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Truth, Definite Truth, and Paradox
Journal of Philosophy, Inc.
Truth, Definite Truth, and Paradox
Author(s): Stephen Yablo
Source: The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 86, No. 10, Eighty-Sixth Annual Meeting American
Philosophical Association, Eastern Division (Oct., 1989), pp. 539-541
Published by: Journal of Philosophy, Inc.
Accessed: 05/03/2009 09:43
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complexity of IF, is staggering. We have merely described IF,, from
an external vantage point. The essentially richer metalanguage is still
with us.
We can do better. One can give an effective version of this con-
struction in which the theory r is actually written down, concretely
and explicitly.9 The mathematical details are somewhat intricate,'0
but their unmistakable basis is the Kripke construction.
As Tarski saw clearly, if we insist that our semantic theory entail
schema (T), we shall only be able to give a semantic theory for a
language if we can look at the language from the perspective of an
essentially richer metalanguage. This implies that we cannot give a
semantics for the very language we speak, for we have no external
vantage point. On the other hand, if, as I recommend, we weaken
our requirements from (T) to (DT), we find that we can give a con-
sistent theory of truth for our own language. Thus, there will be no
logical grounds for supposing that human language must lie beyond
the reach of human understanding.
University of Arizona
T HE STORY we are given has three parts:since (1) the para-
doxes show that our "naive understanding of truth" is in-
consistent, (2) a new understanding is required, which (3) is
obtainable by redeployment of Saul Kripke's methods in the form of
a theory which (i) does minimal violence to semantic intuition, (ii) can
be formulated in the language of which it treats, (iii) discovers an
error in the naive reasoning that leads to paradox, and (iv) generates
no new paradoxes of its own. Just to be contrary, I quarrel with most
all of this.
Suppose that our naive understanding of truth is inconsistent.
Since the truth about anything, truth included, is consistent, does it
not follow that naive truth theory, like any theory which misdescribes
the facts, needs revision? Only, I think, if it purports to describe the
9 The effective version uses A-logical consequence in place of the mathematically
obstreperous supervaluational consequence.
'1 See ch. 8 of my Truth, Vagueness, and Paradox: An Essay on the Logic of
Truth (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1989).
* Abstract of a paper to be presented in an APA symposium on Kripke's Theory
of Truth, December 29, commenting on a paper by Vann McGee, this JOURNAL, this
issue, 530-539.
C) 1989 The Journal of Philosophy, Inc.
facts, an assumption which sits as ill with Vann McGee's "meaning
postulates" and "linguistic conventions" as with Kripke's guiding
metaphor of "explaining the word 'true' to someone who does not
yet understand it." Meaning something by a word involves the obli-
gation to employ it in a certain manner, or else incorrectly; and the
paradox's legendary intransigence suggests that the contradiction, if
such there be, is forced on us by the meaning we attach to 'true'.
But then its lesson is not, as the analogy with genetics suggests,
that we are caught up in factual errors, but that the meaning of
'true' imposes irreconcilable obligations. If a "scientifically re-
constructed" understanding of truth is indicated, that is because
semantics would go better, if we meant something different by
'true'. Maybe it would. But it can hardly relieve any genuinely
philosophical discomfort about the liar paradox, generated as it is by
the meaning that we have, to be told that another is now available.
What would relieve the discomfort is an explanation of what para-
dox is, and how something like that can issue from procedures whose
general workability has never been questioned. The "definitely"
theory pins the blame on our use of a definite-truth preserving
inference rule (e.g., TrS'p/lo) in a context (conditional proof) where
a (definitely) truth-preserving rule was needed; in essence, we err in
supposing that, if r<i is true, then p. Unless it is denied, implausibly,
that this is, in our usage, analytic, this diagnosis discovers an error
only relative to an alien construal of 'true'. What, if anything, is the
error, given the actual meaning of 'true'?
To judge by the claim that our naive understanding of truth, if
paradoxical, is classically inconsistent, paradox is equated with clas-
sical inconsistency among naively acceptable classical formulae.
Thus, the naively acceptable (T)Tr&p'S?, in combination with the
empirical L = - TrLW,classically entails L &- L. By these standards,
it should also be a paradox if 'Spiderman enjoys soup' lacks truth-
value (in symbols, - T'S' & - T'-S'); for - TrS' & - T-S', in
the presence of (T), classically entails S &-S. Insistence on classical
methods, in this case as in others, turns the light of reason so blind-
ingly bright that intuitive distinctions are lost from view. The assimi-
lation of paradox to contradiction is a case in point. That our naive
understanding generates paradox may mean that it prescribes
contradictory assertions (e.g., in the obvious notation, O(F S?)and
0(F -S?)); but it may equally mean that it prescribes incompatible
actions (O(F Sp)and O(Y so)); or that its instructions are incoher-
ent (O(F S?) and -O(F (p)), or even ill-defined (O(F So,
if Y S?) and O(Y ep, if F so)). On these latter hypotheses, note there is
no real question of descriptive inaccuracy, because the conflicts are
all at the level of obligation.
McGee's positive proposals take off from his complaint that the
gap theory, though effective against the ordinary liar ('I am false'), is
powerless against the strengthened liar ('I am not true'). In fact, the
same problem arises in connection with both; if 'I am false' ('I am not
true') is neither true nor false, then it is afortiori not false (not true),
whence, given what it says, it is false (true) after all. Another problem
with the gap theory is that, if true, it is inexpressible in the language
of which it treats (if the liar is neither true nor false, then so is 'the
liar is neither true nor false'). Likewise, though, the "definitely"
theory cannot, on pain of contradiction, allow as definitely true its
own (apparent) prediction that X = 'X is not definitely true' is not
definitely true.
Perhaps this is to forget that it is not (yet) definite that X is not
definitely true (we may yet adopt conventions, given which it be-
comes definitely true). Such a response seems disingenuous, since
any convention that would make X definitely true would lead to
contradiction. Indeed, realizing this, will we not want to enact a
convention which precludes the determination of X as definitely
true? Only if we are willing to contradict ourselves; resolved though
we may be that X must never become definitely true, we cannot
consistently express this resolution except by ascent to the metalan-
guage (this is the kind of thing that troubles the sleep of the ghost of
Tarski's hierarchy). To make the point vivid, an appropriate formali-
zation of 'I am not definitely true, unless everything is' seems likely to
generate contradiction.
Grant that 'Xis not definitely true' is not definite; by what right do
I then assert that X is not definitely true? Perhaps the answer is that
assertibility goes not with definite truth, but with truth simpliciter; it
is true that X is not definitely true, because X is not entailed by facts
plus current conventions. On the other hand, in calling Xindefinite,
I describe it as (in McGee's words) 'either true or false, but it is not
clear which', which appears to commit me to the belief that it is not
clear whether Xis true. But Xis what I assert; and what business have
I in asserting something such that it is not clear whether it is true? If
'X is not definitely true' is not true, then it appears that 'one may
sincerely assert . . . statements that one does not believe to be true';
if so, then 'I no longer understand why the notion of truth . . . has
any real importance'. Could it be that we do not assert that X is not
definitely true? Why not, since such is evidently the case? (The ghost
University of Michigan
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