got to
UCLA, I'd left the sciences and become a history major—and ended up with a doctorate, Lord help me,
in Byzantine history. I never would have done that had someone else picked up that book instead of me.
I never would have written much of what I've written, a lot of which is either Byzantine-based or uses the
historical and research skills I picked up acquiring my degree. I never would have met and married the
lady who's now my wife, for we got to know each other when I was teaching at UCLA while the
professor under whom I studied had a guest appointment at the University of Athens. I wouldn't have the
three girls I have today.
Other than that, finding Lest Darkness Fall all those years ago didn't change my life at all.
De Camp had no small effect on the fields of science fiction and fantasy, either. Working alone and in
collaboration with Fletcher Pratt, he helped expand the fields by using their techniques to examine not just
the present and future but also the past, and by using modern viewpoint characters to get inside works of
literature written from a very different perspective. Along with Lest Darkness Fall , the Harold Shea
stories collected in book form as The Incomplete Enchanter, The Castle of Iron , and Wall of Serpents
have been in print almost continuously for the past sixty years.
Sprague's special virtues were logic, clarity, and a sympathetic understanding for the foibles of mankind.
The heroes he created himself were always recognizably human and flawed, much more likely to try to
work their way out of trouble with a quip and a smile than by smashing through whatever was in their
way. (I am conscious of the irony of Sprague's having been a major factor in the rediscovery of Robert
E. Howard's Conan, and in his often working in Howard's universe. Everyone's entitled to a little time off
from what he usually does, and writers have to pay their bills no less than any other mortals—and I don't
think anyone but Howard ever wrote Conan so well.) His own special science-fiction universe was that
of the Viagens Interplanetarias ("Interplanetary Voyages" in Portuguese—Brazil is the leading country in
this universe), which includes Rogue Queen (among other things, a splendid satire on Marxism), the
stories collected in The Continent Makers , and many novels set on the low-tech world Krishna, which
offers both science and swashbuckling a chance. Sprague did not believe faster-than-light travel was
possible, and so did not include it in this universe; the Lorenz-Fitzgerald contractions play a role in more
than one story.
This is typical. De Camp's worlds always feel real and thoroughly lived in. When he wrote of things, he
knew whereof he spoke. He learned to fence and to ride a horse. He traveled widely all over the world,
which helps make his series of historical novels set in classical Greek and Hellenistic times— The Dragon
of the Ishtar Gate, The Arrows of Hercules, An Elephant for Aristotle, The Bronze God of Rhodes ,
and The Golden Wind —uniquely authoritative. Along with the novels of Mary Renault, de Camp's give
the modern reader the best feel for what it was like to live in those times.
Trained as an engineer (unlike yours truly, he graduated from the California Institute of Technology),
Sprague entered the job market during the Depression, when, essentially, there was no job market. The
only time he worked in engineering was during World War II, as a naval officer stationed in Philadelphia,
where he, Robert A. Heinlein, and Isaac Asimov fought the war with flashing slide rule, as he was fond of
He used his technical training in his writing, though (to writers, nothing ever goes to waste), both in his
fiction and in informative, lively nonfiction on subjects as diverse as engineering in the ancient world,
Atlantis, the elephant, American inventions in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, dinosaurs, and the
Scopes monkey trial. He wrote an authoritative biography of H.P. Lovecraft, and another of Robert E.
I first made his acquaintance more than twenty years ago now, after I had a novelette in Asimov's and
George Scithers, who was then editing the magazine, mentioned in the front material my debt to Lest
Darkness Fall . Sprague sent George a postcard for forwarding to me, saying he'd liked the story and
was pleased he'd had something to do with the shape of my career. I walked on air for days after that.
When I published a translation of a Byzantine chronicle a year or so later, I sent him a copy, wondering if
he might use incidents from it in fiction of his own (so far as I know, he never did).
We met in the flesh in Atlanta, at the 1986 World Science Fiction Convention. He was, as always,
unfailingly kind to someone starting out. Later at that convention, we were on a panel together. He made
a Byzantine allusion and then turned to me, asking if he'd got it right. He had, of course. That he made the
gesture, though, speaks volumes about the sort of gentleman he was. After that, we'd see each other
once or twice a year at conventions, and would write back and forth every couple of weeks or every
month up till late 1999, not quite a year before he died. I'm not and never have been a whiskey drinker,
but I'll always cherish the knocks of Johnnie Walker over ice I had in hotel rooms with him and
Personally, he was tall, handsome, and elegant, and, till near the end, looked ten or fifteen years younger
than he was. I was sad to watch him get slower and more frail as the years went by. The last convention
where we met was in 1994 in Dallas, and he was not moving around well at all by then. (Even so, at
dinner one evening there, he started talking in Swahili with another writer who'd recently been to Africa.)
Later, he suffered a broken wrist, a broken hip, and perhaps a series of small strokes, and also had to
endure his wife's sinking into Alzheimer's in the couple of years before she passed away.
Sprague and Catherine Crook de Camp were married for more than sixty years. It was, I think, the best
marriage I ever saw. It made all the old cliches about finishing each other's sentences and putting up with
each other's foibles look good. When he lost her the spring before he died, everyone knew he would join
her again before long. And by what he, always a staunch rationalist, would undoubtedly have called pure
coincidence, he died on her birthday, November 6, three weeks before his own ninety-third.
He won the Gandalf Grand Master Award from the World Science Fiction Convention, and was also
named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America. Even so, his works, these days, are
less well remembered than they ought to be, not least because he was modest almost to a fault. When he
appeared on one of the trading cards the 2000 Worldcon put out, his quote on the back read simply,
"I've been lucky." Maybe he was, but he was also very, very good.
I count him as my spiritual father. When I told him that in a letter in 1998, he replied that I gave him too
much credit and myself not enough—again, utterly in character. Back in the days when I was trying to get
my feet wet as a writer, I would say to my friends, "I want to be L. Sprague de Camp when I grow up."
That was more than half a lifetime ago; I realize now, as I didn't then, how foolish I was. There was, and
could be, only one of Sprague. Even so, in another sense I wasn't so far wrong after all. I could have
picked a great many worse models, and very few better ones. I miss him.
A Land of Romance
David Drake
The marketing bullpen at Strangeco Headquarters held seventy-five desks. Howard Jones was the only
person in the huge room when the phone began ringing. He ignored the sound and went on with what he
was doing.
It was a wrong number—it had to be. Nobody'd be calling seriously on a Sunday morning.
Dynamic 25-year-old executive . . . Howard sucked in his gut as he typed, not that there was much gut
to worry about. Ready to take on adventurous new challenges. . . .
The phone continued to ring. It could be the manager of one of the Middle Eastern outlets where they
kept a Friday-Saturday weekend, with a problem that only a bold—a swashbuckling —marketing
professional like Howard Jones could take on. Did Strangeco have a branch in the Casbah of Algiers?
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