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Branch joints

Branch joints.

It is accepted the branch connexion with lacings of width  b = $2.1$ mm and thickness  g = $2.2$ mm in spacing  l1 = $2.0$ mm, of steel $2.3$.

Branch slenderness ratio:

                                          ln = l 1 = l1 / i1 = $2.0$ / $2.5$ = $2.6$


Capacity reducing coefficients:

Instability coefficient for web wall with compression equals  jp = $3.1$. Member instability coefficient equals:

                                          = l1 / lp = $2.7$ / $2.9$ = $3.2$   Þ   j1 = $3.3$.

In this connexion, capacity reducing coefficients equals:

(*Mx               - for bending towards axis X:                                          yx = $3.4.1$*)<

(*My               - for bending towards axis Y:                                          yy = $3.4.2$*)<

(*N               - for compression:                                                        yo = $3.4.3$*)<

Member replacement slenderness ratio:

(*X  - for buckling in surface perpendicular to axis X

                            l = lwx / ix = $2.11.1$ / $2.12.1$ = $2.13.1$



*)(*Y  - for buckling in surface perpendicular to axis Y

                            l = lwy / iy = $2.11.2$ / $2.12.2$ = $2.13.2$




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