Kim Hunter - Red Pavillions 02 - Wizard's Funeral(1).pdf

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Chapter One
Those who have not seen the dazzling towers, the obsidian turrets, the domes,
the green-glass cupolas of Zamerkand, have surely missed the greater part of
earth’s splendour. The morning sun is quick to find high, golden porches
bright enough to blind a traveller many leagues from the city. Polished lapis
lazuli tiles bordering lofty battlements shine with a penetrating blueness.
Silver gutters glint with points of light that might come from the divine
weaponry of a warrior-deity. The city is a great geometrical flower opening to
the morning, the light running and leaping from spire to column to belfry to
campanile to fleche, like sacred fire racing from one heavenly petal-point to
the next.
On the battlements stand the Imperial Guardsmen, their helmets flashing, their
spearpoints glinting. Around the walls of the city, almost completing the
circle but for a man-made tunnel of stone, there to protect the canal all the
way down to the sea, stand the red-ochre pavilions of the mercenary army of
Carthagans. Their weapons gleam with a duller light. Unlike those of the
Imperial guardsmen, which are taken out only to polish before parades and
drills, the Carthagan weapons are frequently used in anger. They are tarnished
with constant employment: their surfaces scratched; their edges sharp, but
wavy with honing; the flaws in their blades stained with the blackened blood
of enemies.
Five miles long and five miles wide, the city stands in the South of Guthrum,
rich and powerful, and ripe with wealth.
On one of the green turrets which looked out over the surrounding countryside
stood a man who had slept very little during the long and ponderous night. He
called himself Soldier and he was married to the queen’s younger sister,
Layana. Soldier saw the rider come from the West, from the Seven Peaks where
the gods lived, and the wizards ruled. The rider looked exhausted, swaying in
his saddle, his feet frequently slipping from the stirrups. Garthagans on
their way to fetch early-morning water parted for him, allowing him a path,
and the great wooden gates of the city, bold with brass and bronze, swung open
as if this horseman had been expected for a very long time.
‘Drissila?’ called Soldier, not moving from the turret’s balcony, ‘is your
mistress in the real world this morning?’‘I fear she is unhappy,’ came the
answer. ‘The demons visited her during the night and are now within her.’
Soldier sighed deeply. He loved his wife with a deepness that is found only by
a man who has lost a former love to dark fingers of death. She was his future,
past and present. He would kill for her, he would die for her.
‘Is Ofao tending to her needs?’‘Ofao and myself.’‘Thank you.’
The rider, now in the market square, almost fell from his horse onto the
cobbles. Captain Kaff, of the Imperial Guard, was hurrying onto the scene.
Others were scurrying forth, gathering their robes about them — officials of
the court — keeping their hemlines clear of horse and donkey shit: Chancellor
Humbold; Quidquod, Lord of the Royal Purse; Maldrake, Lord of the Locks;
Qintara, Lady of the Ladders; Marshal Crushklte, Warlord of Guthrum. Even the
ruler of Guthrum, Queen Vanda, had quit her boudoir to appear on the balcony
of her tower on the Palace of Birds.
A raven landed near to Soldier’s elbow as he surveyed this scene in the
streets below.
‘I’ll wager a dozen the King Magus is dead,’ said the raven. ‘Pancakes, that
is, fried in lovely hot corn oil.’‘You won’t find a taker here,’ replied
‘The King Magus is dead!’ cried the rider in a ragged voice. ‘Where is the
wizard to take his place?’‘There you are,’ said the raven. ‘Pancakes for
breakfast.’‘You didn’t get a taker,’ Soldier reminded him. ‘Anyway, how did
you know?’‘Oh, you know me. I fly here, I fly there. I talk with the
wind.’‘But you’ve been outside my window all night.’‘Idiot, you’ve only got to
look at the world this morning to see how it’s changed. See how the sun shines
brightly? Look how blue the mountains seem now, where once they were gloomy
and oppressive. Listen to the sparkle in the cock’s voice as he crows! The
whole kingdom of the living and the dead has changed its aspect.’
And the bird was right. It had. Soldier had been too rapt in his own troubles
to notice how much better this day appeared than yesterday, or the day before,
or a thousand days before that.
The raven took to the air, settling some distance away on the pommel of a
The rider in the square below was being questioned further now.
‘Who inherits?’ cried Humbold. ‘Who is the new King Magus?’‘Why, I am
instructed - instructed ...’ the rider was visibly wilting, but Captain Kaff
shook him to keep him awake. ‘Instructed to tell you that he is the son of a
woman called Uthellen, of this city.’‘Of this city?’ shouted the mob, now
flowing from their shanties and hovels. Zamerkand might have had a shining
coat, but it also had a rotten heart.
Humbold shouted, ‘Who knows this Uthellen?’
There was a buzz and a rumble from the crowd.
Marshal Crushkite yelled, ‘Someone must know her.’
Silence now fell upon the cobbled square.
‘Anyone?’ cried Captain Kaff.
The silence deepened.
Finally. ‘I know her.’
All eyes looked up to where the voice had come from.
Kaff nodded his head slowly and grimaced. Humbold sighed. A trader called
Spagg, seller of hanged men’s hands, spat in the gutter.
It was Soldier who had spoken.
‘You?’ said Marshall Crushkite, who almost alone among the watchers was not an
enemy of the man in the high tower. ‘Is she in Zamerkand, Soldier? Where is
she?’‘She used to reside in the sewers, along with her child, amongst the poor
and destitute.’
There was a shuffling from the officials. The King Magus did not usually
intervene in petty human affairs, being concerned with higher things, but he
was invested with great power; enough to destroy any city, even whole
countries. Only an innate sense of justness and Tightness curbed the hand of
the King Magus when it came to levelling those who had displeased him.
This, indeed, was a new King Magus. Would he have the same integrity as the
last? Or would he settle a few scores, beginning his new reign with the slate
wiped clean of any bitterness?
Queen Vanda spoke now, from the balcony of the Palace of Birds. ‘Soldier, you
know the order of things. There must always be the poor, the rich and varying
degrees between. That he was raised amongst the wretched people of this city
is the fault of social order, not of our government.’
Soldier did not necessarily agree with this point of view, but he saw that
there was nothing to be served by arguing.
‘The boy, when I last\ knew him, did not see himself as a victim of the state.
There, was no bitterness in his heart. But who knows the mind of a wizard?’
The queen sighed, her small, heart-shaped face pale with the effort of finding
solutions. ‘Can you find him?’‘I think so. He is outside the city, that I do
know.’‘Then here is your task. You see your work before you. Chancellor, give
Soldier all that he needs to form an expedition to find the new King Magus, so
that he may be informed of his predecessor’s death. He must take up his
exalted post as quickly as possible.’
With that the queen left her balcony and swept into her chambers in a cloud of
purple chiffons and silks.
Soldier was informed that he was to report to Captain Kaff within the hour.
He went to his wife’s chambers, to see if she recognised him.
She did.
‘You bastard,’ she spat. ‘Come to gloat over me in my madness, have you?’
She was hunched up in one corner of her great bed — a bed he seldom shared
these days - the sheets knotted round her frail, diminutive form. His heart
bled for her in her distress. Her face — normally animated and quite beautiful
since the scars had gone — was screwed into a malevolent expression that
filled him with disquiet. Soldier knew it was useless to argue with her. He
simply bade her farewell.
‘I must go away on the queen’s business,’ he said. ‘I’ll return as soon as I
Ofao, also in the room, had to restrain his mistress as she leapt towards
Soldier with her hands like claws, her nails ready to rake his face.
‘Yes, go! You can’t wait to get away from me, can you? Are you bedding my
sister? Does the queen demand your body between her sheets? You must be
laughing at me, the pair of you. The foolish Princess Layana, whose husband
fucks the queen.’‘Your sister is as concerned for your welfare as I am,’ said
Soldier. ‘There is nothing between us. In your heart you know that. I am going
away to fetch the new King Magus and install him in his mountain palace. I
will return as soon as possible.’‘Why come back?’ she cried, savagely,
struggling with Ofao’s firm grip. ‘Why bother to return?’ Her face was a
vicious mask. ‘You know I hate you. Why would you want to come back to a wife
who thinks you are dirt?’
He made the usual mistake of trying to reason with her, when rationality had
already flown like escaping birds.
‘You say that now, but when — when you are normal, you tell me you love me.’
She smiled, nastily. ‘I only tell you that to unsettle you, to give you false
confidence. This is my normal self. This is how I really feel. How could I
love a man like you? You’re a freak,-a creature with blue eyes. No other
creature - man, beast, bird - has blue eyes. And who are you? You do not know
your name, you have no memory of your past, and you arrived here with nothing
but a few scraps of armour. You can’t possibly believe that I, a princess,
could love a nobody ...’
Soldier left the room quickly, before she could go on. Layana in her madness
had the power to agitate him to the very roots of his soul. Seven times in the
past year she had tried to murder him in the night. His scabbard, which sang
out a warning when he was being attacked, was the only thing which had kept
him alive. Sintra was the gold-thread name on his scabbard and it sheathed a
sword named Kutrama, though he had arrived in this world with only the former,
the latter having been lost somewhere on the way.
Soldier went now to his own chambers and dressed himself in light armour, not
forgetting the warhammer he had wrested from an attacking Hannack. The last
time he had sgen Uthellen and her son they were hiding in a forest to the
north. On his journey there Soldier might be attacked by Hannacks, or any
other bands of brigands roaming the wastelands and countryside.
One thing he had discovered about himself was a deepseated rage which erupted
during moments of battle, so that he was known as one of the most savage
lighters this world had ever encountered. He was appalled by his own barbarity
at such times. The overwhelming feeling of vicious hatred which surged through
him was as frightening to him as it was to his enemies and watchers. He
wondered where it came from, what had happened to him for it to be there in
the first place.
‘One of these days I shall find myself,’ he thought, ‘and I have no doubt I
won’t like who lies within.’
Armed, he went forth to Captain Kaff’s quarters, where the Imperial Guardsman
awaited him.
Kaff was one of Soldier’s greatest enemies. Soldier had cut off one of the
captain’s hands in a duel. Now the captain fitted live creatures onto the
stump that was his wrist. Today it was a sparrow-hawk. The effect was
alarming. The raptor remained still on the silver-banded stump, with folded
wings, unless Kaff reached forward, whereupon it spread its wings, flashed its
talons, and raked the air with its hooked beak.
‘There is a horse waiting for you at the gates,’ Kaff explained. ‘I have
arranged that myself and a company of men will ride with you. You will need
protection in open country. There are Hannacks about.’‘I’ll go alone,’ said
Kaff stared at him, the hawk fluttering. ‘You are a fool — as usual.’
Soldier ignored the insult. ‘I’ll take Spagg with me.’
There was a snorting sound from Kaff. ‘A lot that idiot can do to help if
you’re attacked by wolves, or worse.’‘Nevertheless.’
A shrug from the other. ‘Suit yourself.’‘And stay away from my wife.’
It was well known that Kaff was in love with Layana — had been even before the
arrival of Soldier — and visited her often as a friend and advisor. In the old
days Kaff had done nothing about his feelings of devotion for the princess
because he had deemed himself unworthy. Then this nobody, this riff-raff from
some war in an unknown place, had arrived and married her within a few short
weeks. Kaff had been more than incensed. He was almost prepared to sacrifice
the life of the new King Magus - wars, pestilence and famine come if they had
to — if it meant that Soldier would die too.
Kaff said, stiffly, ‘The Princess Layana has need of my services from time to
time.’‘If you try to seduce her, I’ll kill you. Captain of the Imperial Guard
or not.’
Kaff smiled. ‘You are assuming that this is possible, of course.’‘It’ll be a
great deal easier now I’ve taken one of your hands,’ snapped Soldier.
The smile instantly evaporated and Kaff’s lips curled.
‘One of these days . . .’he muttered, gripping his sword-hilt.
‘Just keep to your own bedroom, Kaff, and respect the rights of a husband.’
With that, Soldier left the captain’s quarters and made his way to the market
A raven landed on Soldier’s shoulder as he strode along.
‘Well, well, still causing mayhem with the Guthrum army, are we?’ said the
raven. ‘Still managing to volunteer for these suicidal missions? Got a
death-wish, have we?’‘You can shut up, too,’ muttered Soldier, worried that
someone would hear him talking to a bird and think him mad.
‘Oh, I can shut up - or I can chatter to my heart’s content. I think that’s up
to me, isn’t it? I’m entitled to my opinion of you, which is as low as it
always has been. Soldier the hero? Soldier the moron. You could get killed out
there, you know. Why didn’t you take up the offer of an escort?’‘Where were
you hiding?’ muttered Soldier. ‘Up the chimney?’‘Just outside the window,
actually.’‘You want to be careful you don’t finish up on the end of Raff’s
wrist one of thfese days. And as to the escort — I’ve more to fear from them
than I have from a bunch of rogue dragons. There’d be a danger of waking up
every morning with my throat cut. I prefer to go with just Spagg. He has his
faults but at least he’s scared stiff of me. Kaff has nothing but contempt for
my skills as a warrior. He thinks he’s better. What are you going to do? Will
you trail along?’
If the raven could have wrinkled his beak in distaste, he would have done.
‘With that stinking bag of dung, Spagg? Not on your life. Think I’ll stay here
and pick a few locks with my beak. There’s no larders out in open country.
I’ve got my stomach to think of, I have.’
The bird flew off.
At this time of day the market-place was thriving. In one corner of the
square, vegetables. In another, meat. On the north-east corner, livestock —
shuffling, snuffling, dropping today’s wet turds onto yesterday’s dried turds.
The last corner was where frauds and gullible buyers met, along with
eccentrics and those struck by lunar rays: fortune-tellers, physicians (as if
anybody could cure anyone of anything!), gem-sellers, ivory-dealers, sellers
of curios and carvings, and Spagg.
Spagg was a purveyor of dead men’s hands. Not just men either, but women kill
mostly for love and men mostly for money, and there is more money than love in
the world. Once the murderers were hanged Spagg had a licence to cut off their
hands and sell them as hands-of-glory: hands with magical properties, such as
the power of invisibility. There were many unsatisfied customers, but Spagg
always told them magic required belief and it was their lack of faith that was
the cause of the failure, not the hands-of-glory themselves.
‘What?’ cried the short, hairy man as Soldier approached. Spagg saw the look
in Soldier’s eyes. ‘Oh no,’ he said. ‘No, no, no. I went with you once before,
but I ain’t goin’ again. I was lucky to get back with my skin and good eye
intact. I ain’t goin’ to risk it a second time.’‘You haven’t got any choice,’
replied Soldier, firmly. ‘Unless you’d rather explain your reluctance to the
Queen’s Torturer?’
Spagg picked up a rather blue hand with swollen knuckles and threw it down
hard on the table.
‘It’s not fair,’ he whined. ‘I was just goin’ to the temple, for the
winter.’‘They won’t have you this year. I told them you laughed at the gods
when we were on our journeys. I told them you cursed the priests and swore at
the deities.’
That ain’t true!’‘Yes, it is.’‘Well - you shouldn’t be a tattle-tale, you
snitch. I was under stress. Anyone would swear and curse with a bunch of
bloodthirsty dwarves after ‘em. I bet even the priests would let out a few
Soldier shook his head sadly. ‘You see, it’s that kind of remark that gets you
into trouble.’
Slowly and reluctantly, Spagg covered his stall and wheeled it from the
‘I don’t understand you,’ he said to Soldier. ‘You don’t like me at all.
Whyd’you want me with you, on these treks of yourn.’‘I find your company
stimulating.’‘Liar.’‘Well, let’s put it this way, there’s not many people in
Zamerkand I would want with me, so there’s not much choice. I know you. I can
judge your stamina, your courage - or lack of it — and every aspect of your
character. Why would I take someone who is a mystery to me? I’d never know
when to run and when to stand and fight.’‘But with me, you always have to
run.’‘Exactly, I know where I stand — that is to say - run.’‘Funny beggar,
ain’t you,’ grumbled Spagg. ‘I’m splittin’ my sides, I am.’
The barrow was locked in a stable.
They’ll all be rotten by the time I get back,’ grumbled the hand-seller.
‘They’ll fall to bits.’‘You could pickle them.’‘Nah. There’s one or two of ‘em
got leprosy, and I can’t remember which. Puttin’ them in vinegar only hastens
the rot’.
The pair collected their horses outside the gates. They rode through the
Carthagan red tents, Soldier collecting one or two greetings on the way. He
was well thought of by the mercenaries. Not just because he was one of them,
and a captain at that, but because also he was not a Guthrumite. The
Carthagans were loyal to the country they protected, but they thought its
citizens weak and pathetic. The Carthagans were short, dark and stocky, like
small bulls. The Guthrumites were taller, pale and tended towards the lean.
The Carthagans were soldiers from the womb. The Guthrumites had to be moulded
into fighters like Captain Kaff- they had to be taught skills which came to
their mercenaries naturally.
Soldier stood somewhere between these two types. What he had that neither of
them possessed was an intrinsic fighting skill, learned in some other place.
His moves could not be anticipated, because he was unorthodox. Somewhere he
had learned to kill men without compassion, in ways that were new to this
Watching Soldier and Spagg leave, from a high position on the battlements of
Zamerkand, was Captain Kaff.
Once the two men were out of sight, Kaff wasted no time. He changed from his
uniform into a silk shirt, breeches and a flamboyant hat. He fitted a dove to
his wrist and put a sprig of myrtle in his buttonhole. Then he hurried off
towards the Palace of Wildflowers - the home of Princess Layana and her absent
Forcing his way past the servants, he demanded audience with the princess.
They told him she was not in a fit state.
‘She’ll see me,’ he said. ‘She always sees me.’‘Not today. Not in her
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