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Elven Magic
An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication
Elven Magic
ISBN 9781419919008
Elven Magic Copyright © 2008 Regina Carlysle, Desiree Holt & Cindy Spencer Pape
Edited by Helen Woodall.
Cover art by Syneca.
Electronic book Publication December 2008
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Regina Carlysle, Desiree Holt & Cindy Spencer Pape
To friendship, and the fun of working together.
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Elven Magic
Sparkle squirmed anxiously in her candy-cane striped chair. It was all their fault,
the big oafs. They constantly bickered with each other and baited her, so none of them
ever got any work done. Neither of them could see that they were hot for each other,
and that was the source of all their problems. Too bad, in a way. Glimmer and Will
were the two sexiest elves at the North Pole, and Sparkle got all damp and needy every
time she looked at either of them.
“This marshmallow fight in the candy facility was the last straw,” Santa said as he
read the three of them the riot act. Sparkle tried hard to focus on the boss’s words, not
on how good the other two smelled, even over the scent of burnt marshmallow.
“It wouldn’t have been so bad if the marshmallows hadn’t been on fire at the time,”
she muttered. That touch had been Will’s contribution, and that’s when things had
really gone to hell.
“I’ve tried placing you in every division we have here, and you’ve managed to
make a disaster of each and every one. I should fire all of you.”
Sparkle felt her face go white. Fire them? No! What other career options did a
Christmas elf have, after all? She sat up straight in her chair, trying not to let the guys
see how terrified she was by the thought.
“But it’s almost Christmas, and I’m feeling benevolent.” Sparkle suppressed an un-
elf-like snort. Yeah, well that was sort of his job, wasn’t it?
“So here’s the deal. I’m giving each of you one last chance. There’s a family of three
sisters, from Melbourne, Texas. They’ve all had a rough time of it this year, and the
holiday season isn’t shaping up to be any better. So each of you will be assigned to
ensure a Merry Christmas for one of the sisters. Do it, and you can return to the North
Pole and stay. Fail, and you’re on your own. Do you understand me?”
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