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Proteus #13
HIS is a story about a world where science and magic
exist hand in hand. Sorcerers work alongside Scientists
without conflict. Dragons fly through a blood red sky, while
androids and robots populate the world below. You are a new
member of the Promethean Guild, a secret organisation
whose aim is the elimination of evil. The tasks you had to
undertake to prove yourself worthy of entry into the Guild
tested your skills and strength to the limit – but it was worth
the effort. The way is now open to you for adventure and
wealth, and you have the friendship and trust of the other
members of this elite body. Before you begin, you must
discover how swift, strong and skilful you are.
You will need two dice, a pencil and several sheets of
paper: use the pencil and paper to draw a map of your
progress. You may not succeed in the first attempt, and the
map will be useful in future attempts.
There is a Quest Sheet for you to write down your scores
for Dexterity, Strength and Skill, and to keep a note of your
rations, secrets learnt and items discovered. You may prefer,
before you begin your adventure, to use the printed Quest
Sheet simply as a model for the things you will need to take
note of, or keep a record of, during your Quest. If you do this,
you will obviously need another piece of paper to copy down
the headings on the Quest Sheet.
undertake. Eating a meal restores five Strength points. When
you stop for a meal – which you may do at any time, except
during a battle – add five points to your current Strength
score, and deduct one from the number of meals remaining to
you. But remember to use your rations wisely: you have a
long and difficult task ahead of you.
Rules for fighting
The weapon that you carry is one unique to your world – a
laser-sword. It is capable of firing a deadly laser beam, doing
serious damage to any opponent. If the weapon is turned
around, by operating a hidden switch a slender blade shoots
out from the handle, and it can then be used as a normal
The laser takes time to recharge each time you fire it, and
can therefore be used only once per battle. Unless told
otherwise , the first throw of the dice to calculate your Fighting
Power is for the laser (see below). If it is greater than your
opponent’s Fighting Power, you have succeeded in scoring a
hit with the laser and so can take six off your opponent’s
Strength score. For the rest of the battle, however, you must
use your weapon as a normal sword while the laser recharges.
If you miss with the first attempt, you do not get a second
chance at firing the laser.
To resolve a battle:
Each creature you meet will have its own Dexterity and
Strength scores, given in the text. Make a note of these.
1. Roll two dice, and add the creature’s current Dexterity
score. This is its Fighting Power .
2. Roll two dice, and add your own current Dexterity
score. This is your Fighting Power .
3. If your Fighting Power is greater than the creature’s,
you have scored a blow and wounded it. If this is the first
round of fighting, and you have fired your laser-sword,
subtract six Strength points from its Strength score at that
moment. For all subsequent rounds, subtract two Strength
points. If the creature’s Fighting Power is greater than yours,
it has wounded you – subtract two points from your current
Strength score (unless told otherwise in the text).
The next round of battle is done in just the same way. You
repeat steps 1, 2, and 3 above. When either your or the
creature’s Strength score is reduced to zero, the battle is over.
A zero Strength score means death, and you must begin again
with new dice rolls for Dexterity, Strength and Skill.
Dexterity, Strength and Skill
Dexterity – Roll one dice. Add 6 to this number, and make
a note of it on your Quest Sheet. This indicates your skill and
mastery of swordsmanship.
Strength – Roll two dice. Add 12 to this number and make
a note of it on your Quest Sheet. This is a measure of your
fitness and stamina.
Skill – Roll one dice. Add 6 to this number, and make a
note of it on your Quest Sheet. This indicates your ability to
pick locks, detect traps etc. From time to time, you may be
asked to test your Skill. To do this, roll two dice. If the
numbers on both dice add up to the same as or less than your
Skill, your alertness and training have acted to your
advantage. If, however, the numbers on both dice add up to
more than your Skill, you have not been so fortunate. In
either case, you will be told to turn to the appropriate section.
Your Dexterity, Strength and Skill ratings will probably
change during the course of your adventure. You may lose
Strength points in battle, for example, and then restore them
by eating a meal. Your characteristics may also be affected by
the items you discover in the course of your adventure, and in
such situations, you will be told in the text what to do. You
must remember, however, that your Strength, Dexterity and
Skill scores must not exceed their Initial values, as
determined by the dice rolls at the start of any one adventure.
Losing and gaining points
In some sections you will be awarded extra points (for
example, you may read “Gain three Strength points”). You
add these to your current Strength score, but remember,
these scores may never exceed their Initial values. When you
lose points (for example, “Lose one Dexterity point and two
Strength points”), you simply deduct these from your current
Replenishing your Strength
You are allowed to take with you enough rations for six
meals: this is for the whole of the task you are about to
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