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[100][143]Brazil tokantins,
[178][216]a hot and mercless terrain.
[266][300]With the crystal waters of the rio novo
[300][337]providing a source of life and hidden danger.
[373][445]36 days ago, 16 strangers were thrust|into this unforgiving environment.
[445][473]Welcome to "survivor:|Tocantins.
[473][505]"Your time starts now|because this game is on.
[505][527]Jalapao and timbira.
[527][547]Jalapao wins immunity!
[547][567]Went blow for blow|in challenges.
[567][600]Timbira wins immunity!
[605][627]Right now, the momentum|is like this.
[627][656]Jeff: Jalapaoins immunity!
[656][680]Timbira wins immunity!
[680][701]But the real game|was back at camp.
[701][723]J. T., Stephen, and taj.
[723][752]-Everybody give me their hand.|-Jeff: Formed the jalapao three.
[752][800]Taj just put herself, me, and|steechb in a really tight alliance.
[800][825]Jeff: At an early|timbira trooibl.
[825][845]I love to be the leader. That's|what I'm doing.
[845][867]Jeff: Coach fought for|control of his tribe.
[867][902]It's a role that coach is used to but it's|something that brendan does better.
[902][944]For her to be so quick to say that I think|comes more to a personality collab.
[944][1001]Jeff: And erinn, a perpetual outsider,|struggled to stay in the game.
[1001][1033]I have to turn girl that maybe is kind of on the
[1033][1061]outs a little bit into the opposite of that
[1061][1102]because now I feel like I'm kind of|fighting for my life a little bit.
[1102][1116]Jeff: Timbira wins immunity!
[1116][1139]Timbira took the lead|in challenges.
[1139][1176]After the merge, timbira was six strong against
[1176][1208]the jalapao three taj, stephen, and J. T.
[1208][1260]Traditionally, you're outnumbered going|into a merge, you're a sitting duck.
[1264][1277]What will today bring?
[1277][1305]Jeff: But with coach and brendan|locked in a power struggle...
[1305][1341]When it comes head to head, we'll|see who really was the chosen one.
[1341][1366]Jeff: And erinn|still on the outs.
[1379][1420]The jalapao three saw an|opportunity to divide and conquer.
[1420][1435]Erinn's vote will be huge.
[1435][1484]Taj, myself, steechb, and erinn|could easily turn the game around.
[1484][1524]Jeff: They convinced erinn to turn|on her former timba tribemates
[1524][1577]and wipe them from the game in a|devastating series of blindsides.
[1577][1594]The tribe has spoken.
[1594][1615]Until only coach remained.
[1615][1640]Dragon slayer make|his dragon cane.
[1640][1664]Jeff: He was ready|for a fight.
[1664][1690]But it turned out to|be his last stand.
[1690][1722]12th person voted out and|the fig member of our jury.
[1722][1751]He received every|vote except T.'S.
[1751][1778]The tribe has spoken.
[1778][1805]Now only four remain.
[1805][1836]-Erinn. -I will lie and cheat|and stab you in the back.
[1836][1886]I didn't come out here so that my friends|and family at home could really respect mE.
[1886][1914]I came out here because I want to|go home with a million bucks.
[1914][1949]-Jeff: Stephen. -I think my story is a|little bit of a david and dlith story.
[1949][1971]I am not a physical|competitor in challenges.
[1971][2014]I am not the guy at ease in the wild,|and for me to be sitting really close
[2014][2045]right now to a million dollars|I think speaks a lot for me.
[2045][2077]-Jeff: Taj... -This this game I'm|trying to stay under the radar,
[2077][2106]have everyone believe I'm|in this simple person.
[2106][2131]If I have to smile in your face|and stab you in the back,
[2131][2152]I'm sorry, that's the name of|the game. I'm going to do it.
[2152][2193]-Jeff: J. T.. -I'm the|hardest worker out here.
[2193][2207]I get things done.
[2207][2249]I fish, I work, battle it out|in the physical challenges,
[2249][2273]and I come back and|start the social game.
[2273][2303]I'm an all-around competitor in|this game. It was made for me.
[2303][2353]Find out tonight who will|be the sole survivor.
[2498][2515]All right, kids.
[2515][2541]Final four.
[2548][2568]Exciting stuff.
[2568][2596]And four in one shot at|a million dollars.
[2613][2634]Say it louder.
[2634][2656]-Final four, guys. -High five.
[2656][2677]We are the final four.
[2677][2714]We just had tribal council|tonight and coach went home.
[2714][2771]Coach made me promise him that|I was voting erinn, and I did.
[2771][2793]I voted erinn|tonight with coach.
[2793][2837]It was tough to see him go, but|we're down to the final four now
[2837][2864]so everything's going as planned. I'm just starting
[2864][2887]to get a little worried about jury votes.
[2887][2914]That was a hard vote, man. After all|those nice things coach said about me,
[2914][2931]it was not easy to|vote against him.
[2931][2949]It got you a loof jury votes.
[2949][2974]No, way, man after they|saw me betray him.
[2974][2997]They don't know.
[2997][3020]Right, they don't know|who betrayed him.
[3048][3077]J. T. Ended up voting with coach, I think
[3077][3103]for both personal and strategic reasons.
[3103][3130]You know, then J. T. Comes off|looking like the loyal ally,
[3130][3155]whereas I'm the guy who|backstabbed coach.
[3155][3172]Ultimately, I think|it will hurt me.
[3172][3196]You definitely got his|vote tonight, friend.
[3196][3251]I think I probably come off as a villain|and you're going to profit from it.
[3251][3268]Either way, it's done.
[3268][3284]I'm, obviously, very|loyal to J. T.,
[3284][3322]But I'm also loyal to myself and my|own odds of winning a million dollars
[3322][3354]so need to think about who do I|want to be there with at the end?
[3354][3382]Who I can beat at the end?
[3397][3473]<font color=#38B0DE>-=www. ydy. com/bbs=-|Proudly Presents</font>
[3473][3560]<font color=#38B0DE>Sync: YTET =www. ydy. com/bbs=-</font>
[3729][3804]<font color=#38B0DE>survivor|Season 18 Episode 14</font>
[3909][3935]Day 37.
[3935][3962]Day 37.
[3962][4006]It's lard to believe that|I'm still here, final four.
[4006][4040]There's a huge feeling of accomplishment,|especially for me, stephen, and taj,
[4040][4072]the remaining three jalapao are|here in the final four together.
[4083][4107]You guys want to check|if we got tree mail.
[4140][4177]We were supposed to be gone a long time|ago and to come over here outnumbered
[4177][4221]and now be three to one, and our entire jury
[4221][4258]is timbira, I mean it's a masterpiece.
[4270][4317]Can't discount anybody|in the final four.
[4338][4363]Our biggest threat,|of course, is J.
[4363][4392]I know.
[4392][4433]Well, you know, if J. T. Loses|immunity, dot, dot, dot.
[4448][4471]I don't know.
[4471][4491]-Dot, dot, dot. -I don't|think I can do that.
[4491][4511]I couldn't do that, either.
[4511][4551]You know, better him than me.
[4565][4597]Tree mail!
[4609][4626]Tree mail-- oh!
[4626][4668]Oh, no!
[4668][4696]-This could be ugly. -Oh, no!
[4696][4718]This could be ugly.
[4718][4782]I am the last timbira standing, which means that|I'm with three of the original jalapao members,
[4782][4806]people who have been|together since day one.
[4806][4837]And they've really become|like best friends out here.
[4837][4850]Look at this thing.
[4850][4882]What. What in the hell|is that? A spider?
[4882][4902]Oh, that's nasty.
[4902][4943]Hope you're not arack nophobic do|huge spiders make you worry?
[4943][4990]If you get spun out with the web|you could get stuck in the jury.
[4990][5015]"Spun out "web"...
[5015][5051]I would definitely like|to win immunity today.
[5051][5100]Otherwise, it could very|well be me going home.
[5173][5197]Jeff: Come g in, uys!
[5324][5355]Welcome final four. Congratulations.
[5355][5378]Guys ready to get to|today's challenge?
[5378][5426]Jeff: First things first, J. T.,|Take back the immunity necklace.
[5461][5504]Once again immunity is|back up for grabs.
[5504][5537]For today's challenge, you're going to race through a
[5537][5572]tarantula-shaped obstacle course to three different stations,
[5572][5613]then retrieve a bag of puzzle|pieces from each one.
[5613][5642]Once you've collected all three bags, you'll use
[5642][5672]those puzzle pieces to solve a web-shaped puzzle.
[5672][5704]First person to get it right wins immunity, guaranteed
[5704][5728]a one-in-three shot of winning this game.
[5728][5772]Lose this challenge, are you guaranteed|a one-in-three shot of going home.
[5772][5797]Big stakes.
[5797][5815]You guys ready to get started?
[5815][5834]Jeff: Let's do it.
[5867][5937]Here we go, for immunity, and a guaranteed|spot in the final three, survivors ready?
[6039][6085]J. T. And taj going up the|same leg of the tarantula.
[6085][6124]Even though there are|many to choose from.
[6152][6196]J. T. Flying through it|and out the other side.
[6196][6218]Stephen really|taking his time.
[6218][6243]Erinn taking her time.
[6243][6283]J. T. Has his first|bag. He's heading back.
[6303][6340]J. T. Now flying back|the other way.
[6340][6362]Erinn working on|her first bag.
[6362][6410]Stephen at his first bag,|taj at her first bag.
[6470][6510]J. T. Heading out for|bag number two.
[6514][6550]That rope will take you up.
[6554][6591]You'll lose some skin|in this challenge.
[6591][6622]J. T. At his second bag.
[6622][6664]Nobody else even back with|their first bag yet.
[6690][6737]Taj back with her first bag. Stephen|back with his first bag.
[6759][6788]Erinn now back with|her first bag.
[6788][6822]J. T. Back with his second bag.
[6822][6877]J. T. Has one bag left, only|one bag left for J. T.
[6929][6944]There's going to|be a showdown--
[6944][6978]J. T. Heading one way,|taj heading the other.
[6978][7004]Stephen back with|his second bag.
[7004][7023]Lie down flat. Come|through in a hurry.
[7023][7062]Jeff: J. T. Going over taj.
[7089][7124]Erinn back with|her second bag.
[7124][7155]Taj is out...
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