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Adaptive pole placement for a mimo quasi-linear parameter varying mobile robot - Control, Automatiom, Robotics and Vision, 2002. ICARCV 2002. 7th International Conference on
Seventh International Conference on Control, Automation,
Robotics And Vision (lCARCV’O2),Dec 2002, Singapore
Adaptive Pole Placement for a MIMO Quasi-Linear
Parameter Varying Mobile Robot
Antonios Tsourdos, John T. Economou, Brian A. White
Department of Aerospace, Power and Sensors
Royal Military College of Science
Cranfield University
Shrivenham,SN6 8LA
B.A. White@rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk
In this paper, an indirect adaptive control scheme IS
proposed for a multiple-input multiple-output differen-
tially steered mobile robot. The resulted closed-loop
system has an effective control for both the vehicle
longitudinal velocity and the vehicle yaw rate. The
closed-loop system stabilityis examined via LMI quad-
tratic stability test. The proposed scheme shows effec-
tiveness for a variaty of realistic simulation scenarios.
become adaptive and quasi-linear, to provide perfor-
mance over a greater range, in the face of changing
operating conditions.
The tracking performance of a mobile robot is also
dependent on the location within the steering envelope
and varies with factors such as yaw rate and acceler-
ation. Several approaches, including adaptive control
[l], [2], nonlinear control [3], and gain scheduling [4]
have been used to alleviate these tracking problems.
One of the most popular methods for applying
linear time-invariant (LTI) control theory to time-
varying and/or quasi-linear systems is gain schedul-
ing [5]. This strategy involves obtaining Taylor lin-
earised models for the plant at fhitely many equilibria
(“set points”), designing an LTI control law (“point
design”) to satisfy local performance objectives for
each point, and then adjusting (“scheduling”)the con-
troller gains in real time as the operating conditions
vary. This approach has been applied successfullyfor
many years, particularly for aircraft and process con-
trol problems. Relatively recent examples (some of
which involve modern control design methods) include
active suspensions [6], high-speed drives [7].
Despite past success of gain scheduling in practice,
until recently little has been known about it theoret-
ically as a time-varying and/or quasi-linear control
technique. Also, determining the actual scheduling
routine is more of an art than a science. While ad hoc
approaches such as linear interpolation and curve fit-
ting may be sufficient for simple static-gain controllers,
doing the same for dynamic multivariable controllers
can be a rather tedious process.
An early theoretical investigation into the perfor-
mance of parameter-varying systems can be found in
[8]. During the 1980’s, Rugh and his colleagues de-
veloped an analytical framework for gain scheduling
using extended linearisation [5]. Also, Shamma and
Athans [9] introduced linear parameter-varying (LPV)
systems as a tool for quantifying such heuristic design
rules as “the resulting parameter must vary slowly”
and “the scheduling parameter must capture the non-
linearities of the plant”. Shahruz and Behtash [lo]
suggested using LPV systems for synthesising gain-
scheduled controllers.
mobile robot longitudinal velocity
mobile robot yaw rate
motor armature voltage
common-mode artuator voltage
differential actuator volt
mobile robot mass
mobile robot Inertia
resistive moment of inertia
effective tyre force
Motor gearbox ratio
PMDC motor torque constant
Motor armature resistance
Wheel radius
C.G. to left track
C.G. to right track
C.G to front track
C.G to rear track
1 Introduction
The performance of vehicle and robotics systems is
hghly dependent on the capabilities of the guidance,
navigation and control systems. To achieve improved
performance in such robotic system systems, it is im-
portant that more sophisticated control systems be de-
veloped and implemented. In particular, as the perfor-
mance envelope is expanded, the control schemes must
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Attention has since turned to performance and de-
sign of parameter-dependent controllers for LPV sys-
tems. Various design methods which have been pro-
posed share several common features, e.g., the cur-
rent methods are based on extended state-space ap-
proaches to B, optimal control for LTI systems [12],
[U], and LTV systems [13]. Performance is usually
measured in terms of the induced Lz-norm, and con-
trollers are designed for certain classes of parameter
variations, e.g., real or complex values, arbitrarily fast
or bounded rates of variation, shape of the parame-
ter envelope etc. The resulting parameter-dependent
controllers are scheduled automatically, so that the of-
ten arduous task of scheduling a complex multivariable
controller a posteriori is avoided.
In this paper adaptive pole-placement control de-
sign technique is applied to the motion control for the
model. The mobile robot motion is modelled to be
quasi-linear with varying parameters. Based on the
quasi-linear model, we adopt for design procedure the
adaptive pole-placement method. In this scheme, un-
known parameters are estimated and based on these
estimates, control parameters are updated. Computer
simulations show that this approach is very promising
to apply the motion control design for mobile robots,
which are highly quasi-linear in dynamics.
2 Mobile Robot model
The quasi linear parameter varying model inputs &e
transformed using the common-mode 6.2 and differ-
ential 6 - demands as shown in 6 using the transfor-
mation% 5.
Assume that the left and right vehicle side actuators
are operating at the same armature voltages respec-
tively. The derived QLPV model structure is shown
Figure 1: Vehicle wheels force diagram
given-in 7 where x is the state miable vector to be
determined in terms of x and the reference signal.
in 1.
U, = -K(p)Tx (7)
It should be noted that K(p) is determined recur-
sively but its structure and in particular the values
of the lognitudinal and lateral controllers Kl(p) and
Kz(p) are obtained using the pole-placement tech-
Substituting the control law in the state equation
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The state space now is described by:
x = A'x (8)
with the augmented matrix A' to be given by A' =
[ ] = [ -rc- -;
A(P) 0
] [ ] + [ ] [ :zi 3 + [ f ] [ r: ]
( 12)
Ab) - BK(p)*.
The characteristic equation of the augmented sys-
The compensated system therefore becomes:
tem can now be determined:
The coefficients Ai,j are parameter dependant.
4 Closed-Loop Responses
The adaptive controller effectiveness is shown by
means of three reallistic scenarios.
Equating the above mathematical expression of the
characteristic polynomial of the augmented system
with the one of the desired (obtained using the de-
4.1 Scenario 1: Rectilinear motion
els are easily obtained.
But this controller would result only to a desired
transient of all- local models by placing-the.poles of
all the local systems within a specified area. However
since our aim is good tracking for the mobile robot
we should include to the design specification except
peak overshoot and settling time, zero steady-state er-
ror. Ths can be achieved with an integral term in the
forward path as it is shown at the block diagram 2.
In this case the recilinear system mode is excited and
therefore thd = 1.5ms-1 and I'd = 0. Figure 3(a)
clearly shows the velocity convergence to the demand.
In figure 4(b) the Jacobian system coefficients are
shown which are non-zero for the longitudinal model
J11 # 0, Jzz # 0. However coeflicients 512 = 521 = 0
which clearly identify a decoupled sytem. For this
robotic vehicle the centre of gravity is positioned so
that wl = wr and hence the yaw rate is zero. For cer-
tain applications in which the opposite holds wl # wT
even at tbd f 0,rd = 0 demands the mobile robot
would tend to drift towards the direction that the cen-
tre of gravity is shifted.
, ... . .
. . . , .. . .
Figure 2: Adaptive MIMO Pole Placement Structure
Figure 3: Longitudinal Velocity and Jacobian Matrix
The new augmented model would contain for this
system two more state variables to account for this
integral term. These new state variables are defined
4.2 Scenario 2: Pivot Turn motion
Another simulation scenario is for ud = O,rd/neqO
in which the yaw rate mode is excited. Figure 4(a)
shows the yaw rate convergence for a step demand of
Td = 2.5~~-'. In figure 4(b) similarly to the JXO-
bian coefficients of the rectilinear motion scenario the
system is decoupled due to the parameters properties.
xi = 1: edt = 1; ([ :: ] - [ :
I) dt
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sired performance characteristics) the coefficients of
the pole-placement controller for each of the local mod-
... .. .., .....
.. ...........
-.... 211:
.... =
- -
Figure 4: Yaw rate and Jacobian Matrix Coefficients
4.3 Scenario 3: Combined motion
During this scenario both modes are instanteneously
excited and therefore the coupled system generates
non zero Jacobian elements as shown in figure 4(d).
The demanded inputs are tbd = 1.5ms-' and Td =
respectively. The resulting step responses con-
vergence are shown in figure 4(a)(b). The associated
state variable erros are shown in figure 4(c).
Figure 6: Controller Gains Space and Combined Mo-
tion Gain Adaptation
the variations in the parameters of the system. In this
section we consider a system defined by
.................... .........
......... ............
..................... .....
. =
x = A(p)z (14)
where the state matrix Ab) is a function of a real pa-
rameter vector p = @I,. .. ,pk) E Rk. Let X = R*
be the state space of this system. One can think of
this (autonomous) system as a feedback interconnec-
tion of a plantsand a control system. We will analyze
the stability of the equilibrium point x* = 0 of this
system. More precisely, we analyze to what extent
the equilibrium point x* = 0 is asymptotically stable
when p varies in a prescribed set, say P, of uncertain
or varying parameters.
There are two particular cases of this stability prob-
lem that are of special interest.
1. the parameter vector p is a fixed but known ele-
ment of a parameter set P C Rk.
2. the parameter vector p is a time wrying p : R +
Rk which belongs to some set P of functions in
(Rk)R. The differential equation (14) is then to
be interpreted as $(t) = A(p(t))z(t).
The first case typically appears in models in which
the physical parameters are fixed but only approxi-
mately known up to some accuracy. Note that for
these parameters (14) defines a time-invariant system.
The second case involves time-varying parameters.For
this case one can in addition distinguish between the
situation where P consists of one element only (known
time varying perturbations) and the situation where P
is a higher dimensional set of time functions (arbitrary
time varying perturbations). Stability against time-
varying parameters is generally a more demanding re-
quirement for the system than stability against time-
Figure 5: Longitudinal Velocity, Yaw Rate and Error
Responses and Jacobian Matrix Coefficients
4.3.1 Adaptive Gains
The adaptive gain space for the pole placement con-
troller are shown in figures 6(a)(b)(c) and (d). For the
combined motion the actual adaptive gain trajectories
are also superimposed on the gain space for the 30s
test run.
5 Stability analysis
An important issue in the design of control systems
involves the question to what extent the stability and
performance of the controlled system is robust against
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.... .,
invariant unknown parameter.This is because second
case is obviously a special case of first one.
Since A is a continuous function of parameter p E P,
and P is compact, it is clear that the condition (16)
implies that the left hand side is uniformly negative
definite. That is, there exists a scalar 6 > 0, such that
for all p E P, AT@)P + PA@) 5 41n.
The different necessary and sufficient conditions for
quadratic stability are given in following theorem.
Theorem.[l5]Given a compact set P C RS, and
an integer m > 0, then the following conditions are
1. function A(p) is quadratically stable over P, i.e.
there exists a matrix P E S;xn, such that for all
5.1 Quadratic Stability
A sufficient condition for x* = 0 to be an asymptoti-
cally stable equilibrium point of (14) is the efistence
of a quadratic Lyapunov function
V(s) = ZTPZ
with P = PT > 0 such that
AT(p)P + PA@) < 0
2. for any C E Co(R6,PXm),
along state trajectories x of (14) that originate in a
neighbourhood of the equilibrium x* = 0. The system
(14) is said to be quadratically stable for perturbations
P if there exists a matrix P = PT > 0 such that
A@(t))TP + PA(p(t)) < 0
for all perturbations p E P. If the system (14) is
quadratically stable for perturbations P then V(x) =
xTPx is a quadratic Lyapunov function for (14) for
all p E P. The existence of a quadratic Lyapunov
function implies that the equilibrium point x* = 0 is
asymptotically stable. Quadratic stability for pertur-
bations A is therefore equivalent to the existence of
a quadratic Lyapunov function V(x) = xTPx,P > 0
such that
there exists a matrix
X E STxn, such that for all p E P
AT(p)X + XA(p) + XC(p)CT(p)X < 0
there exists a matrix
Y E S:xn, such that for all p E P
AT(p)Y + YA@) + YB@)BT(p)Y < 0
Definition [15]: For LPV systems (15), if A@(t))
is quadratically stable over P, then (15) is a quadrat-
ically stable LPV system.
The test requires that A@(t))be modeled as a con-
vex polytope of matrices, from the possible set of d-
ues of A@(t)). To construct the polytopic model of
A@(t)), we evaluate A@@)) over the extreme values
of the parameters and their derivatives. If there are
total 1 parameters and their derivatives, where 1 2 k;
then ACp(t)) may be considered as being contained
within a convex set with 2' vertices.
for all p E P.
Note that in general quadratic stability of the sys-
tem for an uncertainty class P places an infinite num-
ber of constraints on the symmetric matrix P.
A(&)) E 4{Ai,Az,..-,Az}
The conservative assumption of the quadratic Lya-
punov stability test is that the system can change in-
hitely fast. For example, the values of the matrix
A(p(t)) could instantly change from those of the ma-
trix A1 to those of another matrix, say Al. As im-
plemented by [l6], the test amounts to searching for
the matrix solution, P, to the following linear matrix
inequality over the vertices of the convex set
5.2 Quadratic Stability forQLPV Sys-
Recently developed stability tests may be employed to
assess the stability of the parameter varying systems
such as (15) [14].
x= ACp(t))z + B@(t))u
Y = C@(t))x +aP(t)).
p(t) E P,W 2 0 (15)
The quadratic Lyapunov test is a general, although
conservative test applicable to the systems like the one
encountered in this paper.
DefinitiomGiven a compact set P C RS, and a
function A E C"(R", Rnxn
a<o (17)
If a solution exists, the Lyapunov function
V(x(t),p(t)) demonstrates stability by satisfying
the function A is quadrati-
cally stable over P if there exists a matrix P E STxn,
such that for all p E P
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3. for any B E CO(Rs,
ATP+PAi < 2d
P 1 I for i=l--.
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