[About.nsO] .NorthShare - Friendly P2P [www.NorthShare.tk].txt

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       visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/northshare/ for more
       information. After you sign up for the group, you will
       eventually get an email that gives much greater detail
       about .NorthShare and how to participate.

       Help improve the quality and availability of files on
       P2P by participating in .NorthShare.

       If you are a P2P nut, fanatic, or afficionado,
       .NorthShare might be of interest to you.

       What is .NorthShare?

       Rather than ask, "Where can I find good files," perhaps
       one might ask, "How can I help provide the community
       with good files?"

       .NorthShare is a simple concept. When one finds
       interesting applications or reading material that are
       public domain or open source, one adds them to the
       shared folder of a P2P file-sharing program with reviews
       and comments. This method allows other file-seekers to
       find new content with a reasonable assurance that
       downloading it won't be infringing on anyone else's
       property rights or license agreements. It is "Friendly

       What's the concept behind .NorthShare?

       .NorthShare is a meeting point to introduce new and
       useful file content to the P2P networks. .NorthShare is
       a new idea in P2P file sharing. It does not require any
       snazzy new software or amazing new network protocols. It
       is an idea rooted in taking personal responsibility for
       maintaining and enhancing the quality of files available
       on P2P networks.

       Why .NorthShare?

       I've used many P2P clients to search for files relevant
       to my needs. Unfortunately for me, what I keep finding
       is the same old stuff. I find much ripped-off copies of
       softwares almost all of which have freeware and open
       source counterparts. Why would anyone even want a
       pirated copy of M$ junkware when there are free
       alternatives and even legal ways to get free copies? Why
       would one want to wait 3 days to download a 700 MB .ISO
       file to find out it is a fake? .NorthShare
       addresses these problems by ensuring that the people who
       introduce new files take ownership of their
       participation. Files will not be added to the
       .NorthShare server shares without a rigorous inspection
       and targeted, concise metadata provided by the
       contributor and sysop.

       I also find many ebooks and audio materials that are
       generally either poor quality or infringe upon someone's
       intellectual rights. But what about constantly updated,
       new, original, *lawful* content? How much of that is
       being shared via P2P today? Sadly, not much. Yet there
       are countless numbers of freely available ebooks and
       software for every concievable subject and need.

       What does the name, .NorthShare, mean?

       I decided to call my effort to introduce new content
       ".NorthShare," indicating that there is a direction and
       purpose. Since north is the direction that makes a
       compass work, .NorthShare seems like a good name for a
       good idea.

       How does one participate in .NorthShare?

       That is the simple part. One can visit the Yahoo!
       NorthShare group and sign up, then send email to the
       moderator introducing new and useful content. The files
       will need to be available either online or in the
       contributor's P2P shared files folder. The .NorthShare
       moderator will get the files, review them, check to make
       sure they are appropriate, then post them. Regular
       notices are posted about new files. The exact
       instructions for submitting files to .NorthShare are
       automatically emailed to one upon signing up for the
       .NorthShare Yahoo! Group.

       Where can one get .NorthShare files?

       There are several options, depending on which P2P client
       one is using.

       The .NorthShare server runs Shareaza. It is connected to
       the Gnutella2 and eDonkey networks. So one must be using
       a compatible P2P application such as Shareaza, eDonkey,
       Gnutella2, BearShare, LimeWire, or any eDonkey Core
       application. The .NorthShare server does not yet serve
       files to the FastTrack or WinMX/OpenNap networks.

       One can do a general search for files using the keyword
       "northshare" and wait anywhere from 5 minutes to 3 hours
       to get search results, depending on how widely
       distributed a particular file has become; or, one can
       visit the .NorthShare file list and click on the posted
       magnet and ed2k links which will automatically start a
       search for that particular file.

       What will .NorthShare do for participants?

       .NorthShare is a way to strengthen the effort to get
       useful, royalty-free files uploaded and available widely
       on P2P. If one uses P2P, it just makes sense to share
       files and assist in making more content freely
       available. If you gain satisfaction from knowing you are
       helping to improve P2P, then .NorthShare is for you.

       What does it take to make .NorthShare work?

       Share your files! Millions of P2P users leech huge
       collections of files but don't put any in their shared
       folders. This is a pity! When you find new files, add
       them to the shared folder, and send a notice to
       .NorthShare. .NorthShare will take care of the rest.

       It only takes a few minutes to participate, and the
       reward is in the deed itself--improving available P2P

       Visit the Yahoo! .NorthShare Group of the .NorthShare
       HomePage today for further information and instructions.

       Contact information and recommendations are below. Thank
       you for choosing a .NorthShare file.


       Contact Information

       eM: northshare-owner@yahoogroups.com
       weB: http://www.northshare.tk/
       grouP: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/northshare/


       Shareaza: .NorthShare unabashedly recommends Shareaza
       above all other P2P file-sharing software. Having
       downloaded, installed, and extensively tested almost
       every P2P client available, I can say without a doubt
       that Shareaza is the most effective, versatile, and easy
       to use. Shareaza downloads from *several* P2P networks
       simultaneously, uncluding Gnutella, Gnutella2, and
       eDonkey. It can be customized with skins, and with the
       proper settings is very easy on system resources. For
       more information or to download Shareaza, visit
       http://www.shareaza.com now. Note: .NorthShare is not in
       any way affiliated with Shareaza or its distributors.

       ExoSee: ExoSee is a new P2P application that comes in two
       flavors of Client and Community Server. Although there
       are a few bugs, ExoSee still works well. It features the
       ability to set up a community where others can connect
       to the community server to get and share files.
       .NorthShare strongly recommends ExoSee and .NorthShare
       encourages you to test the beta and help in the further
       development of ExoSee. Further Information is available
       at http://www.ExoSee.com. Note: .NorthShare is not in any
       way affiliated with ExoSee or its distributors.

       From time to time .NorthShare will host an ExoSee
       community server so that users can occasionally connect
       directly to the .NorthShare community to get new
       .NorthShare file releases.
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